
Crimson Destiny (Fantastic Beasts Fanfic) [Temp Hiatus]

Additional Tags:- Female-MC, Yuri-Harem (6 Members), Kingdom-Building, Romance, Multiple-Point-of-View, Fantastic-Beast-Timeline, Canon-Divergent, Lawful-Evil-MC, No-Futa, No-NTR, Original-Characters, AU-Characters, Cruelty, Abuse, Foul-Language, Manipulating-From-Shadows, Fluff, Lemons, Torture-Scenes, Detailed-Magical-Application, Slow-Paced This is a Fanfic... I don't own anything!!! All the characters except the MC and the World belong to J.K. Rowling!! Even the Art of the MC belongs to their respective owners. --~Some Notes~-- 1st:- English is not my first language, though I will try my best to avoid mistakes. 2nd:- Neither the MC nor the MC's love interests would be involved in any type of sexual abuse or those type of scenarios. 3rd:- This is not your generic HP Fanfic, as it will take place in the Pre-Fantastic Beast and Fantastic Beast Timeline. 4th:- Since the whole plot about that timeline is not known the plot after the movie Crimes of Grindelwald is going to be very different. 5th:- This will be a weekly release fic so don't keep asking for new chapters. The new chapters will be published on Wednesday/Thursday. --~Synopsis (SEASON- I, II)~-- Abandoned right after she was born, the MC was left all alone to brave the cruel world on her own. That is until the day when a man saves her from a cruel fate. See how the man known as Gellert Grindelwald becomes her guide, mentor, her father figure throughout the years. This is the story of Destiny Grindelwald, the heir of Gellert Grindelwald. Follow her as she braves the cruel world. Watch her as she creates a better world for the Magical Population. --~Discord~-- If you want to discuss something or check the artwork or the character sheets then join my Discord Server. My Discord Server Link:- https://discord.gg/zdUqAGKrkm

InGlorious · Derivados de obras
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61 Chs

The Unspeakables

"The food is simply fantastic, Mr Black" Destiny complimented Cygnus with an impressed look on her face. She was quite aware that neither Cygnus nor Violetta had prepared the food, but Purebloods were Purebloods, they didn't like giving credit to creatures, but Cassiopeia was also kind to her house-elf, so she must have learned it from somewhere.

"Please call me Cygnus, my lady and unfortunately, I can't take credit for the food. All credits lie on the shoulders of our house-elf, Geesey" Cygnus answered back in quite a respectful tone.

"I see… Geesey!" Destiny called out and moments later, a house-elf popped inside the room. Destiny noticed that the house-elf might be showing off a strong front, but the house-elf was clearly afraid of her. "Thank you for the food, Geesey. You may leave" Destiny said with a smile and the house-elf smiled widely before popping away.

"There is something I have noticed, the House of Black seems to treat their House-Elves quite nicely, which isn't the case with most wizarding Houses. May I ask why?" Destiny asked, looking at Sirius. 

"My Lady, House-Elves are our servants, they have access to our homes and they probably know everything we do. Even though the House-Elves can't go against their Master's orders, they could still pass some delicate information to our enemies, to harm us indirectly if they are vindictive enough and we are the House of Black, even our Servants are members of our House and none of our members would be mistreated" Sirius proclaimed with a proud look on his face.

Destiny tapped her cheek with the digits of her left hand. "I see… that is quite liberal, I must say. I am impressed" Destiny grinned and she slowly placed her empty wine glass on the table.

"Now, let's talk about the alliance between myself and your Family" Destiny reminded and Cassiopeia immediately perked up, but the other members of House of Black simply gave her confused looks. Marius and Dorea were too young to participate in the discussion, so Violetta had told them to remain silent.

"Alliance, my lady? I am not complaining, but we have already sworn to join your cause, so why would you still want to form an alliance between yourself and our Family?" Sirius asked curiously, he didn't want to be disrespectful, so his tone was quite nervous.

"That might be… but I want to have a closer bond with your Family, Lord Black" Destiny said and Sirius finally understood what Destiny was trying to say.

"Please call me Sirius, my lady, and are you proposing a betrothal?" Sirius asked and everyone besides Cassiopeia, finally understood what Destiny was pointing at.

"Sirius it is, and yes, I am talking about a betrothal" Destiny said with a nod of her head. She could have said what she wanted openly, but that would have been rude. Destiny had always liked these little games.

"Of course, my lady, we would be delighted. I am sure Arcturus would be extremely delighted too" Sirius said with a smile on his face, but Arcturus seemed to be slightly put off by the development.

