
Crazy CEO and his crazy pet

mature content 18+ Being a multi billionaire is had to come across at the Age of 28, Alex a multi billionaire handsome but cold hearted and arrogant billionaire who believes lady's are just meant for pleasure and they don't deserve your little bit of attention Andrew Alex best friend in everything with the same perspective of Alex but he believes there was once love but do not exist anymore Sandra being a secretary to a handsome and powerful narcarstic billionaire is hard but developing feelings could be the worst Mandy a black Africa lady that believes she would never allowed any man on her, she had already went through a hard life growing up was hard as it is but what would she do when a gorgeous white billionaire standing in front of her is piercing her heart with his emerald green eyes while she's naked what happened when they all found themselves in a very confusing relationship will they let go of their prides and accept each other ...... ...... PS: the is a very mature Content type of story do not read if you dislike stuff like that

Omobola_Ayinke · Fantasía
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15 Chs

Andrew POV

ok spill it!!! I faced Alex there is no way I'm giving him the chance to get out of this he look like he's gonna pounce on me but he Knows too well that that face do not work on me

me: okay come on little guy spill it where did you get that that a thong coming out if your pocket for fuck sake mate?

Alex: what's her name Lili

Me: so are you going to ignore me?

Alex: calm down big guy let me know first

Me: what? you mean you had a woman you did not even know her name thong in your pocket wow this is hilarious

Alex: (growling and seething his teeth) don't make me punch you he faced Lili back fill me in Sandra

Sandra: her name is Mandy and she speaks English fluently and she works in packaging

Alex roared "that's all" we both jumped as I wasn't expecting that but to my pain Sandra was on her feet shivering

Alex: what the fuck is your problem Ryan you seems to be lacking a lot this days when I send you to her I mean I wanted a detailed report on her who she is what she eat where she stays and either she had a fucking boyfriend or a fucking husband you seems to be lacking a lot this days aren't you because you get to sit with us you don't have your sense of duty again isn't that...

ME: what the fuck Alex, I had to scream my voice that she got scared again the second time and I hate to see her that way I turned to liliput," give us some time alone infact wait at the door don't go anywhere she turned swiftly and marched out slamming the door in the process " back to you raccoon what is wrong with you, you gave her a task in this short period of time and she was able to get that for you shouldn't you appreciate? I'm sure you had to send her because you couldn't get anything out of the lady?" I see him coming down and I saw regret slightly but it because I knew him alot no one would have noticed it well probably Sandra also " and who the damn fuck is that lady

Alex:(growl) Language beasts

me: oh really you did not give a damn when you were shouting at the woman you know I might as well have feelings for" I see him come down finally

Alex: sorry man call her in

I looked at him and he knew what he did wrong" pls call her for me" I opened the door give Sandra a head sign she nod her head and entered her eye were red which shows that she had cry I looked at Alex and seethe my teeth at him he smirked and turn to Sandra

Alex: sit down miss Ryan and she did just that

without looking at him or saying anything

you will have to check again and I don't want any mistake now

Sandra: ok sir she stand up to leave and I mouthed to Alex tell her sorry he scrunch his face but later give me what I want

Alex: I'm sorry Sandra she paused in her step and looked back at him surprised was evident in her face as she nod her head and smiled briefly you know you don't have to go he added but she just turned with her head high and stormed out of the office that's my girl I whispered and Alex look like he is going to tear me apart .

Alexandra POV

ok fine right now I was being a jerk I say in my mind Sandra was more than a secretary toe she's my friend or less to say a baby sister but I know just what to do she's gonna calm down later but I need to know about my girl first MANDY I roll that name in my mouth like supplication Im really obsessed and I want her I picture her wide Brown eye and those sexy sucked able plump lips like I really want her mearly thinking about her I'm having an arousal I'm sure Andrew notice

Andrew: are you going to tell me this is the first time you are having this he pointed at my trouser

me: what's wrong with me Andrew thinking about her see me I'm nearly cuming in my brief I feel like a fucking virgin Andrew I'm gonna have to jerk off today I closed my eye and relax my back hitching my leg apart thank goodness Sandra isn't here I said

Andrew: when you shouted get out that time it was her right?

me: she was fucking naked Andrew and those hips I close my eyes again oh my God she's beautiful but she's naughty I'm gonna have to tame her like for the first time in my life I got an arousal without being rubbed on for like twenty minutes Andrew this is gonna be a fucking mess I really want her

hey guys this is your author Omobola_Ayinke I'm sorry it takes a white before I posted work has been hectic and school stuff are really pilling up , but I promise to post a lots of chapters this week please do well and vote for me it really not easy but pls do well to vote and comments pls let me know my error what I should change or leave I will be welcoming any form of suggestions pls do well and vote please from your lovely author AYINKE