
Chapter 94 - Distance


It’s a lousy fix. Everything that’s happening right now is a band-aid. Yet I’m powerless to change anything.

Like a well-oiled machine, I go through the motions day in and day out. Like a series of episodes, the meetings and endless cycle of accomplishing tasks roll on. There is a slight deviation each day but nothing significant. It’s one thing after the next. Being the CEO means delegating everything to the right people. It means putting out fires if they fuck up. It means I rarely grease my hands anymore in what I love to do the most.

Creating something out of nothing. Designing and building - it’s the stuff of life. One that I sorely miss.

“Hey boss, thanks for gracing us with your presence. Finally!” Tommy said as he lifted his heavy face shield and turned the machine off. I swerved away to prevent the yellow sparks from setting my suit aflame.

“Whoa there, gotta be careful, wouldn’t want the big man to burn his sparkly suit,” he added.