
Crimson Faith : A Naruto Tale

UA plot, Naruto is the main mc Not a SI or transmigration fic, Just an alternative universe, with my own spice Jounin actually mean shit here. Kage level are genuine monster to normal people. Jashin is a real thing, the whole UA because of this mf Some cool fights and world building, Jutsu will actually make sense Neji certainly wont end up penetrated by the world here. No harem (at least nothing too obvious if any caractere got one ) More dept to chakra and chakra techniques Read if if you got a fetish for some hot blooded fighting and epic shit This here is a what if story. Made after watching Asuma dying to Hidan, i asked myself how would the world look with Jashin having more presence in it. This is a story where chaos and intrigues never end,with long arcs. Disclamer : I dont now own naruto or anything related to it that belong to their respective owner, only Oc would belong to me. I dont own the Book Picture. if you like the work you can support me on ko-f* you can find me on k*fi /lightofcertainity/

LightOfCertainity · Cómic
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55 Chs

Konohamaru Such a bro !

On the same day, we see Naruto walking through the village, his hands behind his head, sporting a grumpy expression. It appears Sakura had rejected his invitation to eat ramen, busy pursuing Sasuke and vying for his attention, leaving Naruto feeling jealous and sour. While strolling, Naruto encountered a box in the middle of the road, feet sticking out from it.

His face full of black lines, Naruto looked both confused and irritated by the terrible disguise. He recognized the person in the box, yelling that he could see their feet. The box erupted into laughter and a burst of smoke, revealing Konohamaru standing there with a mischievous smile, trying not to cough his lungs out.

Naruto, now annoyed, crossed his arms and scolded, "What's the big idea, Konohamaru? Trying to give me a heart attack or something?"

Konohamaru, recovering from his fit of coughing, grinned and replied, "Come on, Naruto, just trying to lighten up your day! Besides, it's not my fault you're so easy to prank!"

Then trying to ignore his own spectacular fail, praised Naruto for detecting him, "As expected from aniki." Naruto shot him a strange expression, commenting, "It's hard not to notice you with such a crappy disguise."

Ignoring the comment, Konohamaru informed Naruto, "Hey, I heard from grandpa that today's the day of our team distribution. I've got a graduation gift for my big bro." Naruto's face immediately lit up with emotion.

"That's awesome, Konohamaru! What did you get me?" Naruto asked eagerly.

Konohamaru grinned mischievously and replied, "It's a secret for now. Just don't tell anyone it's from me, okay? I sort of 'borrowed' it from grandpa's desk while he was napping."

Naruto's face quickly turned thoughtful, understanding that Konohamaru was pulling him into a scheme. "So, you want me to be your partner in crime if we get caught, huh?"

Konohamaru chuckled, "You catch on quick, aniki. Partners in crime till the end!"

The two boys shared a conspiratorial glance, setting the stage for a mischievous adventure on the day of team distribution in the village.

Smiling, Konohamaru told Naruto, "Let's learn the technique together, feeling mischievous." Naruto, excited by the idea of learning a new jutsu, grabbed Konohamaru by the shoulder, telling him to follow back to the training ground.

With a burst of energy, the two headed towards the training ground, ready to embark on a journey of pranks and new techniques. The village buzzed with activity as they navigated through the bustling streets, the promise of a secret shared adventure lighting up their eyes

The first meeting between Naruto and Konohamaru started a few days before. After Naruto faced off with the Sandaime on the matter of the Nine-Tails, Naruto was punished by the Third. The Hokage then assigned him the task of delivering folders and documents inside the Hokage building, all while helping with the paperwork – much to Naruto's bitter dismay, considering the overwhelming amount of papers that needed to be signed and organized.

While delivering back even more paperwork, Naruto encountered Konohamaru. The younger ninja attacked his grandfather with a wooden shuriken, much to the Hokage guard's amusement and his grandpa's tired expression. Falling by himself, Konohamaru accused Naruto, getting hit by the latter who didn't care for his stature and felt provoked.

