
Creating Great Pakistan with Deadmen System

Mansoor Ahmad dies in year 2023, his soul returns to year 2016 in a new body. He awakens cheat system through which he can summon talents loyal to him.

Ahmad_Khan · Fantasía
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7 Chs

Chapter 02: The Workforce Emerges

The morning's work had left Mansoor with a sense of accomplishment. With Dead 01 by his side, he had successfully ventured into the world, ready to test the capabilities of his newly acquired Deadmen System. The construction site of a house was bustling with activity when Mansoor approached the engineer—a man introduced as Jawad—with a traditional greeting.

"Salaam Alaikum," Mansoor said, his voice steady.

"Walaikum Salaam," Jawad replied, looking up from his plans.

Mansoor didn't beat around the bush. "Do you need workers for your construction site?" he asked directly.

Jawad's eyes lit up with interest. "Yes, of course, we need workers. Do you want to work here?"

"No, I don't want to work here," Mansoor clarified, "but I know some people who are looking for work."

"How many can you provide?" Jawad inquired, his tone now businesslike.

"About 15," Mansoor responded, already calculating the potential earnings in his mind.

"And their salary?" Mansoor probed further.

"25k per month for each worker," Jawad answered, gesturing towards the ongoing work.

Mansoor nodded, seeing the opportunity to make a considerable sum by sending 15 deadmen to work here. He pretended to make a call on his phone, discreetly activating the Deadmen System. The system prompted him to designate a gathering point and summon the deadmen. He chose the construction site, ensuring they would materialize from unseen areas and assemble discreetly within 30 minutes.

"Successful summoning. Wait for 30 minutes," the system confirmed.

Mansoor pocketed his phone and assured Jawad, "My brother will send the workers. They'll be here shortly."

True to his word, after half an hour, 15 figures approached the site, emerging from the shadows as if they were just another group of laborers arriving for their shift. Mansoor introduced them to Jawad, who promptly had his assistant integrate them with the rest of the workers.

Jawad, grateful for the swift resolution to his staffing problem, invited Mansoor to his office for tea and biscuits. During their conversation, Mansoor inquired about other places in need of workers, but Jawad had no information to offer. Nevertheless, the two men enjoyed a pleasant chat before Mansoor excused himself.

With one success under his belt, Mansoor spent the next several hours scouring Peshawar for more job opportunities. His efforts paid off when he discovered a garment factory in need of 30 workers. By 8:00 pm, he had secured positions for an additional 115 deadmen across the city.

Exhausted but satisfied with the day's achievements, Mansoor decided to treat himself and Dead 01 to a well-deserved dinner at a nearby restaurant. It had been a day of tangible progress, a day where his extraordinary secret began weaving itself into the fabric of the ordinary world.

Returning home, Mansoor made arrangements for Dead 01 to rest on the floor while he himself collapsed onto the bed, his body weary but his mind alight with plans. Before sleep claimed him, he glanced at the panel, noting the 99,839 deadmen remaining to be summoned. With a deep, contented sigh, he closed his eyes, allowing the promise of tomorrow to lull him into the darkness of slumber.