
Crescent The Beginning

It all started off with with her being scared of the knowing but as she gets more information about the world she ends up wanting to change it from the way she found Calista in slavery to even falling in love with a shifter who killed many traning a boy who has lost his mother in away that no one should and finding a wepon from a mysterious kid and even teaming up with magic people that had been casted out and forgotten she is no longer scared of the unknown any more she embraces it she can do it but its not going to be easy to change the minds of the people who are stuck in there way

moonstone2537 · Fantasía
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24 Chs

Keep moving 22

Moving and saying hidden was hared but it had to be done now more then ever my hand rested on my blades as a man came close I don't like this Adonis I Whispered to him it's ok he said

what is it I can help you with he said nothing really I am just wondering what a wagon is doing so far out here we wanted to get away from everyone some sickness was moving around us and we had to run my wife and Daughters are all I have please leave us be .mother Alex said why have we stoped honey daddy is just talking to a nice man ok she said and went back in the wagon go on get out of here thank you Adonis said and went on I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding that's the last Village for a long while I know we have enough supplies we should stop and make camp soon ok he said oh one more thing she asked wife she questioned are you not my best friend my one and only love she froze and said slowly I love you to but where is my ring he looked at her you want one yes she said softly well your going to have to wait for that as you can see we have bigger things to do like get there with in to days and keep them he pointed to Nyah and Alex well I have thought about that and well what do you think about giving them your last name mine he said yes because one day I will take your name and they will be my kids or well family he smile yes that's wonderful but are you sure I think so they are really like my kids and my mother thinks that way to they called her grandmother I think I should tell them ...to night he questioned yes I will be happy to have them as my kin the little one already calls me mom so I hope Nyah will as well lets hope so this last few mouths have be hard for her and me she's only 14 and Alex only 7 she was so young yet had a big responsibility of caring for her sister and keeping her blue monster under control we set camp up and started the fire girls she said once the food was ready I was thinking she said that as you know we both care for you very much so much that you have become like my own kids so we wanted to ask will you take Adonis last name and become my kids in name Alex said first yes she went and hugged me Nyah are you she looked up eyes full of tears you want us yes I do even knowing that she didn't finish the sentence you and I are the same I helped you remember yes I know but I pulled her in you are my daughters now,nothing and no one will say other wise or I will have there head then mom what is my new name you and your sister are now Nyah moonlight and Alex moonlight my kids you are now more important then anyone to me with the exception of a few others as you both we know now I love you and will help you become strong yes now you need to know that your father is a shifter and can be scary but he loves me and you so Adonis if you will neither of them have seen his wolf but when they did it took a minute but Alex Hugged him fluff she said wow that's a wow I know right you can't tell anyone who all knows everyone in the group and he is not the only one the little girl back with my mother she is one as well and she is also part elf her mother elf Nyah said and her father a shifter wow she was so the king wants his toy back she said in a low voice yes but she is safe for now when we ...snap some one is there she stood who goes it's me the man from before came out why are you here because your the lady in red what are you talking about she played dum trying to keep her voce calm oh but I know that wolf any where see he held up the wanted poser of me and in the back a wolf of black and eyes of gold shit girls yes by my side and Alex to the wagon yes mother who do you think you are coming after me like this he looked at her with a wicked smile the money was enough

men he called and more came out from the trees pull your hood and cover your face why because if any of them run they Will know your face and we don't want that will we put them all down yes and move from here it's was a long night and the ground was stained red when they finish is this how it always will be Nyah asked no I don't want this but if we can't find the last holder then it will be hard I don't like killing she said in a whisper nether do I but I do like living a lot more come now we must move camp and travel throw the night to the opening then what we wait but what if more come then they come but no buts you sleep Alex needs you she will not sleep with out you fine but mom yes thank you for taking us in and showing us that not all people are bad your welcome now sleep