Their paths crossed again later, creating a bond between them based on the shared dream of becoming Hokage. This bond strengthened after they teamed up to beat Ebisu using the Harem Jutsu, a technique declared the most fearsome in the world with planet-busting potential – a title that, of course, Naruto took great pride in.

Back in the present, Naruto and Konohamaru could be seen reading the scroll, its content revealing a basic Doton Jutsu : Tsuchi Gunjikoudou no Jutsu ( or the art of softening the ground and moving in it ) . Both looking a lot less excited, as they had hoped for something more flashy like spitting fireballs, they still decided to learn it. 

Practicing the seals and taking turns checking each other's mistakes, they spent the whole evening immersed in their learning. Surprisingly, Konohamaru, despite being younger, was the first to master the technique, showing a natural talent and perhaps an affinity for earth jutsu. This left Naruto feeling a bit down initially.

Determined not to lose to his rival, Naruto put in more effort and perseverance. Eventually, he too mastered the art of softening the ground, proving that hard work and determination could triumph even in the face of natural talent. The evening spent together became a testament to their shared commitment to becoming stronger and achieving their dreams of one day becoming Hokage.

Both tired yet happy with their progress, Naruto and Konohamaru stood up with the goal of heading back to the village. However, their plans were interrupted when they found Ebisu leaning against a tree, waiting for Konohamaru. Recognizing his usual guardian, Konohamaru bid farewell to Naruto, wishing him good luck for tomorrow. Ebisu nodded to Naruto, and in a burst of smoke, they both disappeared.

Left alone, Naruto, feeling fatigued, made his way back to his home to rest. Armed with a new jutsu that had the potential to be very helpful, he contemplated the day's events, excited about the possible fight tomorrow. 

In another place, Sasuke could be seen on a training ground, tirelessly honing his weapon-throwing technique. Panting from exertion, he took a moment to rest, sitting on the ground. All around him, targets adorned with kunais and shurikens displayed the accuracy of his throws, each one hitting the bullseye.

Resting on his back, Sasuke stared at the sky, his eyes empty and vacant, seemingly oblivious to the beauty of the stars above. A tired sigh escaped him, the weight of his thoughts evident in the stillness of the night. Despite the serenity around him, an unsettling calmness radiated from Sasuke.

With a cold expression on his face, he stood up, amassing all his projectiles. The training ground, once filled with the echoes of precision and determination, now stood silent as Sasuke made his way back home, the shadows casting a veil over the complex emotions hidden within him.

All over Konoha, the graduated students were preparing themselves for their test, each displaying a different level of determination. However, one room in particular drew attention. Inside, Makoto, the usually shy student, had an indifferent expression on his face. On his table, scrolls filled with complex sealings and diagrams of the body covered his desk. Suddenly stopping at a particular part, he threw everything aside, revealing an angry expression.

"Not enough! Why can't I find the missing part?" he muttered to himself, frustration evident in his voice. His eyes scanned the scrolls as if searching for a solution. Then, with a obsessive look, he exclaimed, "Where can we find the ultimate Yang!" 

The intensity in Makoto's search hinted at the gravity of the test and the challenges he faced in unlocking the bottleneck he was facing. The room, charged with an air of urgency, reflected the depth of Makoto's commitment to mastering his craft. 

 Panting from his tantrum, Makoto sat on his chair, his eyes fixated on a picture of a woman who bore a striking resemblance to him, possibly his mother. Silent and lost in reflection, Makoto only snapped back to reality when he heard a voice. 

"Young master, are you okay?" It was the voice of a woman. The woman, not receiving a response, entered the room to find Makoto in silence and the room in disarray. She let out a sigh and began cleaning up the mess. 

Done with her work, she looked at Makoto, who continued to ignore her. Giving another sigh, she advised him not to stay up too late and left the room with a pained expression on her face. Makoto, still not responding, remained fixated on the picture of his mother, his eyes revealing a deep obsession with something that weighed heavily on his mind.