
Creating a Dungeon in Another World

Yamada Hirutora died due to cancer and working for a shady company. When Hirutora thought it was the end he had the chance to reincarnate in a magical world of swords and magic with his dream of making a dungeon and his incredible magic of making Golems. What kind of Golems will Hirutora make???.

Fox_Journey · Fantasía
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3 Chs

Creating a Dungeon in Another World Chapter 3

Getting up in the morning I first checked the fire that had already gone out last night.

And it was okay, since I didn't get burned while I slept.

Which is a good sign.

I got down from the tree and saw my "horse" standing near the tree.

Well, let's think about what to do today. Going to the well, I drink some water and take one of those apple-like fruits and eat it.

These fruits are very tasty and a little sour and have a slight sweet touch at the end.

I'll take some with me and see if I can plant them.

This way I can guarantee food in the future.

Picking up some more fruit, I climb the tree again and confirm the direction of the clearing.

My goal today is to get to that clearing and study my skills and try to improve my life.

But before I go I need to test my Golem making skill.

I looked around and saw a branch, taking the branch I weighed it a little in my hand and I thought it was perfect.

I'm going to use this branch to test my ability to make Golem and maybe try if there is a limit.

God said that I will be able to create different types of Golems and the only thing that will limit me and my imagination.

I looked at the branch and thought about what to do, before I tried to make a flying Golem, let's test that.

I thought about a swallow, I saw one in a documentary before he died, I imagined it and soon the branch turned into a swallow but it still has the color of the branch.

I tried to make it fly and it works, it flies well I think it has to do with the image.

I tried to make one without too many details and I was surprised.

It flies but in a very rigid way, I think that's what happens when I don't try to detail it too much.

I picked it up and put it in my hand.

I looked at it a little and it looked like a small statue that was a little poorly made since I didn't try it in much detail.

Looking at the small statue I thought about giving it color, and before I could react it changed and became like the swallow I saw in the documentary.

I undid it and did it, alternating, I even tried doing it with the other hand and the result was the same.

I can even do it with my eyes closed, as long as I have the intention and an image of what I want to do will appear.

I will use this swallow as my guide.

I went to a tree that I will use for my next experiment.

I tried to make an earth axe, it wasn't that sharp but it was still good for cutting, it only took about twenty minutes.

I tried to make a wall with the tree and it worked, and I realized that even in the form of a wall it still moves despite being very slow.

I'll try to build a house later.

I don't want to be outdoors, I always feel in danger.

Looking at the wall that was moving very slowly, I dismantled it, I'm going to try to distance it so that I can make the Golems.

Going to the tree I felled, I broke a branch with the earth axe.

I picked up the branch and threw it a meter away from me and did a swallow.

It worked out.

I was increased the distance until it reached five meters, it seems like five meters is the limit I can reach.

I looked at the swallow and had the idea of ​​testing how far it would go from me before stopping.

As I have infinite mana, my Golems basically live forever.

So I'm going to test to see if they still live after being too far away.

I broke another branch and made another very detailed swallow to make it quick.

And I sent it flying away, I feel the connection with it, I don't know how far it goes but I know it goes very far.

It took five minutes and when I thought it wouldn't stop, I felt the Golem stopping.

I think they live forever as long as you're near me.

I'm not sure how far she flew, but she still confirms that they only live close to me.

Which is good since I don't have to do it multiple times.

As I've already made it from twigs that are light, I tried to make an earthen swallow but it didn't work because it was too heavy.

I don't even go above one meter.

That's fine, I will always consider the materials before making a specific type of Golem.

I tried to make weapons.

Looking at the ground, I imagined a simple sword and then it appeared from the ground.

I picked up the sword and it was very heavy, I almost couldn't lift it.

I thought about applying vibration to this sword and soon it started to vibrate.

It got faster and faster, I tried to interrupt but I lost focus because of my shaking hands.

The sword slipped out of my hands and I almost threw my foot away.

I'll try not to test dangerous things for now.

Now that I've tested the possibilities a little, I made a very detailed Golem of a horse with wood to be lighter.

While making the horse I was surprised at how realistic it was, if it had hair I would think it was real.

It must be because of the details I applied, I tried to make joints to make it more flexible.

I'm pleased with my new horse.

Walking up to the first swallow I made, I picked it up in my hand and threw it up.

