
Chapter 13 - Green-Eyed Monster

The second helping of tiramisu, cream puffs, and cheesecake in front of me has finally lost its appeal.

I will admit that gorging myself with sweets temporarily took my mind off my boss and his pretty companion. The arrays of cakes and pastries kept me in a sugar haze. I barely understood what Tommy and the girls were chatting about. I was in heaven.

There was even a time I let Tommy feed me a piece of sugared apple. Which admittedly, no one has ever done. I don’t like people hand-feeding me, it’s creepy how an inanimate object is just thrust to your face like that without your control.

I soon as I leaned back in my seat and let my food coma subside though, my eyes automatically shifted toward the happy couple up on the platform.

Little Mermaid keeps on fixing Mr. Cane’s bow tie. Is it that messy? How can a piece of fabric barely two inches in height be so disheveled?

I’ve never seen one piece of unruly hair on that man, let alone a crooked tie. Can she have a more valid excuse to touch him? Fixing a guy’s tie is so cliche.

I wash the sugary goodness down my throat with another soda Tommy handed me.

“...it’s a pretty neat trick. You should come by and see it. It’s really cool, Olivia.” I tuned back into what he was saying. Something about his latest invention? Or maybe a design Mr. Cane asked him to draw up?

“Yeah, sure.”

“You can also join us during lunch, you know? The boys are really funny. Some are nerdy and quiet but the others are pretty chill. Come by tomorrow?”

“Well, I uhm, that’s… I mean..” I might’ve given him the impression that I’m totally interested in everything he’s saying. Oh, god. What did I say yes to?

“Great!” He claps, like the nerd that he is. I smile a little at him. He takes it as another good sign. I really should be more present.

“Do you wanna dance?” He asks. I look at the mess of bodies on the makeshift dance floor. I cannot shake my head fast enough.

“No, no. It’s okay, I don’t really like it.”

“Oh come on, let’s do it!” He stands.

“Really, I don’t want to embarrass myself out there.” I’m starting to panic. I don’t like being forced to do something I hate. And dancing is definitely one of them. I don’t know how to move my limbs and I’m not about to start humiliating us both out there.

“I’ll teach you, don’t worry. Shall we?” He extends his hand, much like all those gentlemen in a movie.

I recoil.

My friends must have sensed my inner turmoil because Rosie pipes up before the awkwardness grows.

“Excuse us loverboy, but us girls need to go the restroom first. Is that okay with you?” She doesn’t leave him with a choice. With a tilt of her head, she signals me for escape.

“Gotta go, be back in a bit.” I ran after her.

“Thanks! You noticed that?” I ask her when I catch up to her.

“‘Course, hon. You’re not the only perceptive one in the group. Tommy’s been all up in your business the whole night, it makes me sick.” She grins at me.

“Ha. He’s just being nice. It doesn’t mean anything.”

“Yeah, keep telling yourself that. Okay, we’re here. I really do need to pee actually.” She points me to the girl’s loo. She goes straight to one of the stalls and I go over to one of the sinks.

I wash my hands while she uses the toilet.

“You know, I could hardly blame him. You’re new and a nice kid, of course, he’d be interested. Just be careful, okay? He really has a reputation.” She actually shouts this.

“Jeesh, no need to broadcast your advice. I’m not reading into his actions, alright? I think he’s just friendly and naturally flirty. Aren’t all guys?” I keep the level of my voice even. No need to let the whole building know my business.

Rosie has other plans. “Well, not all of them. Look at Mr. Cane, he’s extra bitchy. Speaking of, have you asked him why he didn’t push through with you sitting with him?”

Her loud voice carries across the restroom and just my luck, someone decides to enter right when she says my boss’ name. And who can it be than Mr. Cane’s date for the night?

I quickly duck down and keep my head focused on the sink. Pretending to wash my hands all over again.

“O? You there?” I hum. Maybe Rosie would get a clue that someone else entered the room.

She doesn’t.

“I said, have you talked with Mr. Cane?”

“Yeah, no. I gotta go back, alright?” I answer her quickly before she spills more incriminating things. I pull the handle of the door and sneak a glance to my right, my boss’ date is staring back at me.

I scurry outside, escaping from the embarrassing moment.

Oh my god, oh my fucking god! That was so painfully awkward.

I go straight to the buffet and get myself more snacks. Maybe some sweets can distract me.

I return to our table with chocolate-covered fruits and bite-sized cordon bleu. Tommy gives me a questioning look, gesturing toward the appetizers.

“What? I got hungry again.” I take one and pop it into my mouth. He full-on laughs at this and takes one too.

“Seriously, where do you put it all?” I know it’s supposed to be a compliment but if he knows just how poor I am, he wouldn’t be asking such a thing.

“Fast metabolism.” I grin. The danger of dancing is long gone now, I get back to being comfortable around him.

“Hey, it’s time,” Charlie says to the table. Some of the marketing people look up excitedly to the platform.

Before I question what they’re talking about, Mr. Cane grabs the attention of the room with a speech. More accurately, the moment he stood up, everyone’s eyes were on him including mine.