"I see… I am sure that Arcturus is a fine man, but you see I like the company of Witches… So, I wasn't asking for a betrothal between myself and Arcturus, I was referring to Cassiopeia" Destiny revealed and all the Black Family members immediately glanced towards Cassiopeia, who was a blushing mess right now.

Sirius turned back towards Destiny with a tight smile on his face. "I don't know what to say, my lady. This has never been done openly… Same-sex relationships aren't anything new in our society, but everything happens behind closed doors…" Sirius trailed off with an apologetic look on his face.

"We might be looked down upon by the other Pureblood Families, but that is not the problem, we are Blacks, we don't care what lesser Houses think. This wouldn't be the first time, we will be creating a new tradition, but there is another problem, the factor of Heirs" This time it was Arcturus who spoke up. Sirius immediately agreed with what Arcturus was saying. 

Meanwhile, Cygnus decided to remain completely silent and Violetta seemed to be throwing her oldest daughter worried glances. Destiny knew that this topic was going to come up, she already knew quite a few methods of conceiving Children between women. Obviously, she has never thought of having children, she was only 19 years old.

"You don't have to worry about Heirs. There are several ways to conceive Children between women" Destiny said with a smile. Then Sirius looked slightly uncomfortable, but he turned towards Cygnus. He was Cassiopeia's father and his opinion mattered the most.

"What do you think, Cygnus?" Sirius questioned softly. Cygnus closed his eyes and released a sigh. Then he glanced towards his daughter.

"Is this what you want?" Cygnus asked Cassiopeia in a firm tone.

"Yes, father" Cassiopeia answered in a determined tone without missing a beat. Then Cygnus turned back towards Sirius.

"She is fine with it, so I don't have any problems. She has my permission. I know we might be laughed at for some time, but we are Blacks, we never cared what lesser people thought about us" Cygnus said in a firm tone and Sirius gave him an understanding nod.

Then Sirius turned back towards Destiny. "My lady, we agree with your proposal" Sirius said and Destiny nodded her head.

"But there is something else you need to know… I intend to create a Witches Coven" Destiny revealed and this time, instead of looking uncomfortable, everyone besides the children and Cassiopeia looked completely ecstatic. 

"Really? It has been centuries since the last Coven was created in Magical Britain. I am so proud of you, daughter" Violetta cooed as she started to pat her eldest daughter's head with a smitten look on her face.

"Wait, you aren't uncomfortable with us?" Cassiopeia gasped in surprise as she questioned her father.

"Of course not. You, my daughter, will be a part of an ancient tradition and culture. How can I be angry? I couldn't feel any prouder of you. A true Black indeed" Cygnus said with an elated look on his face and Sirius nodded his head in agreement.

"I see… that is good I suppose. Now, let us move on to other topics" Destiny cleared her throat, everyone finally calmed down. When Destiny finally had everyone's attention, she glanced towards Dorea and Marius. Violetta immediately understood what Destiny wanted to say, so she stood up and quickly ushered the kids out of the room.

"Sirius, can you tell me which Families are likely to join our cause?" Destiny asked and Sirius immediately started to think about the Families that might support their endeavour. If their cause was simply about Pureblood Supremacy, then a lot of Families would have joined their cause without a second thought, but they wanted to create a world where Magic was Might. 

"The branch Family of Bones will eagerly join us. Then there are the Houses of Avery, Bulstrode, Parkinson, Flint, Crouch, Carrow, Nott, and Yaxley. Some of them might be reluctant, but they will probably join our cause since all of them hate Muggles and they are quite afraid of them due to the recent War" Sirius said with a thoughtful look on his face and Destiny immediately perked up after hearing the man's words.

"Really? I thought Purebloods are too arrogant to consider Muggles to be a threat, no offence though" Destiny said with an undertone of curiosity in her voice. Purebloods hated Muggles, true, but this was the first time someone admitted that Purebloods are afraid of Muggles.

Sirius smiled solemnly. "No Purebloods would admit that, of course, but they are afraid of Muggles. In their War, a lot of Wizards and Witches died when they were caught in between the crossfire. Not only that, there are rumours that Muggles have found a way to replicate the Exploding Curses, but they use some sort of metal containers to carry it" Sirius said with a grim look on his face.

"There are also some rumours that they have found a way to drop Exploding Curses from the sky… we have lost a few of our kind to those too" Cygnus said while shaking his head. Destiny took a deep breath and leaned down on the table and she pulled out her trusty M1911 from her gun holster, which was placed around her back.

"Do you know what this is?" Destiny asked and everyone inside the room shook their heads. Violetta finally returned so Destiny cast a few Privacy Charms with a wave of her hand, once again shocking all the Blacks beside Cassiopeia.

