
Creating a Dungeon in Another World

Yamada Hirutora died due to cancer and working for a shady company. When Hirutora thought it was the end he had the chance to reincarnate in a magical world of swords and magic with his dream of making a dungeon and his incredible magic of making Golems. What kind of Golems will Hirutora make???.

Fox_Journey · Fantasía
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3 Chs

Creating a Dungeon in Another World Chapter 2


I think a forest is good, but I can't see anything even if I look left or right.

Forward or backward, I can only see incredibly large trees.

I even looked up and believe me, these trees are very tall.

And I can't even see straight because these trees are over a meter in diameter.

I went to a tree and thought about turning it into a Golem, I can feel that it is sucking a lot of mana.

Good thing I have infinite mana.

While trying to transform the tree into a Golem I realized that it was very difficult.

My mana was sucked like there was no tomorrow and I realized that this tree was very hard, I tried to hit it and I thought I was hitting iron because it was very strong.

When checking the tree I noticed that the ground is also very hard.

I think these trees are amazing to grow in an environment like this.

Well, magical world, things that don't make sense make sense.

Because it took so long that I gave up on transforming the tree for now.

While walking through the forest all I heard was the sound of the wind in the trees and some animal cries that I don't know what they are, but I don't think they are friendly.

And from the scream I heard from the beast I think it was being hunted.

Stopping in the middle of the trees I thought about something vital that I hadn't thought of before wanting to come here.

I don't know where to find water.

Much less food.

If I continue walking aimlessly like this, I will end up feeling very weak, and my adventure in the other world will end before it even begins.

I went to a tree and thought about making a kind of ladder in the bark of the tree.

And it was quite effective and didn't take long since I'm not modifying the entire tree.

Climbing the ladder I made little by little, I reached the top.

I started looking around and noticed that there was a clearing a little far from where I am.

It will be a terrible journey.

Because I don't even know what kind of beasts are here.

Placing my hand on a branch of the tree I tried to make a small bird-like Golem.

It worked, but he tried to fly and fell to the ground.

I need to study more how my ability works.

The good thing is that the branch is so hard that it didn't break.

I got down from the tree and went towards the clearing, whenever I was a little lost I climbed a tree and looked in the direction.


This routine is getting a little boring, it would be nice if it could be faster, I'm already getting a little thirsty.

As I walked through this forest, I thought about how to go faster.

When I was almost getting tired, I suddenly had an idea.

Placing my hand on the ground, I tried my best to imagine a horse.

As the sand crazily sucked in my mana, the sand twisted faster and faster until it stopped in front of me in the shape of a horse.

It looked like a horse, except for the head.

I tried undoing it and it was very simple, I just had to think about undoing it and that was it.

I tried to make a horse again, but it went wrong again.


I don't know how many times I tried, but I think I got the hang of it.

I need a static image.

I don't need to think too much about what I want, as long as it's not too big.

But I finally managed to make a horse.

I don't know how long it took me, but looking up I can see that the sunlight is getting dimmer and dimmer.

And just as I was about to be happy for the horse, I remembered something crucial if I want to live.

Hmm.... Fire, I have no idea how I'm going to do this.

I wonder if rubbing the sticks together works, but these trees are pretty sturdy.

I tried to light a fire and gave up.

Let's do what we do best, a super Golem to light the fire.

I tried it for a few minutes and this Golem was simple to make.

I just needed to focus on the arms that were harder to move at high speed.

Looking at the fire I lit, I tried to think of what to eat.

To hunt?

Impossible, I have never slaughtered an animal.

I remembered the sound of the beasts and convinced myself that it wouldn't work.

Looking around I saw a tree with a fruit that looked like an apple.

Looking at the fruit, I thought about the pros and cons, and in the end I ate it even though it was poisonous.

After eating, I looked at myself to see if I was poisoned, but it seemed like I wasn't.

I think I'm in luck.

Now that I've sorted out the food and the fire, I thought about how to get water.

But since it's almost dark, I don't think it's safe to go out and look right now.

Looking at the ground I decided to try and dig a well.

Making a Golem in the shape of a shovel, I started digging and it worked.

I thought it would take a while because the ground here is very hard, I think it's because I made the Golem with the same dirt.

Well... good for me.

Keep digging while I made the stairs, so you can climb up later and finally get some water.

Not much, but enough for me to drink today.

I started climbing a tree and making a silver shape, and I started putting sand and making a fire on top so as not to set the trees on fire.

After a while, I thought about what I did today.

Food is water worked well, but I'm still not familiar with my abilities.

I think that when this clearing arrives I will study my skills more deeply.

Looking at the starry sky I thought it was incredible, I realized there were two moons but it was still beautiful.

Before going to sleep I pray to God who gave me this opportunity to live in this world.

I wonder what kind of adventure I will have.

I'll think about it tomorrow and see if I make quick progress towards living a better life.