
Crazy Marry Problem

He assumed she was a bitch. They met in the Maldives and slept together also making love for two weeks.  He thought the girl for a reward from his buddies for the vacation package he had won. But it wasn't the case. Haneul is the daughter of a wealthy family that has been stranded in the Maldives with him after losing a bet. Haneul finds out she's pregnant after the encounter and asks Myung to take responsibility for the baby.  The girl comes from a wealthy society. They come suddenly and threaten Myung with jail if he does not marry their daughter.

Vinn_Nara · Ciudad
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166 Chs

Please, Missundertand Me.

Myung just finished delivering the materials for his meeting with the leader of Shin's Holding today, Shin Jaewoo, or Haneul's father. Because Shin's is headed by Shin Haito as the sole leader, Haneul's father is no higher than his son. Therefore, today's meeting with Myung seemed so relaxed and supported by a comfortable place.

"Do you think this is one of the best hotels in Seoul?" asked the man. This was the first time he and his father-in-law had spoken directly without any other family. It feels very awkward.

"Probably the best in Korea," Myung replied. "This hotel is equivalent to the Hilton Hotel, which has several branches around the world."