Thoughts where hared as the wagon went on and over many bumps but Alex was by far the best shooter I have and Nyah she had me on my feet from day one she had very good reflexes that took years to develop and she had thought long and hard about whether it was a good Idea or not to let Alex start to call me mother or mom it was the cutest the first time she did it she went red but now it felt right to give them her soon to be last name because in a way she raised them up and healed them she brought the girls back to life there eyes showed it when they played around with crimson and Azzare to when they trained she sat with her bow hanging in her hand when her thoughts where disrupted by a sound of leafs crunching she didn't stop night he new what to do most times she didn't hold the lead the sound was getting close she stood who is out there she called please I need help my family night stopped the kings man ....the king she enter ruptured yes they tried to the poor girl was crying now they tried to Chane me and use me is that so come to the light I cannot see you she walked to her why did they do this to you and your family I am she looked at Cressida's face please can you help me something was off the girl was covered in dirt and mud and her dress was tore but her heir was neat she saw it some one was comeing from behind her azzare take them out quick and quietly crimson to the back Adonis come around and keep her here I need to know what her game was she spoke to the lady how far is it to your home you must have ran a long way yes I did but I don't really know where I am at right now if not for your light I wouldn't have fond you I see I jumped down from The wagon you see I don't buy it if true you would be a mess you would have cuts and your hair would be a mess who are you she grow nurses I am well she studded now she yelled but nothing happened where are they have they not she saw the fox come from under the wagon no she said with Strain in her voce it can't be your little red and if I am I have been looking for you every where I am the last holder the wond how do you know of that I lose parts of my memories when I let the monster out she has tried to kill me more then once and I almost lost my life but I she looked away what is it tell me when I snapped the neak of every soldier in my village who was faithful to the king why because my brother was wiped to death for something he did not do noises came for the other said oh no she said and went wide eyes I thought I lost them who the kings man ever sense that day I have been on the run trying to find you I lost control once again and released over 50 slaves the men that you have nocked out I saved them come close and show me your eyes and it was there her eyes as green as mine but the blue that shadow them was there come you believe me yes I do but I do not have your weapon as you can see but here she handed the last band the queen had given her here she handed here the band what is this it's warm and I feel better we don't have time for me to explain I am sorry damn it kids get up she yell they jumped to there feet and suck there heads out what is it we have more people who is it this time mom the kings man what Nyah jumped down where over there they saw the lanterns what do we do get that man over there she pointed into the wagon and you can you fight yes but will I loose control if I do no the band keeps the blue mother in check ok she said Adonis come back he was at my side he drop the man that was in his mouth this belongs to you he said with a facial expression the man was scared but one look and at his friends told him that he was safe are you red he asked yes now get in we have to run and try and get away from here wait she said do you have a clover on you any were yes he showed her the mark on his arm why come here you're going to hate this but I have to cut it off what he said and backed why it's tracking magic his eyes went big that's how they keep finding us dam it ok fine make it fast she cut away the mark and packed him up your friend as well his is on the other arm I cut the mark from him and did the same he will be fine lets go we have only a little of time before they see us and chases us night let's move we moved into the night but we were seen and they came after us dam it they seen us I know we have to stop and fight who do you think you are we only have two man who can fight she froze do remember who I am he bit his tong sorry I am not thinking straight we have been on the run for a year

what! She said where is it that you where held at I don't know it's been a long time was it she stopped speaking and then went on to say Shadow maiden yes I was put in a room and he paused how did you know that. Let me look at you he came close your eyes oh god no she said you where dead you don't mean I do your sister is my number two his eyes went big Calista is save and alive thank you thank the gods yes you must be the Oder brother she told me about he started to cry hey now it is not the time for that come now let's kill the ones who are after you then talk more the men are close night keep them moving she jumped down and was fallowed by two girls ready yes the men saw them one by one they fell he could just see her move to another man when he lost sight of them night the big house stopped at a river and waited it didn't take long for them to come back covered with the after maths of the fight how is your friend has he gotten up not yet no he has not what's your name Jonah his name is Ashton and you my new holder Nikah thank you for keeping us safe thank you for not lieing to me when I asked who you were if not I might have ended your life now I have rules here if you are to see my face and know my name as well as the others you have to swear to me that you will not hurt me or any of the people I care for or tell any one who I am I swear to you that I mean you no harm and I will keep this I swear to you and my sister I will never hurt or betray you good girls they came around yes mother they said at the same time I pulled down my hood and cover do the same and introduce yourselves they did and hurry back to the wagon my name is Cressida they mean the world to me if harm is to come to then I will hunt you down and make you pay do I make my self clear yes mama they said at the same time now come eat tell me what happened to you and let me help you that night they ate a full meal of meat potatoes and bread slow down you will be sick sorry they said let me check on your friend I climbed in to the wagon and saw that he was filthy Azzare come we need to clean him up and the others as well and what do you want me to do well she dumped out the lager think of potatoes can you cut this in half so it's shorter and fill it yes I can she lifted it out and cut it in two good now fill it ok she pulled the water from the lake and filled it full now she put her hand in it cold but she new how to fix that she carved the word heat and fire on it and pulled her magic in to in chanted the tub it work the water was warming up good now she went to the wagon and look for something anythink I could give nikah there is was the light blue shirt and a pair of pants and this will work come now she said to her for what well I stink you stink you have a bath yes come she got up and ran to the wagon she looked around how will they not see us don't worry I have that covered crimson put a Barrier around us so no one can see oh she undid her dress and let it fall to the ground her back was black and blue and a long pink scar slid across her right shoulder blade what happened I was hit by a bald when I lost my self I didn't wake up for a week but they she pointed to the boys helped me no this will not do does it hurt yes but I am alive no what I mean is can you move no it hurts a lot is there a way you can help or get ride of it I can and will Azzare she saw it and went to work it didn't take long before it was nothing but a White line on her back there she moved her arm it's gone the warm pain now come let me wash your hair what she said come you need help anyway but no buts I took the soup and lathered her heir you have fine hair thank you she said welcome now wash your self and I will change the water your welcome to sleep in the wagon with my family thank you she washed her self and dried off what do I she say pants and a light nightshirt she put them on and went to the wagon she saw that Ashton had been moved and was now being care for in a small tent she went back and saw that Cressida was washing but she was shook when she saw the marks along her back an arms new and old Blended together like a day and night how did you get them I got them keeping the ones I love save I got them saving all of my people but worst of all my father did most of them where is he now she said with out thinking he is dead I killed him why she whispered he put changes on my mother killed the Village elders and turn the whole place upside down and on top of that he lost his mind and tried to kill me so I put him down oh was all that she said I am sorry and walked away

