
Crescent The Beginning

It all started off with with her being scared of the knowing but as she gets more information about the world she ends up wanting to change it from the way she found Calista in slavery to even falling in love with a shifter who killed many traning a boy who has lost his mother in away that no one should and finding a wepon from a mysterious kid and even teaming up with magic people that had been casted out and forgotten she is no longer scared of the unknown any more she embraces it she can do it but its not going to be easy to change the minds of the people who are stuck in there way

moonstone2537 · Fantasía
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24 Chs

Closer 21

Days went by and I was starting to see impoverishment in Zack but not at all as good as me yet he can't even beat Calista he always ends up on his butt the others have helped rebuild and help with the up keep of the village I had to take a brake they were killing me with one think after another the fields need to be plowed all the horses had to be fond and they had nothing to trade with when the traders came I had to put night to work because my father had thought it would be grate to up root trees and have them fall on homes and then the traps there where Everywhere I almost lot a leg but Crimson and Azurra were a big help finding them and setting them off safely I just wanted to sleep by the time I got back but he need to be tried and I didn't have the time to wait I wanted to know what he was good at his strange was there but the Technique and accuracy where way off I had to teach him a different way I had him shot a bow over and over until he hit the mark two times he was piss off with in the hours but he got it then it was to fallow me and and hit I moved and he would hit my blade and Watch where he went until he understood the pattern each day he got better but still need work as for the Nyah needs something completely different she is all about closeness and her new ax's say she needs this Felix already explained to her what the weapon means and he really made it sound like a Miracle but her little sister was getting better she had marks on her Rest and her back it looked like it was Bruised but she was happy to play and be with other people i sit down and finally relax but it was all to soon when someone called out my name With panic in their voce what now I thought I moved my arm from my face Rose what are you doing here we left on good terms yes but people Are after her Annabel she looked up Cressida she said and jumped down and hugged me I looked at her then to Rose hey honey I hugged her back come with me Where are we going well I picked her up you want to see everybody right her face lit up you mean Wolfe yes and Calista oh and I made some more friends why don't you go and meet them ok I walked her into the tent Calista yes she walk out oh my Annabel how have you been little one good but bad peoples try to take me away from mom and daddy I was so hey now you don't have to be now really yes your here and we love you little one that's all it will take ok why don't you go and play with Alex so that we can talk with everyone ok she left the tent what is going on I need your help I know but I am still shook up about it they fond me and and her the. People you took her back from where the king they are trying to get her back the want to she was shaking it's ok I put a hand on her shoulder they attacked my family and all of the kingdom just in order to get her back I had to leave and I have to get back as soon as possible so I asked the queen to come and leave my daughter with you the Safest place I could think of and she missed you you are her god mother oh please I told you it was still to much no I wanted you to care for her if I didn't stop I told you she will come to us if anything were to happen but don't think about that she can stay but I can't send you back alone what are you saying Calista pack your thinks you Felix ,Cody ,and the girls are going with what your sending all of up but who will be here with you don't worry about me I have Adonis Sam and Zack not to mention others girls I need you to do this your ready for this I know I am but can I keep a team together I took her hand you can I have to stay here my mother and the kids here need me and I have so much training to do with them i can't do it on the run from what ever is after me and I have to care for Ann you can you have been a part of this team and now I need you to lead it I don't know if I can I am still broken from .... I know but your not that same girl from before you're faster stronger and have a team that will back you up stop over thinking this I am not she snapped I just need a minute she left the tent

I am sorry she had been there a lot but what happened not now she hinted at Annie hey little one I called her over you want to see Adonis yes please she said happily I walked her out and in to the house and out the back there you are he looked up just in time to ketch Annie Wolfe she cried can you look after her yes but what is she I am trying to finger it out now but I can't with her around her of it I get it go and finger it out and fill me in later thanks I walk back and sit down on the porch next to rose how why and who all I know is that they tried to take her away from me they got in some how and trued to take her she was so scared but clover got to her before it was to late I never saw him so Furious the way he Tour those men made it even worse for me I was the one to snap the mans Neck that had my baby she saw all of this and just cried when I got her back in to my arms and when I felt clover there as well I new i was safe but for how long the only glue I have is this she handed me a Piece of cloth it had the clover mark on it this think did you find any magic Attached to it no I ran test good why it's a long story