He’s mesmerizing. From the way that he stood, he immediately commanded attention. To the way that he walked up to the emcee and grabbed the mic so casually. His stance is so regal and his suit is doing wonders for him. He’s a bit more relaxed than usual. Could it be the drinks or the girl beside him?

He thanked all the employees who were part of the success of the launch. I’m surprised with how gracious he is. So far, all I’ve seen from his interactions with them are the phone calls where he shouts at them, that one time he threatened Evelyn from HR and I will never forget that time when I realized my interviewer was him; when he was firing someone over the phone.

He’s speaking with so much sincerity and I can’t help but feel that he really cares about every little thing that the company does. It might be that his intensity is the result of so much care.

Or I’m just really enamored with the guy? He finishes his speech.

The emcee announces the next speaker and I purse my lips.

Andrea nudges me with her elbow. I pretend to not notice her and keep my eyes focused on the gorgeous speaking upfront.

Her long wavy hair that perfectly matches the curves on her green dress is simply stunning. She looks like she’s accepting a Grammy or an Oscar up there. Her eloquence and charm radiate through and I can see that besides her looks, she has this aura of power. Much like Mr. Cane.

Their similarities are pretty clear. To me, at least.

“Oh my god, that woman is fuckin’ hot,” Rosie states the obvious.

“Is she like a model or something?” Andrea adds.

“Nope, she’s the client. CEO of the company, actually. If I were a dude, I’d definitely get it on with her.” Charlie tells our table.

“She’s Austin’s childhood friend.” Tommy is not helping one bit. “He closed the deal.”

“I heard he had to pursue her for years. All the big companies practically threw themselves to get a deal with her company.”

“Well, it definitely helped that they knew each other, for sure,” Tommy tells me.

I know he’s not saying that to piss me off but it irks me that he’s implying something.

“I’ve never seen them like that though,” Charlie states. “They’re completely professional in client meetings. I would have never guessed they were that close.” He nods towards the platform.

What I see makes me feel things.

The woman is leaning her head on Mr. Cane’s shoulder while she’s touching his jaw.

Mostly, I’m indignant at the display of affection in public. I will admit a part of me is annoyed. About what? I don’t know. I just am.

Her hand then lands on my boss’ thigh and I avert my attention to Tommy who’s looking at me quizzically.

“Where are your engineer friends?” I ask him. I don’t know why I asked him that, I just needed to get my mind off Mr. Cane and his date.

“They’re at their own table, probably shit-faced right now. Are you having fun here?” He asks me while putting his arm on the back of my chair. I’m conscious of the space he just eliminated but I guess I’m still comfortable.

“Yeah, I’ve been having fun tonight, how about you?”

“I liked talking to you. You’re cool, Olivia. We should hang out more.” He inches his body closer to me.

I lean back as a reaction but it just encases me more within his arms.

“Uh yeah, I’m sure you’re busy at work all the time though,” I start to look for ways to put enough distance between us.

“You can always visit me on our floor. You know I’d make time for you. With how things are so stressful these past few weeks, I really need break times.” He’s closer to me now. I start to feel panic rising in me.

I change the topic once more. This goes on throughout the night. My friends try to butt in our conversations and I mostly talk to them but Tommy finds a way to insert himself in the equation.

But it’s mostly harmless. He’s still a big teddy bear and it’s kind of cute how he gives me all of his attention and care.

It’s the first time in a long time that I feel very comfortable around people like this. I know having my friends around me is helping a lot but I think Tommy’s a good guy as well. He just really needs to back off a bit.

Maybe I’d feel better if the music isn’t so loud.

“Hey guys, I’ll just step outside for a bit,” I say to my friends who are clearly busy with their own conversations. I think Rosie is drunk at this point and Charlie is giggling with Andrea about some guy.

“I’ll go with you.” Tommy is quick to stand. Before I get to refuse, he’s managed to usher me out of my seat and on the way to the door.

“Where do you think you’re going?” Mr. Cane’s irritated voice makes me look back at the commotion.

“What the hell, Austin?” Tommy’s surprised and indignant expression makes me wince. With Mr. Cane’s appearance, it’s obvious that halfway drunk if not almost there. His rosy cheeks and slur indicate that he is definitely intoxicated.

With the number of times that I see Augustus drunk, I know the signs. And I know one when I see one, Mr. Cane’s temper most probably can be triggered more easily when he’s had too much to drink like my father.

I hastily think of anything that I can say to diffuse the tension.

“I’m just going to step outside for some fresh air. Tommy said he’ll accompany me.” I say, hoping he’ll calm down. I think the surprise and fear is a bit visible on my face.

He eyes me like it's the first time he’s had a look at me the whole evening. His glassy eyes gained somewhat clarity.

He lets go of Tommy’s arm.

“She doesn’t have any more work to do, man. We’re just going outside for a while.” Tommy gives Mr. Cane a funny look.

He doesn’t let Mr. Cane respond and leads me out of the room.