"This is a gun. This is something the Muggles used to kill their kind in the war" Destiny said and Conjured a metal plate with another wave of her hand. "Watch this" Destiny said and pointed her gun at the plate and she pulled the trigger.


A loud bang rang throughout the room and all the Blacks flinched in fear, but they were even more horrified to see the hole on the plate Destiny had Conjured, they glanced at the wall behind the plate, and they noticed that there was also a similar-sized hole. "Sorry for the wall" Destiny apologized and summoned the bullet from the hole in the wall.

"That was just like the Piercing Curse, but it was so fast that I couldn't even see it!!" Arcturus gasped in shock.

"This is a gun and it shoots a projectile called, a bullet, out of its mouth. All the Muggle soldiers carry this. There is one thing Muggles are extremely good at and that is discovering easier methods of killing each other" Destiny said with a grin and her audience was completely horrified.

"And the rumours about those Exploding Curses are also true, they are called bombs. Now, you might be wondering why I know so much about their weapons, right?" Destiny asked and the Blacks were too horrified to even nod their heads. "Muggles are our enemies. Know your enemy and your battle is half won" Destiny smiled.

For the next few minutes, nobody said anything, Destiny left the Blacks to ponder. It was pretty clear that the Purebloods didn't know anything about the Muggle weapons, but now that they knew what sort of weapons Muggles used, they were horrified. Most Purebloods thought that Muggles still used swords and pitchforks and none of the Purebloods would try to learn anything from the Muggleborns.

"...I think we need to arrange a meeting among like-minded Families as soon as possible" Arcturus was the one who spoke up after the revelation. "My lady, can you give us more information about the Muggles? I know that it is not my place to ask me, but our very existence is at risk and we don't even know anything about our enemies" Arcturus said with a complicated look on his face. 

"I don't mind, but I don't want to repeat anything. I think everyone deserves to know the truth. It is pretty clear that the old ways would serve us no longer… We need to make a stand now, or there wouldn't be anybody left to stand at the end" Destiny said while shaking her and the Blacks could only nod their heads in understanding. 

The meeting had been an eye-opening experience for them. They simply didn't know that Muggles could be such a threat. They knew that a lot of their kind had died in the war, but they simply didn't know, how. They had been speculating, but they didn't have anything concrete until now. Theseus Scamander was called the War Hero. They knew that Theseus was involved in the Muggle War, but he never revealed how Muggles fought to the Wizarding Population. 

"My lady, please give us a week and we will arrange a meeting between the Families who are likely to support our cause" Sirius said in a determined voice, but Destiny shook her head. 

"No. For now, collect information. Leave some hints, but no more than that. I will inform you to arrange the meeting after my Forces enter the country. Just like I have said, Sirius. I am extremely careful about my secrecy" Destiny said and Sirius immediately nodded his head in understanding. All of them aside from Cassiopeia had signed the non-disclosure Magical Contract Destiny had presented. 

"Sirius, can you get a few of my associates into the Ministry? I mean as employees?" Destiny asked and Sirius nodded his head. 

"Doing something like that will be very easy" Sirius confessed arrogantly. 

"Okay… can any of you tell me about these Unspeakables?" Destiny asked the next question and everyone immediately glanced towards Violetta, who slightly shifted in her chair when all the attention was levelled in her direction. 

Violetta quickly straightened her posture. "My father was an Unspeakable, he has only retired a few years ago. I don't know if he would be able to tell you anything or not, but I can take you to meet him, my lady" Violetta said in a respectful tone. 

"That would be ideal" Destiny was somewhat pleased. From what she had read about them, Unspeakables were extremely secretive and they were completely autonomous. "Which Family is the most Pro-Muggle Family?" Destiny asked and this time both Sirius and Arcturus seemed to ponder for quite some time. 

"That would be the House of Scamander, the main Family of Bones, Weasleys. There are a lot of minor Pureblood Families who are Pro-. Muggles, but they don't have as much power as the ones I have mentioned" Sirius answers and Destiny nodded her head. 

"They are traitors" Destiny stated with a straight face. 

"Yes, my lady, they are blood traitors. They are a part of the Sacred Twenty-Eight, but much to everyone's shame, they are advocating Muggles. The Weasleys are the worst, they don't want to be a part of Sacred Twenty-Eight. They have been avid supporters of the Muggles, Mud… Muggleborns and Half-bloods" Sirius spat out while gritting his teeth. He stopped himself from saying Mudbloods since he knew Lady Grindelwald's view on them. 

