
Creating the World's First VRMMORPG

Luo Yi was a Game Designer who's goal is to become a billionaire through creating games, but after having his first created game being branded as a failure, his hopes of achieving his goal became zero as no company had any more interest in hiring him and without friends and money to further continue his career all hope was lost, but that was until the VRMMO System came. [Congratulations to host for becoming the first Holder of the VRMMO System!] "Wait what!? hold on, I got a system? Similar to those novels I've read? Holy sh- Calm down" "What is the VRMMO System" [The VRMMO System assists the host in making the first VR Game with 100% Reality] "Holy Sh-"

Ianjek · Juegos
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9 Chs


"I guess this is the end of my career" signed the man as he packed his belongings. Luo Yi used to be an aspiring Game Designer, being an orphan since he was a child he grew up under a harsh environment but it didn't waver his passion for gaming because when he was in Middle School he didn't have the money and luxury to be able to play games so he usually watched people play games at a local internet cafe, he wasn't envious nor felt unfair but enjoyed the fantasy of the games. He studied hard and earned scholarships to actualize his goals of creating the best games in the world but alas the first Project that he was tasked to design after joining a Giant Gaming Company which is one of the best in the Country, failed miserably on it's first day of release.

He tried his best to design an open world Fantasy MMORPG but due to the unreasonable deadline, lack of budget and lack of staff provided by the Game Company, his game was filled with bugs, mistakes, glitches and many more imbalances and plus the fact that he had not had enough sleep and ate irregularly contributed more to the failure. What made it worse was that the Gaming Company he worked for spent more money on the marketing and promised the customers a great game. The people who had had high hopes for this aspiring Game Designer's first game was looking forward for it's release and some even pre-ordered but in the end they were disappointed and scammed.

Before the Gaming Community became noisy and started accusing the Company of scam and false advertising, The Game Company decided to save face as much as possible and reduce the damage to their reputation by accusing Luo Yi of being responsible for not making the Game properly and misused the budget and always slacked off, with many more announcements that further diverted the attention of the customers from the Company instead to Luo Yi. In conclusion, he was blackmailed, framed and became the scapegoat, as he was an orphan he had no way to fight and talk back to a billion dollar company who could decide his fate with 1 pen and paper or even a press of a keyboard, he was fired on the next day. He lived the rest of his days unemployed as no company wanted to hire him anymore he was voided off his passion and without funds to create his own game he now had nothing.

As Luo Yi decided to give up his life as a Game Designer a panel suddenly appeared before his eyes.

[Congratulations to Host for being the First Holder of the VRMMORPG System]

"Wait what? Hold o-" before Luo Yi could finish talking he was suddenly cut off by another Panel who appeared again before his eyes.

[Name: Luo Yi

Title: Inheritor of the VRMMORPG System]

Games Created: 0

Players: 0

System Points: 0

Inventory: [Newbie Gift Box]]

"Impossible, are my eyes fooling me? I got a system!?" as a huge fan of fantasy games Luo Yi has also read many fantasy webnovels pertaining to Systems hence his reaction.

"Finally I can continue my passion! I don't know which powerful force gave me this system whether it's God or the Universe, I promise from here on out that I will create the best Game in the entire Galaxy!" Swore Luo Yi laughing crazily like an evil perverted maniac arousing the other tenants of the apartment mistaking him as a pervert.

"Well, according to my knowledge systems reply to their hosts when command"

"System, what is the VRMMORPG System?"

[Replying to Host, the VRMMORPG System aims to assist the Host in making the best game in the entire Galaxy. The VRMMORPG System has a built-n Game Designing function where host can customize Worlds, Characters, etc.. for his Game. The Game that is published by the Host can be accessed with this World's gaming equipment, the VR Headsets. The Games created by the Host have 100% reality, meaning all 5 senses can be felt and the creatures and NPC can have high degree of freedom.]

"That's enough for now, thank you. I must digest such information calmly but I can't remove this excitement but first I must know what this System Points are"

[System Points are currency earned by missions tasked by the system to guide host in realizing the System's Goal. Besides missions, the System Points can be earned by how much players play the Game created by the Host as well. These System points are used to create and customize things in the real world. The price of the resource depends on it's value in the real world]

"Holy sh- basically I can create things in real life with the use of System Points!? this... this is too overpowered! I cannot delay this any longer I must create my very first game immediately!"

[Host is advised to open the [Newbie Gift Pack] before proceeding to Game Customization.]


"Oh yeah I didn't realize about the inventory due to my excitement and adrenaline, according to my knowledge again the inventory function is like a dimensional space storage right?"

[The Host is correct]

"Then, show me my Gift Pack" after Luo Yi said to the system a panel appeared before him in square boxes mostly empty except one where a gift wrapped box is shown, Luo Yi didn't know how to get these items out of the Inventory so he followed his guts and just touched it and it materialized together with an option to open.

without hesitating, Luo Yi opened it right away followed by another announcement by the System.

[Congratulation to Host for obtaining

* Oculus V.9 VR Headset

*Auto-Cleaning Super Comfortable Gaming Chair with Massage Function

*Air Conditioner with Unlimited Energy

"excuse me what the f-"

Thank you for reading, this is my first novel and I will occasionally make mistakes and are looking forward for critiques and reviews in order to learn better.

This is my first novel

(T_T) Please help me realize my mistakes so I can learn from it, Thank you.

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