

Akira, a 14-year-old adventurer, is in Crestania with his goddess Luna. As he descends further into dungeons, he grows stronger with each level, but he also encounters terrifying enemies. Akira will discover that having a team can aid him in navigating the harder dungeon levels, but can he truly do it even with a party? Find out...

AkiraKaze · Fantasía
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24 Chs

The Decisive Battle

Within a few hour's in the battle, everyone is holding their ground.

Noah is holding everyone with his gravity spell but seems like he is about to break.

Wisdom is still fighting the 50 member's on floor 1, but he's losing his strength but he's taken down at least 80% of the men...

Within a few minutes later Akira woke up and he looked around realizing that he's still in the battle field.

"Everything hurts...my legs are sore and my the bones in my left hand feel broken" Akira thought but he kept pushing himself.

"I have to help Ren..." Akira said to himself as he walked towards the door and opened It.

"LADIES AND GENTLEMEN! AKIRA IS BACK IN THE FRAY!" Leon shouted as the entire crowd cheered.

"Dang lady Luna, your child is very strong" Mako said.

"That's why he's special to me" Luna smiled.

Ren arrived on the 3rd floor within minutes, their stood a big gate that would lead to the leader that was inside.

"It's time to settle this once and for all." Ren thought in his head as he unsheathed his katana in his right hand.

"Thank you everyone, I won't let you down" Ren said as he started to chant his spell towards the gate.

"Hydraulic SLASH!" Ren shouted as he swung his katana downwards at the gate and caused a massive explosion.


Kazaki was angered.

"What the hell are they doing?!" Kazaki shouted.


Mako crossed his arms closing his eyes

"So who's going to taste defeat lord Kazaki?" Mako asked.


"Now now Kazaki, I was only helping as a friend." Luna said teasing him.

"Damn you lady Luna! You and your child have caused this loss!" Kazaki said

At the battle field.

Zen the leader of the castle was there sitting on the throne. No one was there to guard him, It felt off but even Ren didn't sense a single person but him.

"It's been awhile...Zen" Ren said

"So, you managed to get pass everyone? Pretty good for a S rank support. But can you defeat me single handedly in battle?" Zen asked.

"Support types aren't useless in combat Zen, your wrong about then. They can fight in combat too!" Ren shouted.

"Shut up! I swear every time I see your face IT IRRITATES ME!" Zen raged.

Zen slowly stood up and started to unsheathe his sword from his back.

"Let's handle this like real men" Zen said as he held his sword in front of him as he got into a battle stance.

Ren quickly tapped a little radio on his left ear

"Akira, get to Wisdom and Noah. Don't come up here" Ren said to Akira through the radio.

"Huh? But..." Akira was cut off.

"Just let me handle him, I promise I'll come join you in your next dungeon." Ren said with a smile

"Fine then, But I'm going to interfere If needed. Akira said as he disconnected from the call.

"Now then, let's settle this..." Ren said.

Zen chuckled "Cocky little brat"... Zen said as he kicked his feet off the ground and dashed towards Ren.

Ren did the same and the 2 clashed blades against each other.

As their 2 blades were against each others they were using all their strength to push each other back. But Ren was slowly being pushed back, one of his feet being pushed back.

"Still the little pip squeak u are" Zen said

"You can say that, but I bet you didn't expect this!" Ren said as he grabbed Zen's face with his left hand and started to cast a water spell at him.

But Zen quickly leaped back and avoided being blasted in the face.

Ren quickly reached out to his pouch behind his back and grabbed 3 Kunai's and threw all of them at Zen as he was in the air.

Zen quickly slashed them all in a matter of seconds and landed on the ground.

"I see, by getting me in the air you think I wouldn't dodge it. Pffft." Zen laughed.

"How many more tricks do you have? Cause you better hope they work on me!" Zen said.

Ren gripped his katana handle tightly and started to sweat a little. But moments later Ren dashed towards Zen with lightning speed and got behind Zen.

Zen quickly deflected the katana hit but Ren quickly kept slashing at Zen, But it was futile since Zen was only matching his speed.

"Is that all you got?" Zen shouted as he kept deflecting the slashes.

Ren did one final strong downward slash, as he strikes Zen's sword with all his strength, the both of them both got knocked back a little by the force.

The two were a little tired but they kept their guards up.

To Be Continued....