
Crescent Hearts

When a young alpha starts university, he feels something's off. While following this unknown feeling calling for him, he stumbles upon many obstacles. While he chases a feeling longingly, his best friend has problems with the reverse. He misses a feeling, feels an emptiness, a void.

ChuYoisho · Famosos
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62 Chs

Chapter thirty-one

"Oh my gosh, I have a fun idea!" Riki, sitting next to Sunoo, took the bottle back out of his hands and asked what his idea was.

"Let's play Truth or Dare!" His request was backed up with a lot of positive exclamations, "but," he followed, "With a penalty for if you won't answer or do the dare."

"Do you have anything on your mind," Yeonjun asks.

"No, not yet," Sunoo answers, "I think, obviously, the person should take a sip at first but I don't know what next."

"KISS THE PERSON ON YOUR RIGHT," Jake exclaims. The others all find this a good one and agree.

"Okay, I'll go first," Hyunjin says, "Chris."

"Mhm. Truth."

"Do you ever have secret cheat days without telling us?"

"Do I look like someone who'd do that? This time you can be honest."

"Urgh, I really hoped you'd do. Next."

"Jeongin," Chris says.


"Would you ever make out with someone in this circle if you'd been given the chance?"

Everyone started laughing at this question. It may be a childish question, but it's still an iconic ToD question, so obviously, it would be asked at least once.

Jeongin looked around and smiled, "Sorry Chris," and he stood up, took the bottle out of Riki's hand and kissed Soobin after taking a huge sip. This only made most of them laugh even harder and left the others in total shock.

"Ayo, when did our baby grow up this much?" Minho asks.

"Sorry, Minho hyung," Jeongin says, fidgeting with his hands, blushing, "Ahem, anyways, next," Jeongin looks around and starts once again smiling.

"He's gonna mess around," Felix whispers to Jisung.

To which the other answers, "Definitely, but with whom?"

"Sunoo, truth or dare?"

When Sunoo answers, "Dare", everyone starts cheering.

"I dare you to kiss the most attractive person in this circle or you have to do the penalty."

Sunoo thought for a moment after which he turned around and kissed Riki. Most of them were disappointed since he didn't complete the dare.

"He didn't drink though," Jake says, pointing at the bottle in Jeongin's hand.

"That's because I didn't do the penalty," Sunoo answers, making Riki blush crimson red. Everyone started talking at the same time and Jeongin just sat back smiling.

"That boy loves to create chaos," Jisung whispers.

"It was a strategically planned dare though. If he already knew who Sunoo would kiss, Sunoo could've also kissed him and taken a sip afterwards, no one would've known then. But he chose not to."

"Ok, fair enough, so do you think they're dating?"

"I hope they are, they're adorable. That would make them the third couple in this circle."

"Sorry," Minho interferes, "But how would that make them the third one?"

"Tae and Gyu and Yeonjun and Soobs," Felix answers.

"Oh, I didn't know. I always thought these kinds of things spread like wildfire in uni."

"Not if you have the right friends," Felix smiles.

When Sunoo cleared his throat they shut up and looked at him. When Minho's leg hit Jisung's, Jisung didn't know what to do. If he responded, Felix might have figured it out, so he just sat there and looked at Sunoo.

Sunoo turned to his left, "Taehyun?"

"Truth," The other answers.

"What was the most embarrassing thing you've ever done on a date?"

"I don't know if this counts," Taehyun starts, "but there was this one time that I was waiting for Gyu in our hotel room because he had to get something. Except it wasn't our room."

"AHAHAHHAA WHAT," Sunoo asks clapping his hands excitedly. Gyu put his hand to his face.

"I thought Gyu had left the door open for me so I just entered, but apparently our room was the room next to that one. You should've seen the faces of those elderly when they entered. They looked terrified. Priceless," Taehyun starts laughing at the thought of it. 

"Ok but," Soobin says, "Why were they terrified? It's not like you look scary,"

"Taehyun," Hyunjin starts asking, "What were you doing in that hotel?"

"And what was Gyu getting," Jake gasps. Felix starts laughing, knowing what the two of the most dirty-minded people he knew were referring to.

"Jisung, truth or dare?" Taehyun asks, ignoring the questions that were tossed at his head. Making the whole group laugh once again.

"Truth," Jisung answers.

"When, where, who was your first real kiss?"

"Aren't those three questions though?"

"Just answer it."

"Since when can we ask three questions?"

"Jisung, are you gonna answer or not?" Jisung murmured a sorry, turned and kissed Felix after which he stood up and took a mouthful of the liquid which was still in Jeongin's hands, returned to his place and called for Heeseung, leaving everyone in utter shock.

"Whoa someone's steadfast on keeping it a secret," Chris says.

"Ooooh is it someone we know?" Yeonjun asks.

"Maybe he didn't have it yet," Riki says, earning a stomp from Sunoo.

"Auwch man, I was just saying, maybe he felt ashamed of it?"

"Thanks for worrying Riki, but I've had it, don't worry," Jisung answers, leaving everyone screeching for the second time that evening.