"They are not blood traitors, but instead they are traitors to Wizard kind for advocating Muggles" Destiny said and tapped her finger on the table. 

"I think that would be enough for today. Mrs Black, how soon can you arrange a meeting between your father and me?" Destiny asked as she glanced towards Violetta. 

"Please call me Violetta, my lady. I can take you to meet him tomorrow if you want?" Violetta suggested and Destiny agreed as she didn't have anything important to do other than learning Magic. 

"Now, I am quite sure that all of you have a lot to discuss, so I will be excusing myself, and once again, thank you for inviting me for lunch" Destiny said with a smile and slowly stood up from the seat. 

"Of course, my lady. It had been our pleasure hosting you in my house" Cygnus also stood up and politely bowed his head. The other members also followed his example. "Daughter, why don't you accompany Lady Grindelwald? I assume that she is living with you?" Cygnus asked and Cassiopeia flushed after hearing her father's question. She easily understood what her father was pointing at. 

"Yes, father" Cassiopeia admitted and after that, she quickly followed Destiny out of the room. Cassiopeia led Destiny to the Floo and Cassiopeia grabbed some Floo powder and tossed it into the fireplace. As soon as the flames turned green Destiny stepped into the fireplace.

"Black Townhouse, Cornwall!" Destiny called out and moments later she was gone. She arrived at Cassiopeia's house and with a wave of her hand, she removed the soot from her hair and clothes. Moments later the Floo flared up and Cassiopeia walked out of the fireplace. She waved her Wand over her head to remove the soot.

"Hah!! I can't believe everything went so so well, but I am glad" Cassiopeia said as she released a relieved sigh. Destiny immediately wrapped her arms around Cassiopeia's waist and pulled her closer. Destiny grinned and lowered her head so that she could capture Cassiopeia's lips. 

"I like your Family, I wonder if they would like Gellert or not" Destiny wondered in an amused tone and Cassiopeia could only chuckle after hearing Destiny's words. 

"They will, if they know what's good for them… by the way, I liked the way you used Stinging Hexes to humble my Family" Cassiopeia grinned and Destiny finally led the girl towards the couch. 

"You aren't angry?" Destiny asked in a surprised tone. I had thought that you would be angry over the fact that I humiliated them" Destiny added and Cassiopeia hurriedly shook her head. 

"It is their fault, they shouldn't have underestimated you in the first place" Cassiopeia answered and placed her head over Destiny's shoulder. "I had thought that they would make a bigger fuss when you asked for my hand in marriage" Cassiopeia said softly, but there was a hint of worry in her voice. 

"It seems that your Family was very eager to ally themselves with me with a marriage. They know that due to your status, their standing will be higher among my followers, their speculation isn't wrong, but at the same time, not exactly correct" Destiny said with a thoughtful look on her face. 

"And they also happily agreed with my Coven plan. Well, they seemed to be ecstatic at the idea" Destiny rubbed her chin and Cassiopeia smirked and pecked Destiny on her cheek. 

"I also didn't know that they would react like that, I really expected them to freak out, but my Family always loved obscure forms of Magic. They are also traditionalists. We have the records, but we can no longer practice them. I think they are proud that one of them is going to be an old and obscure tradition" Cassiopeia explained, looking quite thoughtful. 

"Day by day, we are abandoning most of our tradition and culture. Instead of Samhain, Halloween is celebrated in Hogwarts. Halloween is a Muggle festival, but the liberals want to make the Muggleborns feel more comfortable in our world. We have tried to get it changed, but once again liberals blocked our efforts" Cassiopeia continued looking really dismayed. 

"Destiny, when you take over the Ministry or the World, can you restore our traditions and culture??" Cassiopeia pleaded with a glint of desperation in her eyes. Destiny didn't mind either, but she knew that Purebloods valued traditions, and she could understand where they were coming from. Destiny believed in her cause, so she wanted to recreate the World in her image. Purebloods believed in their traditions and culture, so they also wanted to bring it back. 

"Of course, but there will be both. Everyone will be free to celebrate what they want" Destiny answered and Cassiopeia could accept that… Everyone would be free to celebrate what they want, which was a lot better than what they had right now…

<Line Break>

The next day Violetta arrived at Cassiopeia's house a couple of hours before noon. As usual, Destiny was busy doing her own stuff curled up on the couch. Cassiopeia was sitting on the opposite side, she seemed to be working on her own papers. Violetta didn't understand much, but he was still proud of her daughter nonetheless.

"Greetings, Lady Grindelwald. My father is waiting at Black Abode to meet you" Violetta greeted Destiny. She put down the tome in her hand and stared at Violetta. 