How can anyone have so much Strength and so many Scars and still smile like she does

We put everything we had into saving the elf's and rebuild over a month passed and the wall was done rebuilt it's was amazing how they helped and made things move so very fast the walls where Released with spells in the cloaking spell was put back up they could leave now she met with the queen the walls are up and my people are better thanks to you thank you young one your welcome we must be on are way now yes go now she gathered her self and the others and marched out of that place they where strong now and went on to training the army and caring for one another they round for a week straight only stopping to eat rest and relieve them selfs when they saw the village in two weeks they round the streets and the new trail to the house and call Cody Lilith let's move they came running we are ready come then she pulled Lilith up on to day and Zack was on the new horse cinnamon they set off as fast as possible Thank goodness for Felix we shaved off weeks of travel with his knowing of how to get there in the first place and the short cuts he new they stoped when they saw the kings men dead and big wolf prints they are only a days ride away thank the gods you have been pushing us and the house look at them my they look exhausted your right but we are so close one one day guys one more then we can rest she remember the Circulate she pulled it out and called then she saw her we are close how close we are just about to leave bodies line the floor what you're not far if you ride further you will see a river and that's where we are at I had to stop for a week what why you will see when you get here ok then see you soon yes they are down the road and off to the right something happened and she had to stop so she is close then let's go Felix said they made the horses run fast and there at the riverside Cressida stood two men where at her side when they saw us coming they where scared they came close Calista jumped from her horse and hugged her never send me on a Mission like that again I make no promises one after another they all came and hugged her now she said with a dark smile what they hell happened to you all you look dead someone Cody said did let us rest along the way look we made it right yes but that was stupid don't do that again I will not it's so good to be at your side it is but there is someone who has missed you very much

Jonah she called Calista's eyes went big and she started to cry but instead of running to him she backed away you can't be him the last time I saw you she said was when you tried to make a run for it I saw them kill you no they didn't I ran with all I had to save myself so that one day I could save you and bring you home but it looks like you saved your self but how did you not get hit with the Arrow I he studded he looked at her I used magic he looked almost Scared to say it I am sorry I never told you or he was stoped by his sister's crying brother she cut in I have kill the one mother and father met there death by just as I have promised you did he asked softly was it painful yes long no but he is gone and never to hurt us again brother I have missed you every day thinking you where gone from this world but to see you sitting before me She said and jumped to him sending him to the floor makes me the happiest and the luckyist sister alive he said nothing but smiled and went on to say you have become strong my little Robin I have and you have lost weight and she saw the marks on his rest how she said as she looked at them they found me was all he said never aging will that happen as long as I live hey I am the one who is supposed to be taken care of you not the other way around I am your big brother after all oh stop it she said as she helped him up you do not look all that good I know but if not for her and her we would all be dead right now she looked to the girl you found the last one yes I did the magic holder Felix he looked at her give her what is hers please he took out the last one the last part of the puzzle and gave it to her the weapon shines in her hands it reformed smaller and it shifted tell it became a White band around her wrist she flicked her wrist and the wand was as straight and the tree it was carved from wow she said I never

you are now one in self and mind with us you will say with us no matter what! she quickly question you will train and better your self to set a equal world with us we are going to war but you are not ready yet how do you know she snapped you have seen me fight am I not as good as you maybe better I see you have scars only a idiot would she was stopped by a hard punch to the face how dare you say or even think that you couldn't even stop

