
Crimson Faith : A Naruto Tale

UA plot, Naruto is the main mc Not a SI or transmigration fic, Just an alternative universe, with my own spice Jounin actually mean shit here. Kage level are genuine monster to normal people. Jashin is a real thing, the whole UA because of this mf Some cool fights and world building, Jutsu will actually make sense Neji certainly wont end up penetrated by the world here. No harem (at least nothing too obvious if any caractere got one ) More dept to chakra and chakra techniques Read if if you got a fetish for some hot blooded fighting and epic shit This here is a what if story. Made after watching Asuma dying to Hidan, i asked myself how would the world look with Jashin having more presence in it. This is a story where chaos and intrigues never end,with long arcs. Disclamer : I dont now own naruto or anything related to it that belong to their respective owner, only Oc would belong to me. I dont own the Book Picture. if you like the work you can support me on ko-f* you can find me on k*fi /lightofcertainity/

LightOfCertainity · Cómic
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55 Chs

Revelations at Graduation: The Aftermath

In the solemn atmosphere of the Hokage's office, the Third Hokage, Hiruzen Sarutobi, sat behind his desk, his expression betraying little emotion. The room was laden with unspoken tension as Naruto and Iruka stood before him, each harboring their own set of intricate feelings.

Naruto's eyes burned with a mix of anger and confusion, directed at the Hokage who had concealed the truth about the Nine-Tails from him. The conflicting emotions played out on his face – gratitude for the care he had received from the village, frustration at being kept in the dark, and a deep-seated confusion about his supposed identity as the Nine tail.

Iruka, standing steadfast beside Naruto, offered a supportive presence. His gaze reflected understanding, sympathy for Naruto's struggles, and a palpable sense of guilt for being entangled in the secrecy. As Naruto's mentor and father figure, Iruka grappled with the weight of the responsibility placed on him by the village's leaders.

The Third Hokage, observing the tumultuous emotions playing out in his protege and the young Jinchuriki, maintained his composure. The decision to keep Naruto's status a secret was a complex one, a delicate balance between protecting the village and safeguarding Naruto's own well-being.

As the room remained enveloped in silence, the unspoken tension resonated with the weight of hidden truths, duty, and the intricate web of emotions that bound the three individuals in this pivotal moment.

The Third Hokage saw Naruto's bitter expression, anticipating the outburst that never came. A surprised curiosity marked the old leader's face as he questioned why Naruto held back. 

"Naruto, I expected you to be angrier," he admitted, his aged eyes searching for the emotions hidden beneath Naruto's exterior.The Third Hokage, leaning back in his chair, regarded Naruto with a thoughtful gaze. 

The young ninja, displaying a newfound maturity, raised his head, his thumb gesturing towards the Konoha headband adorning his forehead. "I thought about it,Granpa. Yelling, screaming, blaming everyone. But what would that achieve? I've grown up. Being the Nine-Tails doesn't define me anymore. I'm Naruto Uzumaki."

"I have people who see beyond the fox inside. I've got friends, and I've got someone who respect me,that see me as my own personne."

The Third Hokage, leaning back in his chair, regarded Naruto with a mix of surprise and admiration. "It seems you've learned to shoulder the weight of your burden."

Naruto nodded, his eyes reflecting determination. "Yeah, it's not about the fox anymore. It's about proving everyone wrong."

Iruka, standing beside Naruto, couldn't help but express his pride. "Naruto, I believe in you. You're not just the Nine-Tails. You're Uzumaki Naruto, my most unpredictable student ! ."

Naruto, touched by Iruka's words, cracked a sincere smile. "Thanks, Iruka-sensei. Your lessons meant more than you know."then adding with a shy smile," iruka-sensei,im your most talented student too right ?! " 

Iruka,showing a impassive expression,immediately broke his hope " No,definitely not ",getting a depressed expression out of his student

The Third Hokage, amused,but still impressed by Naruto's earlier mature response, gave a caring smile. "You've grown up, Naruto." Leaning in closer to both of them, he continued, "But let me correct something: you are not the Nine-Tails."

Naruto, his confusion evident, questioned, "What do you mean? If I'm not the Nine-Tails, why do people hate me?" A comical question mark practically hovered over his head.

The Third Hokage, with a sigh, explained, "People fear what they don't understand, Naruto. The Nine-Tails is sealed within you, but it doesn't define who you are as a person."

The Third Hokage, taking a deep breath, assumed a lecturing expression. His renowned title as "the Professor" became evident as he proceeded to provide a comprehensive explanation of Naruto's nature, delving into the intricate role of being a Jinchuuriki.

"Naruto, I understand that discovering the truth about the Nine-Tails must be overwhelming. But, my boy, you are not the Nine-Tails itself; rather, you are its host, a Jinchuuriki."

Naruto,confused,asked " Jinchuuriki? What's that?" 

Hiruzen,After taking a deep breath of his pipe,continued " A Jinchuuriki is someone who has a Tailed Beast sealed within them. In your case, it's the Nine-Tails, also known as the strongest Tailed beast. These creatures are powerful sources of chakra, each possessing unique abilities documented over the history "

"So, I'm not the Nine-Tails, but I have it inside me? Why would anyone do that?" 

Hiruzen,nodding at the thoughtful question,answered him " Precisely. The idea is to control the Tailed Beast's immense power and prevent it from causing harm. But, being a Jinchuuriki comes at a cost. People often fear and shun those with Tailed Beasts within them due to the potential danger. " 

Naruto,showing a frustrated expression,asked " So, everyone hates me because of the Nine-Tails? even knowing I'm not that beast ? "

Hiruzen calmly told Naruto, " it's not that simple. The world doesn't fully understand the complexities of being a Jinchuuriki. Some struggle to control the power within them, while others forge bonds with their Tailed Beasts."