"I see… then I shouldn't keep him waiting, I suppose, though I thought that I would be meeting him at your Paternal manor or estate" Destiny mused in a curious tone. 

"I thought that you would like to meet him in a familiar place, forgive me if I presumed too much, my lady" Violetta apologized and Destiny started to chuckle while waving her hand dismissively.

"There is no need to be so stiff, Violetta. I am not a tyrant. You might have joined my cause, but that doesn't mean that you have become my servant" Destiny pointed out in an amused tone. "And you are free to greet your daughter. I might be staying here, but this is still a Black Family property and nobody should take away your right to greet your own daughter in your own house"  Destiny added in a firm tone.

Violetta could only smile gratefully at Destiny. "Thank you" Violetta added in a grateful tone, then she turned towards her daughter. "Good morning, daughter"  Violetta greeted her daughter with a bright smile on her face.

"Good morning, mother. I would have loved to chat with you some more, but I think my grandfather is waiting for you" Cassiopeia reminded Violetta and Destiny.

"Violetta, please lead the way" Destiny said with a wave of her hand. Violetta nodded her head and led Destiny towards the Floo. After only a minute, the two of them found themselves in Black Abode. Violetta quickly led Destiny towards their parlour. Destiny found an old man who was already sitting in the parlour, playing with Dorea.

As soon as Violetta and Destiny entered the room, the old man's gaze focused on the new arrivals. The old man glanced at Violetta, then his gaze shifted over to Destiny, and immediately his eyes grew wide in surprise, but it was only for a moment. The old man narrowed his eyes and Destiny immediately sensed a passive mental probe brush against her mental shields. 

'True Unspeakable indeed' Destiny thought dryly, the man didn't even look ashamed after his failed Legilimency probe, but the man slightly shifted his posture. The man seemed to be slightly more guarded, but it wouldn't be a problem if the push came to a shove. Violetta was completely oblivious to this development.

"Father, this is the person I was talking about" Violetta said gesturing towards Destiny and the man simply gave her a polite smile.

"At first, I didn't think much of you, but you have impressed me quite a bit in a matter of a few seconds" the man said with a practised smile on his face. "Gawain Bulstrode, what can I do for you?" Gawain asked with the same smile on his face. 

Destiny finally sat down on the opposite side of the table. "Dorea, why don't you go outside and play?" Violetta suggested Doa, the little girl glanced at everyone present inside the room, and moments later, she cutely nodded her head.

"Okay, mother" Dora quipped as she left the room. Meanwhile, Destiny rummaged through her pocket and pulled out a scroll. Violetta immediately recognized the scroll. It was the same scroll Destiny had given them yesterday. So, Violetta already knew what her Lady was about to request.

Destiny didn't say anything, but she Wandlessly levitated the scroll towards Gawain Bulstrode, who was watching Destiny with wide eyes. It was not every day that you found someone capable of performing Wandless Magic. True, she simply levitated a scroll towards him, but she did it Wandlessly. That was very impressive if nothing else.

"That was quite impressive, I only know two men who are capable of performing Wandless Magic" Gawain said in an impressed tone. He accepted the scroll and opened it. He quickly scanned the contents and looked up at Destiny. "Basically a secrecy oath, I see" Gawain muttered and placed the scroll on the table. 

He pulled out a black quill from his robes and scratched his name on the paper. Destiny immediately recognized the quill. It was a blood quill, it was a restricted artefact, only the Goblins and Ministry Officials were allowed to use this artefact. It seems that the Unspeakables also had access to blood quills. Even if Gawain had used a normal quill to sign the contract, the Contract would have still recognized his Magic. 

"There" Gawain said and pushed the Contract towards Destiny. She smiled and collected the scroll from the table. 

"It is nice to make your acquaintance, Mr Bulstrode. I am Destiny Grindelwald" Destiny introduced herself in a dramatic tone and she was satisfied with Gawain's reaction. The man's eyes grew wide comically as he stared at the young woman sitting in front of him. He glanced towards his daughter and she simply gave him a nod of confirmation. 

"...That was quite a surprise, Miss Grindelwald" Gawain still looked quite surprised. "So, how can this old man help you?" Gawain asked curiously as he leaned forward on the table. 

"I have heard that you were an Unspeakable?" Destiny asked and Gawain once again glanced towards his daughter who looked completely stoic. He turned back towards Destiny and gave a stiff nod. "Good, what can you tell me about the Unspeakables" Destiny stated as she leaned on the table. 