That if you new any better calista Said she got up and sent magic at her oh you want to play she looked to Cressida yes she mouthed everyone backed away they new what she could do she spent every day she had In The library of the elves learning everything she could about the mind and how it works and magic how wild it could be how dangerous it could be if wield it incorrectly how intense it can feel when you casts a spell she looked at her and hit her mind like a Arrow hitting its mark over and over again until she broke The defenses she sent her to her knees as she dug through the memories She pulled back you have been hurt a lot and are broken in Both body and mind you have no say until you have been trained to defend yourself and as you are right now you're weak and could get someone killed your nothing she spat

Cressida looked at her and broke that's enough she said in a cold voce she had only used once get up what up why she said because you think you can fight me prove your words she throw one of her blades now she said as cold as ice every one around her never saw her like that the only one keeping a cool was Adonis she got to her feet her eyes shifted so be it Cressida said she blocked out every one and thing she went cold she was never this pissed no one has ever chosen to go against her and she was not having it she shifted her eyes an ice blue Nkah was already coming at her she was tried but not enough with one cut she went down Ashton and Jonah tried to rush to help her but was stoped by Calista and Adonis nikha swung at random trying to fight her off another hit from Cressida hit its mark she had broken her arm and the girl sat on the ground hugging her arm and crying out in pain she took one last look at her and said you ever forget to use your brain again I will break more then your arm next time I thought you would have Learned your lesson after your mind was attacked but it seems you only listen when your shown discipline I am the leader of the five if you ever try and undermine me again or say evil things about people you don't even know nor begin to understand we will have problems do I make myself clear nikha yes red good now let me see what I can do to fix what has been broken you will have to let me into your mind no yes I she shook with Fear what is the matter I ..I don't want anyone in my mind to see what has been done to me stop there she pick up the nikha didn't want everyone to know we left everyone to talk because I need to know what's been bothering her why my scars bother her so much what set you off tonight so that we can fix it what ever is going on I can help

You move passed it I need time she said we were back at the wagon now this will hurt but why did you ack like that what are you hiding from me I told you everything the night you fond me but before I was sold my father trained me to keep my mind save and my mother she showed me how to fight father also taught me how to use my magic properly but when others saw me use it the became jealous and soon the king came for me he wanted me as a wife my father hated the king and my mother as well they wanted me safe above all so they tried to kill him but they died instead of him that day I had to run I did when I got away from him I was exhausted then they came Knocked me out and put me in chains I could not use magic no matter how hard I tried the chains stoped me or the mark they put on me did I don't know but right now when I have my mind back have it under my control I don't know what to do how to act around others how to trust you have shown me that but with others its hard I know it sounds crazy but I don't want you to see how messed up I am because you have a mind that is not messed up she started to cry I know your pain I know your heart hurts and you are sacred but what you did today could have gotten you killed my people stand by me not because they have to it's because they want to I have saved them over and over aging and the way you insulted me was like throwing rocks at them and you hurt calista the most why she was the first one I saved the first one I helped I made her strong so that she could find the man who hurt her the most and she did and she got her brother back you and I are not so far apart you know what do you mean I she shook her head no not now but I will say one thing all the scars I have are not being stupid there for saving the ones I care most about and my demented father her face when blank I am sorry she said I didn't it's ok you didn't know most people don't seem them anyways why didn't you tell them because they are the ones I care most about come now let me fix you up she looked at her ok into her mind she went and fix the bone she broke and saw that Her leg muscle never knitted back together she held her down and crack and snap she was in a lot of pain I jumped from her mind it's ok now dam it she said what did you do you had an old injury I fixed it you can walk normally again what you're leg it was badly mangled what happened people who hated me is what happened she said no more there is still work I have to do ok do it I finish casting her then her mind nothing locked or missing but something did happen to her that hurt her mentally there was a door locked by her that said one word hurt