After about an hour telling her and explaining what was going on why that mark was Dangerous and how I new this she cried and was pissed when I told her Calista's passed she looked at her then to me you peaced that girl back together I did and I held her together until she was better but now she is and I want her to go and help you I have made up my mind my home needs me and I have to stay until my mother has that baby then I have to get to the dwarfs I don't know what to do any more I just tired of running I am sorry to here that but I need the help the queen sent me not just because of that because some one is going to try and kill me and her she sent me to get help from that and she insisted that I take Annie to you just in case I am not saying that it will but if the gods take me home I need you to care for her to help my clover keep him sane and my people as well they will need you I wish that it doesn't come to that I do as well you should go and talk to her find out what is holding her back she is a very strong girl and she may need to talk to someone your right but I need time as well I am trying my best to keep it together Rose but I ....I can feel it every time I fight or end someone's life a little piece of me goes with them I am so tired of this feeling nothing and being the one they look to i know that feeling all to well dear but it never gets easier you know but just keep reminding your self you have people to keep safe and if you don't you will lose them thanks rose I need that no problem any time what xx are you going to do about calista I am going to go and talk to her after she calms done

I am loosing my mind at what she said but I am ready to go the one think that's holding me back is he is still out there and I don't know if I am ready to handle that Calista hey what! are you ok yes and no but for the most part no I know that I can do it but still he is out there and that Scares me Cressida why he should no longer have this hold on you your stronger faster and way more confident and what are the olds that he will find you and I need for you to help me with this please the air went cold ok

