

Akira, a 14-year-old adventurer, is in Crestania with his goddess Luna. As he descends further into dungeons, he grows stronger with each level, but he also encounters terrifying enemies. Akira will discover that having a team can aid him in navigating the harder dungeon levels, but can he truly do it even with a party? Find out...

AkiraKaze · Fantasía
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24 Chs

Dragon Slayer

Hours later after the party was burnt to a crisp and Akira, Miko and Sync were the only ones who stood fighting.

Sync took a heavy hit and was in critical condition with 3 giant claw marks on his chest.

Miko rushed over to try and stop the bleeding, but no matter what she did. It wouldn't stop.

"Hey! Stay with me!" Miko yelled desperately trying to tie cloth around his body.

"It's to late for me..." Sync slowly started to say.

"That dragon, he killed my friends..." Sync said.

"It's the only reason why I came along, hoping I could avenge my friends but It looks like I couldn't do It." Sync explained as he started to bleed out.

"H-hey! Don't give up yet!" Miko cried.

As Akira was gliding through the air in the battle with the dragon he looked down to notice Miko was still trying to help Sync.

"Miko! I'm have a plan! But I need you to acknowledge that you're okay right now!" Akira shouted as he deflected a strike from the dragon's claw but was pushed backwards against a wall.

Akira notice she was breaking down.

"It's just like before..." Akira thought.

"That day when we almost died to a skeleton giant, but this time It's a dragon."

Back at the surface, Luna and Hermes are having a talk at the tavern.

"Tell me Luna, why send your child down a dangerous dungeon? You know he's no match for that beast." Hermes explained.

"I'm curious about his passive, I'm watching over him as we speak. But It looks like It's not activating in the current situation." Luna explained.

Hermes sighed, he picked up his mug and chugged the whole drink in a matter of seconds.

"I still don't get It, isn't he special to you?" Hermes asked.

"Don't worry...I think It's about to happen" Luna said as she was watching him through her godly powers.

Back at the fight...

Miko wasn't moving, she was traumatized and Akira was single handedly fighting It alone.

But within seconds Akira lost focus and was launched across the dungeon and he crashed into a wall.

Miko was knocked over by the powerful shock wave and was separated from Akira.

As Akira pulled himself out of the wall, his emotions were changed again, just like before.

"Seriously...you piss me off" Akira said as his eyes turned blonde and his entire outfit transformed.

"But I'll enjoy this time before "he" comes back" Akira said.

The dragon lifted one of It's sharp claws at Akira and struck down towards Akira.

But moments later Akira stopped It with a force field with his right hand.

He released the force field ability and quickly grabbed It like It was nothing and snapped the claw off.

The dragon roared in agony, "Is that all? Because I'll show you true pain" Akira said as he teleported in front of the dragons face and kicked It so hard that he pushed It backwards and a power gust of wind sent Miko and Sync's bodies moving, It even started to crack the pillars.

Akira touched the neck of the dragon, a powerful light aura started to surround his right arm.

"Holy...Explosion" Akira said slowly.

Akira released the spell and soon after the dragon exploded into bits and blood splattered everywhere.

With that the dragon died without even a chance...

Within minutes Akira's whole outfit and hair and eye color reverted back to It's original.

Akira passed out after the battle and the dragon dropped a rare material next to Akira.

Back at the Tavern...

"Look at that, he did It again." Luna said.

"Impressive, so that's what his passive is" Hermes said.

"Yea but...I'm still confused. Is that Akira who's actually taking control or Is It another person that resonates inside of him?" Luna explained.

"That is true, he did seem like a more malicious person." Hermes said.

"Anyways I'm going to have the guild retrieve Miko and Akira back, later Hermes." Luna said as she walked off.

"H-hey wait! What about the check?!" Hermes shouted but It was to late as Lucifer came out with the check.

Hermes was left in a awkward situation...

To be continued.

"Is that all?" - ???

AkiraKazecreators' thoughts