I unlocked it and went in it was her father saying something about how good she was to understand what he told her some one knocked on the door who her father was shout and killed just like that the men didn't even walk around him just separated on him her mother was there and saw what had happened she threw a blade at her and said to fight she did just as her mother told her to when her blade fond it's mark she pulled it free and saw the mans life Drawn to an end she doubled over but she realized she took away a life for the first time her hands felt heave and her mind covered in fog then she killed everyone in that room when she realized what had happened and why she had no control over what she was doing she saw that when she was out then men had kill her mother and pined her to the ground and defiled her in the worst way she cried as they had there way with her Cressida pulled her self from the memory and ran she was pissed again because another one of her people the king hurt another defiled by his men how many must he hurt to get his way how many must die at his hand crack at every thought she had the band chipped away until snap oh shit she said Calista she yelled she came running what she stopped your band it ..it did and I can feel it scratching to get control again and it's winning get the others and tell adonis to take the kids away now she winced I don't know how long I can hold it but please her eyes half shifted between blue and green Calista ran every one ready your self what's going on she ignored them Adonis Cressida said to take the kids away she does not want them to see her like this Felix remember how we saved Sam yes we have to do it aging no she isn't yes but she is way she was cut off because Cressida had walked her self over and barely said do it but you have to it will mend the band and help me there are more of you this time everyone of you have to keep me from killing you do I make my she was gone now and dark laughter came from her she look up and all that was there was a blue moser the midnight blue there she stood and went right for Felix no Calista said and stoped the blows she though her off how are you this fast not now you have to fight her and keep her from hurting any of use to bad he set the spell around them and the band in hand the more she fought the more the monster will tired and the band will heal I think he said he only new what he was told she knocked off the attacks one after another the others looked to help her she took the lead this was not the first time this has happened it has before she said to every one I need your help she is stronger this time pull your weapons and help me bring her back they all did and went after her one after another she tired for hours to get her to come back but when she was finely about to get control back her eyes started to waver the band it's back together fight it Cressida fight it for us fight they yelled that's it she could see her fight to pull her mind back to take hold of it there she was give it to me fast this thing may be tired but it Clause at my mind with every breath I take Dame it get back she lost her self again and swiped at Sam he jumped back come back he said we need you I need you you have given me so much and all the others each one of them said something that would warm her hart it worked she fought it off and Calista was able to get the band on her she screamed in pain as the magic clean her mind and sent the darkness running thank you she said are you back she finished his sentence yes but I am sorry why they said I have a lot of things to tell you all and you need to here it they looked to her with loving eyes I have killed to save myself killed to save you and hatted it the other side I know her well she wants to kill wants everything to die and I stop her but I have to let her out it will bild and as you can see brake you mean to tell me Cody said that if we don't fight with the other side of are selfs we will louse it completely just as you did yes and the only way to get me back or any of us is to have Felix here to mind the peace and someone to fight off the monster so it becomes week and you can get the band back on that band you have there is the most important think you have on you don't louse it I need rest everyone wait why did it get so bad Sam asked I never feel that bad or pissed off you know he said it's because my mother die they went quite and some how she went on she came back she said the baby needed her and that it was not her time but I just don't know then there ...there her voce shook there is more that come Join me in my mind what you want us to come into your mind yes they looked at her then to Calista it's ok I have done it before they all reached out their minds to hers they saw it the memory of her they yelled said things and wanted to kill the king but asked a million questions we have to get to the the dwarfs so that we can see where we stand I have been informed that there are elf's there waiting for us as well who are going to teach us ways to fight as one we rest here and make are way there tomorrow but tonight enjoy your selfs rest and be happy to see your close friends once aging for tomorrow will be much work and the future that stands before us is dim they looked at her are you ok yes it's just been a long time sense I lost my self it wasn't but before I had this thing that I had a leash on but now not so much

Another few weeks went by and the opening to the the dwarfs was in sight the Mountain range that hid them so well towers over them and feel as if the earth is hugging them I have never felt so uneasy she said to calista I feel surrounded by many foes here I know I keep looking around the doors where huge and hidden if not for Felix we would have walked right by it with the help of his grandfather memories they

Names of the characters: crimson , Azzara, daylight ,night, emerald ,honey Cressida , Calista ,Adonis moonlight ,Felix ,Cody , Annabel, Sam , winter, Lilith ,Nova, Raven Zack Alex younger Nyah Oder sister Nikah Jonah brother to calista Ashton

Side characters: sky the queens special grad ,Zorander ,Rose the X grad but new one, clover