

Akira, a 14-year-old adventurer, is in Crestania with his goddess Luna. As he descends further into dungeons, he grows stronger with each level, but he also encounters terrifying enemies. Akira will discover that having a team can aid him in navigating the harder dungeon levels, but can he truly do it even with a party? Find out...

AkiraKaze · Fantasía
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24 Chs

Light Speed Miko

9 AM

Location: Terra town near the tower of dungeons.

Akira has arrived in the front of the gate of the tower for his next expedition with his new friend Miko.

As Akira waited he notice Miko running towards him.

After she made it, she took a quick breather.

"Here take this water" Akira offered to Miko.

"Oh, thank you." Miko thanked as she took the bottle of water and drank it.

"It looks like you had a rough time getting here" Akira said.

"Mhm, It was a bit of a long travel" Miko explained.

"I take It your ready?" Akira asked.

"Did you buy new equipment? I don't remember you wearing a hooded cloak." Miko mentioned.

"Oh yea, I like to hide myself from the other Crestania's that's usually down there. Ever since I got my Novice title anyone who meets me would usually try and get a picture with me or a autograph." Akira explained.

"Oh, I see. How many floors are we going down?" Miko asked.

"We'll go down floor 8, Floor 6 was already cleared today so no monsters should be spawning there. We just have to clear floor 7 and then we can get to 8." Akira explained.

"Don't worry, these floor monsters aren't going to be dangerous. The only thing I've gotten from my guild advisor is that there is a monster that can poison you. It's called a Vine bat, mainly because they have a ability that spawns vines from underneath you and after that they will bite you and poison you" Akira explained.

"Alright! Got it, since we're both offensive types in battle, I'm guessing we'll have to be careful on how we fight when near each other. I feel like my speed might actually mess you up." Miko mentioned.

"Well we'll be fine trust me! If both of us are strong and speedy I'm sure these monsters won't even be able to see us at all. Now then, let's get going!" Akira said as both of them began to walk towards the entrance.

2 hours later...

On floor 7, Akira and Miko find them selves surrounded by Vine bat's and Zegal's which are squirrel like monsters with quick agility and deadly abilities, being able to shoot out spikes that can pierce through skin.

"Miko! be careful, Zegal's are quick and can shoot out spikes that will heavily injure you" Akira shouted.

Miko quickly unsheathed her rapier, she analyzed the surrounding in a quick manor and she started to chant something.

"Blessing's of the wind, grant me thy power to out speed my enemies" Miko chanted.

"Speed Gale!" Miko shouted as a green aura surrounded her and infused in her.

"What the, a speed skill?" Akira thought as he looked behind.

Within a second Miko stomped on the ground as hard as she could, gripping her rapier's handle tightly and in a flash she launched her feet off the ground and in a instant she slashed all 10 Vine bats and Zegal's with a timely manner.

"What the hell! She's fast...faster then me with that skill activated, Just now she was equal in my speed but with that spell, She can easily out speed me." Akira thought.

"I guess I have to finish my side of the fight too!" Akira shouted.

"LIGHTNING BOLT!" Akira shouted as he infused a magical spell in his right hand and launched It towards his side of the fight.

Within minutes the field was covered in smoke.

But as It cleared up, Akira and Miko already wiped out the entire mob of monsters.

"You're really strong Miko" Akira said.

"Yea but, It's impressive that you don't have to chant to use that magic spell" Miko said complimenting Akira.

But in minute's Akira notice a Zegal jumping in the sky and heading towards Miko.

"Miko!!!" Akira yelled as Akira pushed Miko out of the way towards the left, he pulled out his dagger from his sheath and made the Zegal chomp onto the blade of his dagger.

Miko got up quickly and assisted on finishing It off as It couldn't dodge in the air, she stabbed It in the head and it quickly died and faded into ash's into the air.

Akira sighed in relief.

"Are you okay Miko?" Akira asked as he sheathed his dagger.

"Yes, thank you for saving me Akira" Miko said.

"Do you think you can keep going? I feel like these Mana crystals are slowly filling up my pouch and It may slow me down." Akira said.

"I say we keep going! After all we managed to wipe out these mobs in a matter of seconds and I don't think any of us are injured." Miko explained.

"Alright, Let's clear floor 8 and get the Mana crystals and we can cash in!"

After Miko and Akira agreed to move on they both had to fight through more hordes of monsters before reaching the next floor.

Blood splattered everywhere and Akira and Miko were quickly taking them out with their agility.

"Lightning BOLT!" Akira yelled as he launched 5 bolts of lightning in his path.

Hours later....

Akira and Miko took a quick break after making It to floor 8

"That was tiring, I didn't expect so much monsters to show up like that" Akira mentioned taking a deep breath.

"Do monsters spawn in this area? If not I think we should take a break here." Miko suggested.

"There's a spring here, think we could swim In it" Miko asked.

"H-huh?! Are you crazy, what if the other Crestania or Adventurer's see you naked here? Not to mention my presence here." Akira said.

Miko laughed.

"You really think I'd swim in a dungeon?" Miko said.

Akira sighed

"You got me there." Akira said with a smile.

Within minutes Akira noticed a group was walking down the stairs to the 8th floor.

At least 6 people came down.

A 2 dwarfs, 3 elves and 1 human.

The human stayed behind as the rest of the group moved ahead.

"Hey you!" the human yelled at Akira.

"What's up?" Akira asked.

"Do you know what's up ahead?" the human asked Akira.

"No, I only just got here. But It's pretty dangerous down here so I'd be care-" but before Akira could finish his sentence.

"Thank's kid, but don't worry danger is my middle name!" he smirked as he left to the other group."

As he disappeared Miko started to question who he was.

"I can't tell what Crestania he is from, most of the time people will have a symbol on their weapon or clothes or even on their body to represent their Crestania. For instance my dagger is imbued with my Crestania symbol but It's hard to believe they weren't in one." Akira explained.

"Oh, I see. So is It possible they aren't in one?" Miko asked.

"Yes, but I have a bad feeling about this...let's be on our guards." Akira said.

Miko shook her head.

"Let's go ahead and eat and then we can move on, maybe we'll be able to help them as we make our way towards them!"

Stay tuned for these chapters!

Chapter 7: A Path To Never Cross

Chapter 8: A Unexpected Visitor

Chapter 9: God Meeting


Release time: 6 PM EST

AkiraKazecreators' thoughts