"Ah… You have to forgive this old man, Miss Grindelwald. I won't be able to tell you much because the Unspeakables are a paranoid bunch and they are extremely secretive. Even though I am retired, I am still under their oaths. I could only give you a brief overview of the Department of Mysteries, nothing more… At least not directly" Gawain said and Destiny looked pretty disappointed. 

"Pity… So, what can you tell me about this Department of Mysteries?" Destiny asked curiously, she didn't miss the fact that Gawain mentioned that he couldn't reveal anything directly, so she was obviously going to ask him elaborate. That is why Destiny didn't seem to be disappointed. 

"There are mainly six divisions within the Department of Mysteries. There are some minor divisions too, but only a handful of Unspeakables work there. Let's start with the main divisions, the first one is Brain Room. The concept of thought process is studied in this room. Basically, we study how thoughts are produced in this room… I can't go into any more details" Gawain said and Destiny simply gestured him to move on. 

Destiny also wanted to know how thoughts are produced in a brain, but since Gawain couldn't go into any more details, it was completely useless to her. For now, at least. Maybe in the future, she could gain access to the knowledge collected by the Department of Mysteries. 

"Next, we have the Hall of Prophecy. Records of Prophecy are stored inside this room. These prophecies are held in glass orbs and these glass orbs are magically protected so that only the Keeper of the Hall of Prophecies can touch them or the subject or subjects referring to an individual Prophecy" Gawain explained, but Destiny didn't find the Hall of Prophecy to be interesting. 

"After that, we have the Death Chamber. There is only one thing in this room. There is a stone archway with a tattered back curtain hanging from it. This arch is called the Veil of Death… It is said that the archway is the gateway to Death's Realm. The Ministry of Magic used to toss criminals through the Veil of Death who were sentenced to Death. Since they never walked out of the archway, we believe it to be a one-way ticket to Death's Realm" Gawain explained about the third room and this time, Destiny was very interested. 

Several questions sprung up in Destiny's mind. She already knew that the Deathly Hallows were a real deal, but to be honest, she didn't know if the Hallows were actually created by Death or not. Now, she has found a gateway to Death's Realm. Destiny was yet to use the Resurrection Stone, she didn't want to end up throwing herself in the Thames after summoning the spirit of the dead. 

She had also used the Death Stick for 4 years. She knew for sure that there was something special in the Wand… the Power she felt with that Wand in her hand was simply unmatchable. She was phenomenal with that Wand even when she was barely 11. She wondered what she would be able to do with that Wand in now. Well… there was only one way to find out.

Destiny wondered who was responsible for creating the Veil of Death, she wasn't even sure if it was actually the gateway to Death's Realm. After all, there was no proof… the Veil of Death could be very well an execution device. Someone had probably to create a way to execute people without worrying about body disposal and ended with the Veil of Death. For now, Destiny decided to drop the matter as there was no way she could discover anything about the Veil from here.

"Then we have Love Room" Gawain said and Destiny simply raised her brows in a questioning manner.

"Love Room?" Destiny questioned with a weird look on her face.

"Yes, Love Room" Gawain repeated with a nod of his head. "What do you know about love Potions?" Gawain asked and Destiny simply shrugged.

"To be honest, not much, but I do know how to check my food and drinks… oh and also the air and I also know how to spot the signs" Destiny pointed out with a dismissive look on her face.

"That is good enough… You see, we might call them love Potions, but they can't create love. They can only create infatuation and we study why the Potions can't recreate the feelings of love in the Love Room" Gawain explained and Destiny cocked her head sideways in understanding.

"I see… It seems that there are still a lot of things I need to know" Destiny said in an amused tone and Gawain nodded his head with a smile.

"We learn something new every day… Then, we have the Space Chamber. It is a dark room filled with models of the planets. We Unspeakables work on all of our Astrology Projects in there…" Gawain trailed off, but it was pretty clear that Gawain was not that familiar with this particular room.

"And finally, we have the Time Room, the most secure place inside the Department of Mysteries. I can't tell you much about this room except for the facts that all the Time-Turners are kept here and we research about Time in there" with that, Gawain finally finished his explanation.

"I see… As expected, the Department of Mysteries is filled with interesting things" Destiny grinned in amusement. "Though, there is something that has been bugging me. Why are you helping me, Mr Bulstrode? I mean you didn't even hear what I wanted to achieve and you still explained so much to me" Destiny asked while giving Gawain a questioning look.

Gawain laughed lightly. "I have heard your last name, that is enough for me. I know what you want to achieve and I completely agree with you. We know how quickly the Muggles are developing… Our Department likes to keep an eye on them, it would be disastrous for us if they discover us" Gawain said in a grim tone.

