

Akira, a 14-year-old adventurer, is in Crestania with his goddess Luna. As he descends further into dungeons, he grows stronger with each level, but he also encounters terrifying enemies. Akira will discover that having a team can aid him in navigating the harder dungeon levels, but can he truly do it even with a party? Find out...

AkiraKaze · Fantasía
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24 Chs

4 Man Party

The very next day, Akira,Miko,Ren and Alice all headed down towards the 14th floor of the dungeon to clear the next path.

But everyone has encountered monsters on the way.

"Hasten my allies and give them the speed they need!" Ren shouted and casted a speed spell on Miko and Akira.

"Miko! Strike with me!" Akira shouted as both of them dashed towards the line of monster's at the same time and sliced through them like nothing.

After Miko and Akira wiped out the horde of monsters they rested for a bit.

"I"ll take the front lines next If you want Miko" Ren offered.

"Sure, I don't mind. But you know you can always move to the front line when you need right?" Miko said.

"Sorry, I'm used to asking people to be in the front lines since most of the time supports are restricted from moving up. But you guys are different". Ren explained.

"How are you holding up Alice?" Akira asked as she saw her just standing there emotionless.

"I'm assuming that means yes" Miko said.

"Hey, It's okay to talk to us you know." Akira said but Alice said nothing.

"Let's just leave her be, she is following us and as long as she is safe I don't see anything to worry about" Ren explained.

But within a few moments a monster leaped out of nowhere towards Alice.

Everyone gasped in a panic noticing the monster was about to attack Alice.

But in a flash Akira and Ren both slashed the monster in a instant, saving Alice from getting hurt.

Akira and Ren sighed in relief, "Are you alright Alice?" Ren said.

But she still said nothing.

Akira handed Alice a Onigiri to eat, "Here, take this Alice" Akira said with a bright smile.

But Alice just walked off where Ren was heading.

Akira was in complete disappointment, "It's okay Akira, maybe she'll turn up later" Miko explained as she headed towards the rest of the group.

1 hour later...

"Ren! Alice! Take cover!!" Akira shouted as she blasted a bolt of lightning towards the entire horde of monsters.

"More over here!" Miko yelled from the east.

"Where did these hordes come from?!" Akira thought, trying to dodge the monsters and slashes.

Akira regrouped with everyone and his back was towards Miko's.

Both of them grip their weapons tightly, "Miko, Let's switch with Ren and Alice! We'll support them" Akira suggested.

Miko agreed and both ran towards Ren and Alice. And Ren and Alice leaped in to replace Akira and Miko.

"Alice, let me buff you bef-" but before Ren could even explain, Alice leaned forward and dashed into the horde of monsters.

"W-wait! Alice!!" Ren shouted.

Alice pulled out her sword from her sheath and jumped into the air and struck her sword down into the ground, taking out one of the wolves.

"Ren! Go with Miko! I'll help Alice with the east side!" Akira explained as he jumped in with Alice in the group of monsters.

Alice and Akira's back were towards each other, the 2 did not exchange words. But they both dashed at each side and started to plow through the mobs.

"LIGHTNING BOLT!" Akira shouted as he summoned bolts of lightning from the sky to eliminate some of the monsters.

Alice did nothing but hack and slash away at everything with insane speed.

"She's fast with her sword...It's like she's not even moving It" Akira thought as he examined Alice.

She managed to wipe out 50 of them in a matter of seconds, not even moving her blade.

"Is she...faster than me or am I just slow?' Akira thought as he kept watching Alice slash away.

Within a few moments later, everyone had finished up their side of the fight and collected all the crystals the monsters dropped.

"Wow, these can sell for 20 mil each." Ren said as he examined and took the crystal.

As Akira was picking up the crystals, he noticed Alice was picking them up beside him.

"You're pretty fast Alice, especially when you're in that armor." Akira complimented.

But as expected Alice was silent, no matter what Akira tried to do.

"Could you at least acknowledge me?" Akira asked.

Alice turned to him "I am..." Alice said.

Akira was shocked after hearing her talk for 1 second,

"See that's all I wanted" Akira said with a smile.

Alice had a confusing face, she was confused why Akira always smiled but she walked away towards the other's.

To Be Continued...