"Dare," Heeseung answers once he's done laughing.


"Whoa," Everyone says in unison.

"What? Isn't that a common truth-or-dare question?" Jisung asks innocently, resulting in everyone chuckling once again.

"Just undressing?" Heeseung asks.

"What? Yes, of course."

Heeseung starts slowly unbuttoning his shirt and letting it slide off his shoulders onto the ground behind him after which he does the same thing with his pants. Leaving only his boxers and socks on.

"Minho," Heeseung says, unaffectedly, as if he wasn't sitting practically naked.


"I dare you to give a lap dance," Heeseung says, all doe-eyes. He looked like a child who just asked his mom if he could have candy, "To Jakey."

"Come come," Jake says, "Don't be afraid. I won't bite," Jake says after a wink and patting on his lap.

"Aye aye," Minho says, walking seductively over to Jake.

Everyone on the whole campus knew what a good dancer Minho was. If they didn't hear it from one of the teachers when they got scolded during dance classes, they heard it from students who were touched by his moves. The dancing came almost naturally and had this effect due to which you couldn't look away from Minho. As if he had bewitched you with his body movements.

Everyone had his eyes on the two, cheering. When it felt like enough Minho stopped and turned around bowing as if he had just done a real performance.

  "Yeonjun," Minho says once he's sat again. Jisung scooted a bit over to the right but Minho didn't pay it no mind.


"When, where, who?" Minho asks. The lack of words made none of the boys unable to understand this question.

  "Uhm I think two-two and half years back, my house, and yeah, Soobs..." This time no one laughed after the answer was given.

"Why is everyone so silent...it makes me think I answered wrongly."

"No, I think they're all sad since they're virgins and you're not," Gyu says smiling.

"I never said I was a virgin, though?" Minho says.

"Excuse you?" Chris says, "Come again? How come I don't know this?" Then he turns to Hyunjin, "Why didn't you at least tell me?"

"Don't look at me," he answers, arms in the air in surrender, "I didn't know either."

"Minho hyung," Jeongin asks, "Why did you keep it a secret from all of us? I would've told you," he says pouting, making Minho laugh.

"No one ever asked me if I was."

"No one ever thought you were not," Chris says.

"You have much faith in your friend," Riki says.

"I should've guessed it by them, hickeys," Hyunjin puffs.

"Whoa whoa whoa hold on," Gyu joins in, "What hickeys?"

"Like a week ago or something I went to his apartment to visit Felix, and he had hickeys all over himself. Neck, jawline, chest. Everywhere visible. And his hair was a total mess. I bet he had more under that pretty shirt of his, but he got mad when I asked questions and wanted to look for the person who'd done it."

"Ooh," Sunoo begins, "So what do you guys think? Does Minho have a secret lover?"

"Definitely," Jake says.

"Ehm guys? Could you please stop talking as if I'm not sitting right here?" Minho asks.

"Sorry, you're right," Sunoo says.

"So do you have a secret lover?"



Once again the whole group was laughing.

"Let's play never have I ever instead. If you have done the statement, you drink," Hyunjin suggests, changing the topic. Which everyone agrees on.

"I'll start," Felix says, "Never have I ever made out at school. But secretly. Like, makeout-session-in-the-toilet-after-which-we-almost-fucked level."

Five people drank, Taehyun, Gyu, Jisung, Minho and Jake.

"At school?" Jeongin half-yells, "Couldn't y'all wait a sec?"

"Some impulses you'd prefer to not let wait," Minho says with which Taehyun agrees.

"Never have I ever felt an impulse and let it take it too far," Jeongin asks building further on that statement.

Jisung, Minho, Yeonjun, Soobin and Hyunjin drank.

"I wouldn't say 'too far' though. Since I'm glad it happened," Hyunjin explains, resulting in yet another round of laughter.

"You're right," Minho says, "Can I un-drink this question?"

"Too late."


"Never have I ever done anything daring that may irritate my lover. In front of them," Jisung asks out of the blue, ending all the laughter.

"Damn, Ji," Felix says, "Hurt?"

"Just thought it'd be a good question."

"Irritating like," Jake asks, "Provoking?"

"What? No, like straight-up irritating. Pissing them off. Maddening them."

"Making them jealous?" Minho asks, in a way of completing Jisung's summary.


"Irritating them, like making them jealous?"

"What do you mean by that?"

"He's just trying to understand your question, Ji," Jake says, "I think we just didn't expect such a heavy question. Anyways, whatever, anyone that should drink, do it now."

But Jisung knew that Minho wasn't trying to 'just understand it', there was something behind that tone. Why's he mad when he's the one saying weird stuff all evening and giving a whorehouse-worthy lap dance to one of my best friends?

It doesn't matter, I'm not in the mood for this kind of game.

He takes an enormous gulp, gives the bottle to Felix and gets up with a groan.

"I'm tired, it must be the alcohol. Imma go sleep see y'all tomorrow. Don't do anything stupid without me!" Jisung's about to leave when he's down again and a great pain shoots through his leg.