
Crescent Hearts

When a young alpha starts university, he feels something's off. While following this unknown feeling calling for him, he stumbles upon many obstacles. While he chases a feeling longingly, his best friend has problems with the reverse. He misses a feeling, feels an emptiness, a void.

ChuYoisho · Famosos
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62 Chs

Chapter nineteen

  "I still want to hear everything about your protective boyfriend, though." 

Jisung stops in his tracks, "He is not my boyfriend." After saying this he went inside the kitchen, Felix entering seconds later. 

"Then, how come y'all look like this?" 

"It...it just kind of happened." 

Felix looked at his bestie in awe. "Just kind of happened? You just 'kind of happened' to give away your first kiss? You just 'kind of happened' to get sucked on your whole fucking neck and jaw? Who knows what would've 'kind of happened' if we didn't come home earlier, and you're shoving it away with a simple 'it just happened'?!" 

"Damn, Lix, calm down. It's nothing. you're exaggerating," Jisung tries to hush him. 

"I'm not. As your best friend, it's normal for me to question these types of things, and as your alpha, I naturally have the urge to protect you. But you know what else?" 

"Lix, I know you mean it good, but it's really okay. No need to worry." "Damn you Jisung, I asked a question."

"...I don't know what else, tell me."

"I'm really liking this alpha-beta-telepathy," Felix answers smiling. "And I find it really cute how your words and thoughts say different things. But neither one is lying, am I right?"

Jisung pulls himself up onto the counter with a puff, blushing at the thought of what had happened here earlier today. "Wow...ehm...

want to tell me about that?" Felix said laughing, soon Jisung laughed too and told his best friend everything that had happened from the moment he held Minho's wrist. Leaving everything that happened the day before behind.

♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦

Minho called to say he'd be home too late to start cooking and that they should order some takeaway. They ate really late since they waited for Minho to return home. After eating and cleaning up, it was already time to go to bed, all three of them had early classes the next day.

When all of them were fast asleep, Felix's body started getting cold. Freezing even.

At first, he was just shivering in his sleep, but soon he was wide awake. Not able to move a muscle, he just clenched his blankets while shivering all over.

His body felt cold as ice. No, scrap that. Not cold as ice, colder than ice.

Felix couldn't move at all. He felt his muscles stiffen, moving was simply impossible at this rate.

He felt something change in his legs, which were lying together under the blanket. Where normally skin on skin should feel soft, Felix felt it harden moment by moment. He wanted to scream out in pain, but his vocal cords were not cooperating.

As he felt his body temperature drop to an unreachable temperature, he felt his muscles harden.

Cell after cell, his body hardened, until he felt like nothing more than a sculpture, until he would swear that the hardness competed with that of a diamond.

His breathing quickened and he could not get his thoughts in order, no idea what to think, all he did was try to regain control of his body.

But then everything changed.

Everything happened at once.

When he first froze, now his temperature shot up.

While his temperature kept rising, it felt like everything was burning away.

His muscles were on fire, but his whole body had the same problem. He could finally move but still couldn't get a sound out of his lips.

His insides were burning while it felt like he was melting on the outside. This is probably how it feels to be engulfed by lava.

Turned on his back, he suffered further.

Clenching his duvet cover with his fists, he arched his back in agony. Biting his lips, he hoped that this torture would soon come to an end.

Slowly but surely he felt everything around him change.

His senses tested him one by one, first, he could feel everything better, the duvet, his clothes, suddenly he became very aware of every little thing touching him, then he heard everything up to the breathing of their neighbours only to pick up scents two seconds later that he didn't even know existed.

His body became accustomed to the warmth and slowly the intense pain that flowed over his whole body disappeared.

Then he could finally breathe properly again, he gasped and growled. As he calmly tried to recover from the torture he had just endured, something happened that only made it worse

Little by little, something pressed against his lips from inside.

The feeling was a familiar one, yet totally alien.

It was sharper, more pointed, finer, almost elegant. It was foreign, yet he knew exactly what they were.

And these were not his fangs.

As much as he wanted to deny it, after the torture session he felt...better...stronger.

But he was afraid of what was to come.

He has been waiting since that one evening for something, a result, a reaction, anything. But he had not seen this coming. He feels tears pricking his eyes.

He stood up and left for the bathroom, locking it after him. He collapses with his arms on the sink. Why? Who knows.

He could not cope with it all anymore. He should be tired, worn out from all the torments he just went through.

But not at all.

He felt good, great even. And that only made it worse in his eyes. His body was okay with these changes, liked it even. 

He was already a failure in the eyes of almost everyone he knew; this would only help in the negative.

He was afraid that he would make whatever happened to his body his own when he realised that it already had become so.

He could not fight it. He couldn't stop it, no delete button on this update.

This was him now.

He was reminded of Jisung, of how lost he was when he had just changed. But he was not like his beta, he had never been normal.

He was different, but he was not the only one. He had been born into a different world from most people, but he was not, never was the only one in this world.

But now he was.

He had heard other wolves talk about it, but never thought it could actually happen. Let alone to himself. It seemed obvious to him that the poison of one supernatural being would kill another. Well, he was wrong.

When he finally looked up in the mirror, he saw something that made him scream.

He has not only changed on the inside. He did not just have these two strange slender enrichments. He had visibly changed.

The fact that his senses worked even better than they did in his alpha state, his slender fangs, his stronger skin and muscles, all this he could keep secret until he knew what to do next.

But one look and Jisung would notice the lack of his freckles.

Of course, he would, they used to be everywhere...

Just as Felix was contemplating what he might do, he heard a knock at the door.

Speak of the devil...