From day one when we left it was hart backing but I new that we had to go I new that I had to keep every one together I just never new how hared that was and not to mention how it felt to have the red clock with me a sine that she was with me but also a sine of responsibility it hurt some times but it was fine i pushed on and relied on every one I new what I was doing for the most part Calisata hey over here oh sorry I was off in though what is it Felix  we are not alone any more for how long to long how many I don't know tell every one else but be wise about it got it I went up to rose and she looking around we are being fallowed aren't we yes we don't know how many but we have it under control I know you do there is a place up here we can lead them there and fight them off I know the people who have been fallowing us are nearer I know that this is all in my head  and I go back to the thought from before can I do this ... we were already in the field when did that happen how ...it was  him my hands stared to shack as he got off his horse look what we have here he said in a scratchily voce it the lady in red and her mighty fallowers he laughed it sent me into a panic it replayed in my head I could see it clear my mothers face as she help! was shouted I was snapped out of it when I hard it no not this time it was Felix he was pined how long was I you the man said are week he throw him no I screamed I cent my magic and cote him I went after him no mercer hit after another and another I sent him flying he stopped and went after her she foute him off as best she could but she was breaking and he could see it she was sent into the air with a kick crack she new it pain poised throw her as she hit the floor and roiled to a stop she couldn't more she new that she shouldn't but she did she got up warmth flowed threw her over the pain it was warm and felt formula it came to her hands and she looked down fires was at her hand and it had wrapped its self around her what's this the man froze you he said I killed you years ago no you didn't you killed my father in front of me the one who sent me away from my ding mother the one who fond me and made me work for him who used me in the worst way I am the dater of the blue flame she went at him with intent to kill she stopped just before she was about to kill him she was shaking she didn't know if it was the pain or the power or the thought of being scared by the very man that sat before her he took this as a chance and slammed his fist in to her face she was slammed to the ground she was fading in and out she got up one last time not this time but she was stopped place felix said not like this but he was the one that ...I know but not like this its the same for me how did you know the scare hidden by your sleeves and the way you hide from men but I see it I have always seen it I can and will finish this fight she got to her feet she didn't even know when she had dropped her vise blared and she swayed she spat the blood that was In her mouth out fine but this is my fight to he went after him wait no she ran after him she was faster then him and she took the full hit blood was on him on the ground she was thrown and didn't get up this time Calista he yelled and everyone stopped and looked  Cody  was the frist to loos it the monster took hold the ring on his arm was no help at what they just saw the girls cried as they saw the blood pool around her the man had every one on him at once one after another until it was to much for him to handle and Felixs sword fond it mark he twisted it may the gods have no mercer on your sole he said as he pulled his sword out every single one of them rushed to her side this is a lot to fix I don't know if I can fix it nova said I if I had help tell me how roes said how it's not that easy Cressida was the only one who had the way to do it and I have never used it to this extent nova you have to try I ok I need to clean this first and to stope the blood now Felix look at me go to her back and take out the blankets and cut it into strips now he didn't more for a minute she will be here when you get back now he moved and did it here she tide it around and around her waste and tiered it we need to move her to a save place and set camp no nova said you mover he she dies nova snapped her finger and where there was a body now was a fire set the camp here now he set the tent up around her and was kicked out of it as the girls came back with the water and her bag that had every think to help nova is she going to be ok I don't know but your going to have to help me ok she.... her close need to come off but we cant do that she was always so I know but we have to now we do not have a choice ok off came the closes and the blanket was taken off and washed and she was too the blood had stopped but not all the way it was bad it hit a lot of things but she was still berthing I don't know how this girl was alive I went in to her mind doors had been open and closed off so many time its like taking a chine on and off a door and the one that was left open was something I was thrown back from her mind as I saw it I ran from the tent and lost my food I cant she was rose came after me what did you just see she was ... more of my lunch was on the floor I wiped my eyes she... and tried to regain my self from what I just saw its she rose I cant even speak it she was .....I could feel my stomach flip again I.. I felt the tears come and no I will not fall apart now not now I put myself together and went back to her rose was right there the hole time are you ok what did you see she said in a whisper not now I cant think about it rose its bad I don't thing that even Cressida even knows about it but I have to help her going back is the only choices I have she went back in and didn't mess with any more open doors she went to the body she was all smashed up and had so many things wrong with her that I didn't even know were to start this is going to hurt her a lot I pushed her leg back into place stopped her ribs from going into her lungs and put her stomach back into place she still had her head to fix and for me to cast it all so that nothing moved I casted her leg and put a lining on her stomach and left her mind when I did what I saw came back nothing could stop from what I saw what I felt when I saw that memory I don't know what happen after the man took her are you ok rose asked no but I will be once she tells me what happened to her what did you see its not something I should say but she was a slave and changed and worked a lot what I saw was one night and she lost something that night that can not be given back no rose said yes and I think the man that we saw there had something to do with was he the no rose he was not but I don't know all of what happen before I became sick she needs to rest I need to let everyone know that she is ok I am going to go and get some rest you do the same once you tell them I left the tent and is she ok Felix asked yes she should be ok have you been there the hole time yes so you hued .....yes and it makes me pissed off and I just want to hold her and tell her its going to be ok but I know that I can't I know that she is so scared of men that she goes nowhere near me but for one second when she did I felt better I could see that she felt better but what cut the most was when I saw her almost cut in two its ok now she will be ok can I yes go in and see her he went in she was coved with a blanket and looked pale he went and sat next to her and took her hand he could see that she was moving and something was hurting her hey its ok now he sad he didn't know when or how it had happened but he fell for this broken girl maybe it was at the start or even now but seeing her fight and to get up not just once but twice and to fight and the worst part was she was brook and she had put her self in a bad place when he saw the blade come down on her and her fly and when  she did not get back up it had pulled his hart to peace he was only now calm because he saw her had her hand he looked over she was shaking her hade she sat up really quick she yelped in pain and then the tears came it was dark she said over and over he didn't know what to do so he just pulled her to him and held her she soon calmed down its your not.... what the hell are you ok he asked it hurts every were I was gone and it was so dark I .... what happen she said as she held him closer he didn't know what to do at this point he was red very red are you ok felix she asked no you almost killed me what do you mean she asked you were dont you remember ..... it hit her he was she started to shake its ok now ...she stopped after a wile is he yes he is I did it he is no more he is not there any more she said yes and your ok she said yes I felt her relax hey um look I have every ounce of respect for you so please cover your self she looked down and relised that she had somehow fond her self in his lap and it was not a bad feeling but she was not coverd she pulled the blanket over her self and fixed her self but she did not mover from his lap to do this she stay wich made it even harder to not look for felix why didn't you I dont want to move and if you see so be it you came to help me and were there for me when I fell and now you lithely holding me together felix I think I started to like you she said and I tried to hide it I wasn't ready yet to let someone see all of me but when I saw you take off with no fear and you were going to take the hit I couldn't let you because I new right then and now that I cared for you I dont know when I frist felt this but I know now that I .....she tried to say it but  it didn't come out she looked up at him are you ok are you feeling sick your so red wait .....did you he looked away no lier she said he chagng the topic fast how are you talking and moving well um about that I hurt like hell but the fire in me help with that and the fact that nova put me back together and used that he looked over what is it dragon dust I got it from Cressida's mom she said that this think will put you back together but to never use more then a pinch I put that on the bodle just in case smart he said and now back to the other question you liked me to didn't you he went red you do she sat up and look him in the eyes clear as day I new it she hugged him he coverd his face how is it that you can read me so easly its written on your face in red she laughed but its ok she said and took his hand from his face because I am the same he looked at her she was as red as he was now what he said I dont know but for now I need more rest and so do you she climed back to her bed he wnet to leave wait she said can you stay why he ask I this is a bit much but I dont sleep all that well and my memory likes to replay some bad days her face was no longer lit up with a smile and the redness went away when she said this he moved on his own took his shous off and set them out side of the tent I will stay but you have to change first I cant she said I cant put my arms above my head yet.... can you help me please I am going to go and get someone who can no they dont know about .....I ran my finger threw my hire  is it fine.... yes you can help me she dropped the rest of the shirt that was left and went to get her night clowns she could not get it help please ok he said he went in to her bag and handed her the night dress look at me she said I dont want you to get the wrong she pulled his eyes to her its ok if it's you he looked and she was even more beautiful then he could but the cut and the banders tell anther story her wrist tell her story and her eyes are no longer distant her red cheeks tell him that he was looking to long I am a mess of saris and cuts and burses right now and the worst of all I am no dont say it your not your sares tell there own story the marks on your reset tell me you fought the cuts and bruises tell me you never gave up and what they took cant begiven back thats true but the bad memory's can be pushed away with new ones if that is what you want not now I am not.... no need I will wait for you to take it to were you want it not me he pulled the night shirt from her and put it on over her had and pulled it down lets go get some sleep you need it ok she laid down next to him he pulled her close and she fell asleep with out any problems

