
The Dance

I looked around the place. I was all dressed up today. I was going to do it. 'I'm going to ask Winter to the dance!' I thought. Everyone knows I'm bisexual they just never know my crush it's kinda confusing for them but yeah. The dance is coming up and it's on Valentine's Day, the most romantic time of the year as many people know so the principle made a dance on that day for the kids.

I looked in the mirror. My green eyes were popping in the mascara and my bright red hair was down. I'd just put on my leggings then my ripped black shorts and my short boots. I then looked through my closet thinking what shirt to wear, finally I decided a tan sweater shirt. I go downstairs finally, just finally and I see my sister, jade, tripping with a cup in her hand and the water is heading straight for our dad, jack. I panic of course. So I do what I'd normally do. I freeze time.

Me and my siblings have unique powers, jade has air, Alice has earth, tony has water, Jason has fire, and I have time. The only who's not an element.

After I freeze time I grab all of my siblings take them out the door, I then get on my motorcycle and in freeze time. "Run!" I say with a laugh. I drive off as I hear jack screaming inside the house.

Once I get to school I see winter. "W-winter! Hey!" I say

"Guess what!" She says with a wave. Her blue eyes and silver hair "Michaels going to ask you out! To the dance!"

I stare at winter "what!?" I say in a scream get a whisper.

"What are you going to say to him? He's the quarterback or the football team! He has deep brown amazing eyes, and that shaggy short dirty blond hair. Man he's a catch, and he wants you!" Winter says with a smile.

"You sound like you like him" I teased her.

"Already got asked, by jas-" winter starts to say but Michael walks up to her.

"Hey winter, the dance is coming up and I was wondering...." he started to ask. I already know how it's going to end, he's going to ask her and she's going to turn him down. I feel bad for the guy, I do. But I though he was going to ask me and I was really happy. "If you can help me ask a girl!?" He then asked instead of "if you'd like to go with me"

"Of course! But I'm better at telling who to go with who in this matchmaking game that me and her love to play" winter says.

"You and who?" Michael says them notices he stepped right in front of me "OMG! I'm so so so so so so sorry raven!"

"No it's fine Michael, really!" I say with a smile.

"But I-I didn't even see you and I feel so bad for that! But um so it's your 'job' to think of what to say what to give to her and all that?" Michael said with a nervous smile.

"Yup" I said with a sigh "her name, what she looks like, and her personality. Or he! Or he!"

"Um she, is a girl, I prefer not saying her name, she has green eyes and red hair... she is nice, sweet, snarky, smart, sassy, shy, amazing, has a cute smile when she laughs, has a small smirk when she stares at people, and she the cutest And bravest girl ever." Michale said "she loves galaxies, ravens, only pink roses, time travel, conspiracy theories, music and all that."

"Here's what you do. You give her a single pink rose with stars printed on the petals, play some classical music and all that. Then make sure you have a feather and tuck it behind her ear gently you know?" I said with a smile "girl love cutesy stuff!"

"Not this one" Michael said with a laugh.

"Then don't move her hair to put a ravens feather behind her ear, even if it's fake. Still, do the rose thing it's really cute so it the music, also get her chocolate! Now go to the store and don't come back till you have the courage!" I yelled and he went away with his bag and his wallet in hand.

"You're blind" winter smiled "he asked advice from you to ask you out"

I looked dumbfounded "what!? I completely forgot I just wanted to help the guy out! Because since you said you got ask and I thought he was going to ask you he would've got turned down I felt bad... Ugh anyways who asked you?" I asked wanting to change the subject.

"Jason! Your brother! He's flamen hot ya know?" Winter sighed.

'I girl named winter... and a guy with the power of power. This won't go wrong' I thought with a laugh 'but he knows I like her... no! Get that out of my mind! Michael will be back to ask me soon!' I smiled looking at the door.

After one hour he came back, with everything I told him to get. Except he got a raven feather. As he entered every girl stared smiling thinking they were going to be asked 'why do I think I'm going to be asked again?' I thought as I sat down with a sigh. Once Michael passed the girls the started to cry, Michael stopped. Right in front of me. He played classical music and handed me the chocolates, then the rose slowly.

"Raven orient, w-will you to the dance with me this Friday? As a date?" He asked once I took the rose. I stared at him. He put the feather in the middle of the rose. Michael smiled at me. I instantly froze time since I was scared.

I started yelling "OMG! What do I do!? I didn't actually expect him to ask me! But he did! Should I say yes? I mean I should feel happy! But but do I? Sorta! Yes I do omfg I got asked to the dance I got to answer!" I calm my voice down and stare at Michael. I unfreeze time with the blink of an eye. "Yes" I say with a single breath.

Michael looks at me and leans in. He starts to kiss me and I don't stop him, instead I kiss him back. Happy for the first time in my life. I could tell it was the same for him too. We pulled apart and took a deep breath and smiled at each other. "Can't wait Michael, can't wait"