"A lot of our kind died in the war and the thing is, they simply died in the crossfire. Most of them weren't even involved in the war directly, but they were still killed. Two whole Families were killed while they were having dinner. Bombs dropped on their houses" Gawain spat out in disdain. "It wasn't our war, but they dragged us in" Gawain said while shaking his head in disappointment.

"What you are doing must be done… Muggles would discover us, we… I mean the Unspeakables are sure of it, we just don't know when. Then we will have what happened in the middle ages… Witch Trials, Witch Burnings, and all that. Right now, Muggles are fighting among themselves, but as soon as they discover us, they will band together against a common enemy, us" Gawain laughed dryly.

Violetta's face was marred with complete horror, her whole face was ashen like she had seen a ghost. Yesterday, Destiny's explanation was scary enough, but after hearing how bad the things truly were from her father's mouth, she didn't know how to react. Her world has been turned upside down in two days… but this was better than being killed while having dinner with your Family.

"Muggles will obviously try to control us simply because they don't understand our Powers and at the same time, they are also afraid of our Powers, but there will be some radical groups too. They will call us unnatural and they will try to cleanse the world of our existence" Gawain said and started to laugh humorlessly.

"So, you are also aware of the problem…" Destiny muttered with a satisfied look on her face.

"Oh… it is just not me, but our whole Department is aware of this problem. We always wanted to provide our services to Grindelwald, but he never stepped into Great Britain" Gawain said and Destiny immediately perked up after hearing that the Unspeakables wanted to provide their services for their cause. Destiny wondered if Lady Luck was shining on her.

"I see… what type of services are you talking about?" Destiny asked curiously and Gawain simply smiled and leaned on the table, but after a few moments, his smile thinned. 

"Nothing directly. All Unspeakables swear an oath to only serve the Department of Mysteries. Yes, we could swear a loyalty oath to you, but the Department will always come first. The primary job of the Unspeakables is research. We research Magic along with its many aspects" Gawain explained softly and released a sigh. 

"We could also fight for you, but that might destroy our autonomy. Our autonomy is our best weapon… if our autonomy is gone and our Department is absorbed into the Ministry then we would no longer be able to move through the shadows…" Gawain looked frustrated by the end of his rant. 

"I will be happy with whatever help you can give me" Destiny said with a neutral look on her face. She understood what Gawain was trying to say. They will help her with research and they will also collect information for her, but they wouldn't be fighting on the front lines with her. Destiny was completely fine with that. 

"Miss Grindelwald, would you like to meet the others?" Gawain asked and Destiny nodded her head, but before Gawain could continue Destiny raised her hand. 

"I won't be meeting them in your Department. I want to believe everything you are saying, but it is too good to be true… Let's go somewhere else" Destiny said as she slowly got up from her seat. Destiny was happy, extremely happy with this development and that is why warning bells were ringing inside her mind. 

She didn't find any faults in Gawain's reasoning. If the Unspeakables are really keeping an eye on the Muggles and they have also witnessed the horrors of the war, then it wouldn't be a surprise if they were ready to join their cause. Destiny had mingled with Muggles, even if she hated them. Just like she had said yesterday, knowing your enemy is important. 

At the rate the Muggles were developing, it was just a matter of time before they were discovered. The Statute of Secrecy in Magical Britain was especially dodgy. Muggleborns along with their parents who were Muggles were brought into their world and they were shown around. What if one of those said Muggles are related to the army, or they are high ranking officials in the army? 

What if Muggles were already preparing to take over their World? Every year most of the Muggleborns would leave the Magical World, never to return. Where the hell were they going? They didn't have any Muggle education after the age of 11, so they probably couldn't get a proper job in the Muggle World too. 

For all she knew, the Muggle army already knew about their existence and right now, they were preparing to take over their world. Destiny knew for sure that the army officials were religious and extremely patriotic. They simply wouldn't accept that there is a separate country within their borders. They would freak out, even more, when they realize that the people living in this hidden country can wield Arcane Powers. 

So, yes. Destiny could understand why the Unspeakables would like to join their cause, but that doesn't mean that she was going to trust them blindly. She had been very careful up to this point, and she wouldn't become careless now. So, even though she was extremely giddy, she knew that she needed to be extremely careful. 

"I don't mind… instead I would have been disappointed if you had blindly followed me into the Ministry. Do you have any places in mind?" Gawain asked and Destiny simply cocked her head sideways. 

"Yes, I do. Violetta, can you lower the Wards for a moment so that I would Apparate?" Destiny questioned. She wasn't added to the Wards, so she probably couldn't Apparate from within the Wards. 