rose was up and went to look after calisata but stopped at the door his shows were there he stayed with her she walked in she saw that the two had cuddled up and that he had helped her change the dressing and helped her into a new set of clowns she must really trust him I have nothing to do although she does need this a cream that will help with soreness this could be good she set down the cream and a little note help her with this she need it were the cuts were and were she is sore she left and went with nova to feed the horses and water them 

he was the first one to be up he was a little off when he fond he was not alone but last nights talked helped her and him he look over and saw that a small container sat with a note help her with this it needs to he stopped himself nope thats a bit much for him he saw his far share of her last night and he didn't know if he could keep himself in check if it came down to it she was sitting up and looking at him your even more handsome in the morning with bed head she said as she played with his hair this sent shives down his back what's that she read the note but I can .. he stuttered you yes she blurted out I can get there but ....what I my back I cant and legs she just spoke nonsense ok come here what but I you said so your self that you cant get it and I am here and I can help but you have to put some of this on me my arms hurt and back fine she tuned and let the night shrut fall he rubed his hands together so that the crame was not cold and put this stuff on her back it was smooth and warm I could tell that she lited it and it was helping with the soreness she let out little noces which was kind of cute she was like a cat pruuing better yes legs now she trued and gave him her legs thanks she said your welcome he put the cream on he soon fond out that she was ticklish she was lafing so much and it was grate to see her this happy hey its your turn she said wait what come on you seen me or are you scared that your ticklish no but need a minute he lost his shirt here happy now she looked and she could not look away sorry she turned away and he could see that she had tried to hid the blush your gorgeous she said he looked away here he handed her the cream her small hands dip into the stuff and her hand move up and down my back its cold and the soothing helped hands were now on my shoulders and she put presser and moved the stuff around you have a lot of presser her in your shoulders lay down why I am going to fix it but now she said I gave in and lay down she steped on his back he felt his back crak an pop take a deep breth ok he did chrack dam that hurt what did you do it was warm now and he did feel good nothing just poped your back and pulled the presher away you still need work could I do that to you yes but not in the same way ok put your hands flat and make a trianlgl with your hand good now find the top of my spine good now put presser all the way down until you here the poping nioce ok he did just that pop pop pop all the way down that feelt nice what are you two doing nova asked nothing really he was helping me with something did you put the stuff on yes ok good how are you feeling grate really but you came close to dieing yesterday I know trust me I know I even sent word to Cressida that you were no you didn't yes she went to her bag and pulled out a small marble call her sis it did yes I just got world are you ok yes I am I am fine you do not need to come I am fine really so why does Felix not have a shirt on and is that blood what the hell is going on well I have a lot to tell you out everyone not you Felix you have some explain to do it was him the one eye man does he knows she said yes he knows about everthink finally you two from day one but what I want to know is if your ok from what I got you were almost killed yes I am ok now thanks to everyone now are you mentally safe yes I am ok no more nightmares its only been one day but no I wasn't alone last night how long has this been like this to long it was when I was taken by Cressida and after you came it got worse when I saw  the clover agine why is it gone now because he is gone and your with me and I know that he can no longer hurt me or anyone else there is more to this then your telling me yes there is but she look to her tell him the day she came for me was one of the worst days I was taken hung up by my feet and things were done to me that I would not like to say but that day she came for me fond me and but before any of that she got hurt when she was looking for you and so what your telling me is that if I would have just told you what your bow ment this would never had happened yes and I would have been killed but why are you not mad at me I went throw hell but I would never had met you or her I would never have got to were I am at now I love you if I had to do that all agine I would she became the red lady that day she kill an army by her self I swere they were not happy with her that's why she is being chased because of me realy yes so we are the ladys in red or now I am the lady in blue I geuss or blue fire what are you talking abut the man said my mothers cod name was blue fire I never new that father and mother never said anything to me I will look in to it to clarify i dont need to go and help you no you have this under contrule yes good get some rest and keep me informed she ended the calling

The call from Nova sent me over the edge I was running around like crazy trying to put my thinks together to Leave and make sure she was safe I almost lost it but the little glass ball she gave me shown and there she was safe and sound I calm my self down it's been for months and mother was not getting any small and she was forgetting a lot but it was good the kids were happy and the training was finish with the others they had me on the run thats is for sure