It flew for a bit before stabilizing and heading towards the clearing.

Now just follow my guide.

Taking the fruits that I was going to take, I mounted my new horse and made him run right after the swallow.


Since I made a swallow Golem and a horse Golem, it didn't take long for it to reach the clearing.

Looking around the clearing is about a hundred meters or more, I don't know but it's big.

Looking up I see the sun, and it seems like it's not yet midday.

So I have plenty of time.

Getting off my horse.

The moment I stepped on the ground it twitched and an earthen ax appeared.

Picking up the earth ax I looked around and cut down a tree that I was going to use both to make walls to surround myself and to make a fire.

After I felled a tree I made two humanoid Golems from it and then I made two shovels of earth.

Far from the center I ordered them to dig diagonally about a meter high and two meters wide.

It'll work for now and I'll fix it later.

I felled two more trees and made four Golems, from this one I made a wooden ax from the remaining branches.

I made them cut down trees.

I made a very detailed Golem, he looked like me.

I made a very compressed earth axe, it was very heavy but the Golem that looked like me lifted it very easily, I ordered him to cut wood to make walls.

I could turn Golems into walls but they would be too slow, I made more detailed Golems that also looked like me but with muscles.

I don't know why I made them muscles, but whatever.

They were going to build a wall since I wanted the wall detailed, I spent about five minutes giving specific orders that would lead to a wall.

As I have never built a wooden wall, I went with what I saw on the internet and gave instructions based on that.

Marking the area where I was going to make the wall, I made other Golems that were not as detailed and made them dig a three-meter pit on the outside at a safe distance from the walls so as not to run the risk of collapsing.

My objective was a well, then some dirt for safety and then the wall, being satisfied I let them do the work.

I separated a long board so I could have a place to cross the well when I went out.

Going back inside, I took the fruits I brought with me, separated the seeds and planted them to the right of the water well that the Golems were digging.

While my Golems were digging the well outside the wall, a boar-like animal with clear hostility came running and destroyed one of the Golems while the other Golem killed it but it fell apart soon after.

The boar was one and a half meters long, its tusks were very sharp and long, they looked like those of an elephant but smaller.

Creating two new very detailed Golems, I had them drag the corpse inside and then return and return to work.

Thanks to the boar the food problem was solved for a while.

Gathering sawdust, I made a fire and left a Golem to watch over it so it didn't go out.

I picked up a stone from the ground and poured mana into it and compressed the knife to make it look like a very sharp knife.

After five minutes I had a beautiful stone knife in my hands, I went up to the boar and as I wasn't good at skinning much less I killed a chicken in my life, the most I killed was an insect.

It was very difficult at first but I got the hang of it or that's what I thought until I saw the boar hide, half of it was missing but I could still use it to make a bed.

Which is better than sleeping on the floor.

Gathering the organs in one place, I made a wooden box and put everything inside, then I made a lid and closed the box to prevent any smell from escaping.

I went to the boar and separated the meat on a stone board that was covered with tree leaves.

And I put the leather to dry in the sun.

Going over to the detailed horse Golem that had come here, I tied the box full of organ to it and sent it away until I lost connection with it.

I did this to avoid attracting animals as the smell remains in the box but when the connection is lost it will leak as the Golem will fall apart.

I went to the meat and even thought about making a stone frying pan but I don't think I would eat very burnt meat.

At least on the skewer it is burnt but not that much.

After I put the meat on the fire I went to the Golems who were digging the well to see how it was going.

When I got there it wasn't the best of wells but there was still water in it.

I don't know if this water is safe to drink.

I made a small cup with the stone knife I had made, and took some water.

After drinking, I waited a little to see if it was bad.

After about ten minutes I was fine.

So I drank a little but since I was thirsty.

After a lot of work today, which I didn't do most of the Golems did.

It's getting dark so I went to the meat that I had put on the fire and it was already good.

Picking up a skewer I looked at the meat that was half burnt.

I don't know how it tastes since it doesn't even have salt.

Eating everything, I found it delicious and my belly didn't complain at all.

Phew... Thanks to my Golems I already have a wall and a well outside so that the animals don't get in here, as the boar's hide wasn't dry yet I could only make a simple bed that was a wooden board on the floor and a bunch of tree leaves together.

As I wasn't yet sleepy, I grabbed my stone knife and tried to make cups and pans to pass the time.