"That wouldn't be a problem, my lady. The Wards simply stop someone from Apparating in, but the Wards will not stop anyone from Apparating out. I would have added to the Wards, but only my husband can do that' Violetta finished in an apologetic tone. 

"That is fine, I suppose" Destiny said and extended her hand towards Gawain. Gawain accepted the offered limb and brushed his lips against Destiny's knuckles. Yep, Destiny forgot that British men greeted women by kissing their knuckles. Yesterday, nobody had greeted her in such a manner, probably they forgot due to the serious topics. 

After kissing her knuckles, Gawain respectfully bowed his head. Destiny snorted in amusement and moments later, she Disapparated along with Gawain. With a soft crack, Destiny and Gawain appeared outside a small village. Destiny let go of Gawain's hand as Gawain looked around. 

"Call them here" Destiny said and with a wave of her hand, she cast the Muggle Repelling Charm around the place, so that Muggles couldn't interrupt their meeting. Gawain nodded his head. He pulled out his Wand and pointed towards the sky. 

"Expecto Patronum" Gawain called out and an otter came out of his Wand. Moments later, the otter disappeared into the horizon. Destiny Conjured herself a chair with a wave of her hand and did the same for Gawain, who had a look of awe in his eyes. 

"I don't need to be an expert in Magic, but how much did you practice to achieve something like that?" Gawain asked with an awed look on his face. His voice was filled with reverence. 

"Years… I never practised Conjuring chairs Wandlessly, it is completely natural to me now… I mean, casting Magic. It is like my second nature" Destiny shrugged and Gawain practically had stars in his eyes. He was looking like a child on a sugar rush. Gawain wanted to keep asking questions, but he didn't want to end up annoying Destiny, so he stopped himself. 

After nearly half an hour, a group of twenty people dressed in grey cloaks arrived via Portkey. All of them were wearing hoods and their faces were hidden by some sort of obscuring Charm. Destiny tried to look past the Charms, but they were extremely strong. She needed to dispel the Charm and Destiny did know how to deactivate the Charm. 

One of the people stepped forward, it was hard to decipher their gender with those grey cloaks covering their bodies, but Destiny presumed the person who stepped forward was a man. "Why did you call us here Gawain and who is this woman?" Yes, it was a man. The man questioned Gawain, but his Wand was trained on Destiny. The others also had their Wands trained on Destiny, but she looked completely relaxed, much to their confusion. 

Gawain turned towards Destiny, since he had signed the Contract, he couldn't reveal anything without Destiny's express permission. "Tell them to swear secrecy oaths to you" Destiny said while looking towards Gawain. Destiny knew that the Unspeakables could circumvent the Oaths since she hadn't given them her name, but if they swore Secrecy Oaths to Gawain, then they couldn't circumvent the Oaths so easily. 

Now, there was a reason Destiny was trusting Gawain with the Oaths. The thing is no matter who you swear the Oath to, if you break the oath you pay the price. Some think that Oaths are based on intent, but that is not true, not exactly. True, the intent is important, as without the necessary intention the Magic wouldn't react to the Oath, but it was the wording that held the most importance. 

"That won't be happening Missy, whoever you are" The leader growled menacingly and stepped towards her in a threatening manner. This is when Gawain decided to step in and smoothen the interaction. 

"Just swear an oath. It is important" Gawain said in a grave tone. The man slightly lowered his Wand and seemed to ponder, but the others still had their Wands trained at Destiny. 

"Fine… I will be putting my trust in you, for now" the man finally relaxed his posture. After watching that, the others also lowered their Wands. Destiny was quite impressed with their bond and teamwork. If nothing else, the Unspeakables seemed to be a tight bunch. "Let's decide on the wording" the leader called out and Gawain visibly relaxed. 

Destiny decided to watch from the sidelines and not intervene. Destiny was quite well versed in Oaths and their wordings. So, if Gawain tried to stab her in the back by botching the wording then she would know it right away. In this way, Destiny was testing them and if they try to try something then nobody besides Gawain was going to leave this place. She was going to leave him alive, so he could wallow in guilt and to keep Violetta loyal to her. 

Gawain and the Unspeakables quickly dished out the wordings and one by one they swore the Oaths. Destiny was carefully watching them so that none of them could fake the Oath by lacking intent. Destiny smirked as the last Unspeakable finished her Oath. Destiny grinned and stepped forward. 

"Greetings, it is nice to meet all of you. I am Destiny Grindelwald and I have heard that all of you wanted to join our cause…" Destiny said with a grin taking all the Unspeakables by surprise… 


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