" Bonds? "

Hiruzen explained," Yes, bonds. Some Jinchuuriki learn to understand and control the Tailed Beasts, gaining incredible strength and abilities.Some are even famous for showing total control,with rumors saying they are in total cooperation with creatures inside of them. Your journey is about overcoming these challenges "

Naruto,this time thoughtfully,"So my mission is not limited at carrying it in me,but also to master that power and finding my way ?"

Hiruzen nodded to him,making it clear " Exactly, Naruto. You're a Jinchuuriki, but you define your own path. The Nine-Tails is a part of you, but it doesn't define who you are. "

Naruto with a troubled expression asked again " Why did the Yondaime seal the Nine-Tails in me? How did it exactly happen ?

Hiruzen,having expected the question,gave a sigh " Naruto, it goes back to a night years ago, in the 10th of October,The Nine-Tails had unleashed its immense power upon the village.No one know how exactly he appeared in the village,But what i can tell you is that The devastation was unimaginable,and many lives were lost.

Iruka, listening to the recounting of that tragic night, can't help but show an painful expression,being someone who has experienced such loss in that night.

" The Fourth Hokage, Minato Namikaze, had to make an excruciating decision. He couldn't let the Nine-Tails continue its rampage, endangering everyone. So, he made the ultimate sacrifice" 

Naruto's eyes well up with a mixture of guilt and sorrow as he imagines the pain caused by the beast sealed within him,avoided looking at iruka beside him

Hiruzen, noticing Naruto's emotions,told him "Naruto, it's essential to understand—it wasn't your fault. And Iruka here knows the pain of losing loved ones; he can attest that it's not something you have control over "

Iruka, Agreeing with Hiruzen's words, places a comforting hand on Naruto's shoulder 

" The Yondaime sacrifice was an act of immense bravery. He sealed the Nine-Tails inside you to protect the village, and you, Naruto, carry that burden for the sake of everyone" 

Naruto's expression shifts, absorbing the gravity of the situation and the sacrifice the yondaime made for the village.

Naruto,with a choking voice, asked Grandpa Third why he chose him. In response, the Third Hokage smiled brightly and said, "Because the Yondaime trusted you with the power of the Nine-Tails."

Naruto, showing a stupefied expression, struggled to understand why he, with all his perceived shortcomings, was chosen for such a responsibility.

Hiruzen,smiling " Naruto, the Yondaime saw something extraordinary in you. He believed in your potential. It's not about your current skills or the pranks you play. It's about the greatness he envisioned you could achieve.

Naruto,still emotional " But why me? I'm not good at anything, and people hate me.couldn't it have been anyone else ? "

Hiruzen,placing a comforting hand on Naruto's shoulder " Minato made this choice because he trusted in the person you could become. Your potential goes beyond what you can see in yourself right now. It's about believing in the future and the possibilities within you.

Naruto, still grappling with the weight of the duty placed upon him, stammered, "I don't understand."

Hiruzen leaned down, meeting Naruto's eyes " Naruto, trust in Minato decision, just as he trusted in your potential. You have the strength to carry this burden and prove everyone wrong. Believe in yourself, and the village will come to see the hero you're destined to be. Believe in the First person who ever believed in you ! " 

Naruto, overwhelmed with emotion, his face showing the beginning of tears and snot, nodded in understanding. Wiping his face, he gave a bright smile and declared with determination, "For the trust given to me, I'll become the greatest Hokage ever, dattebayo!"

Under the warm gaze of both Iruka and the Third Hokage, the room was filled with a sense of warmth and encouragement as Naruto's determination started to form. Deep in him,a small white spark can be seen slowly moving,having felt naruto emotions,and enjoying his determination. 

The Third Hokage, now satisfied with how things had gone, returned to his desk, sitting and facing Naruto again. He gave a menacing smirk,"Now that we've clarified this, it's time for your punishment," declared the Third Hokage with a smirk on his face, relishing the moment. Naruto, hearing these words, got a comical expression and let out a confused "eeeeeehhhh," his face betraying a mix of anxiety and bewilderment. He had thought he might have escaped the consequences of the theft of the forbidden scroll.

The Third Hokage, seemingly enjoying the situation and satisfied with the payback he was about to deliver, began listing Naruto's transgressions. "Theft of the forbidden scroll, attack on the Hokage, putting yourself and your comrades in danger…" Each accusation made Naruto's face turn paler, almost blue, with cold sweat running down his back.

In a feeble attempt to defend himself, Naruto stammered, "But it was Mizuki's fault…" He quickly halted when he noticed the stern and fiery gaze in the Sandaime's eyes, signaling him to dare and continue. Realizing he was in deep trouble, Naruto promptly dropped to the floor in a perfect Dogeza, begging for mercy. "I'M SORRY, GRANDPA! I WON'T DO IT AGAIN!"

The Third Hokage proceeded with the scolding and admonishment, teaching Naruto a valuable lesson about responsibility and the repercussions of his actions.All of this unfolded under Iruka's stiff smile, who understood that his leader needed an outlet to vent his frustration about Naruto's antics. Meanwhile, concealed in the shadows, amused eyes observed the entire scene, finding entertainment in Naruto's predicament and the Third Hokage's stern but necessary discipline.