
Chapter 12 - Shrimps Versus Jealousy

I am not having a great night.

The panic started yesterday at lunch.

First of all, I wasn’t aware that the launch party required formal attire.

Second, I did not have anything of the sort. Do I look like someone who can whip up a gown out of their closet? When and in what capacity would I ever need something like that?

Third, I cannot ever, even in my wildest dreams, afford a formal dress. I can barely afford my own lunch.

“Girl, it’s a launch party. Of course, you’d need to look fabulous!” Charlie exclaims.

“Even I would be forcing my body into something more decent than what I’m wearing now.” Rosie presents her plaid shirt.

“They’re messing with you. It’s fine, you can just wear whatever.” Andrea slaps Rosie’s shoulder earning her a laugh. “Just your casual everyday business attire is alright, hon.”

“Really? This is okay?” I point down to my jeans, vans, and long-sleeve blouse.

“Well, I mean not that one, I guess.” Andrea backtracks. Tries her best not to insult my clothes. I know she means well but even I am not confident in my fashion style. Especially with Mr. Cane’s words still ringing in my ears.

“You won’t go in there in a ballgown. Nothing excessive. Trust me, with your body, you can pull off something simple and still come out as elegant.” Charlie reassures me.

“Simple dress, hm?” Rosie contemplates. “I have a few you could borrow. We have the same body type,” She scans my body, “and most are new since my mom goes crazy supplying me with dresses that I don’t wear. Wanna try some?”

“Oh my god, thank you. You’re a lifesaver. I really need it, Mr. Cane said he wants me to sit beside him.”

The table stops all movement.

“He said what now?!” Andrea finally says something.

“What do you mean sit beside him?”, “What the actual fuck?” They fire rapid questions at me.

“Yesterday, at the Engineering Department, he said there’s no need for Tommy to find me since I would be sitting beside him?” I say it more as a question than a fact.

“Girl. Tommy. Said. What?!” Charlie is gobsmacked.

“Why were you over there?” Rosie chimes in.

Meanwhile, the “Mr. Cane said that?” from Andrea overpowers the other two.

“Guys, wait. Just a second.” I plead with them. “Aren’t Mr. Cane’s assistants supposed to sit with him then?”

“Aw baby girl, of course not,” Rosie says.

“What do you mean?”

“It’s a launch party, hon. The big wigs sit together. The department heads and senior engineers might set up the platform but definitely not with us.”

“You’re one of the marketing heads.” I uselessly respond to Charlie.

“Us marketing folk have our own thing at these events. We’re the cool kids.” He says smugly.

“Don’t listen to him, they’re actually working. It’s an event. Full of marketing.” Rosie adds.

Andrea butts in, “Weren’t you in charge of confirming the seating arrangements though?”

“Uh yeah, but I didn’t see my name. I thought I was just going to hang out and check if I can help out somehow since I’m new.”

“You can help Mr. Cane.” Rosie quips.

“You’re making her nervous. It’s okay, you can just sit there and be pretty.” Andrea says.

“But I’m not pretty.”

“Only you would say that.” Rosie deadpanned.

“The two most attractive men who have ever set foot in this building want to be with you in the party. And you think you’re not beautiful? Child, that’s just plain crazy.”

“What Charlie is trying to say is, you have nothing to worry about, Olivia.” Andrea who now appears to be the official mom of the group says.

“We got you, from the dress to the party. If you’re feeling weird with Mr. Cane, just hop on over to any of our tables, okay? You choose.”

“Thanks, Rosie. Thank you guys. I literally can’t do anything around here without you.”

“No worries, hon. All we ask is for updates on the juicy gossip.”


It’s a huge hall filled with expensive-looking decorations. From the massive chandeliers to the blood-red table cloths and what looks like antlers as centerpieces on some tables. An enormous table is raised on a platform filled with different kinds of flowers. The rustic decor projects a medieval style fit for kings and queens. Perfect for royalty.

My nerves are still frayed from the panic of finding a suitable dress. Rosie’s dresses seemed to be on the slim side. Well, more on her breasts were a little bit on the regular and I had a hard time trying to fit mine. It’s always been one of my insecurities. It isn’t enough that I can’t buy new clothes, my body had to develop in a way to make it more difficult for me to find the right size for everything not to spill over.

I discreetly pull up the dress once more so that my cleavage won’t greet everyone who passes by.

I really should have gone with the others when they said they were about to go up. I know I shouldn’t really expect to be beside Mr. Cane tonight, that’s absurd that he would want me. He’s just keeping an eye on me.

Nevertheless, I let Andrea put some makeup on me. Just for tonight. Some mascara and red lips. It goes well with this black dress that managed to fit in all the girls. I pull up the dress once more. A guy passing by sees me reaching for my cleavage and I guess I shouldn’t do that again.

When I looked up, a tall figure blocked the yellow warm lights. It’s Tommy in a black suit.

“Hey, Olivia. You’re finally here. I’ve been looking for you. ”

He does a very dorky wave while giving me an equally dorky smile. His James Bond-esque suit and how it fits him makes me think of Henry Cavill. He exudes this strong yet gentle vibe. Can’t believe that he’s the resident fuckboy. He seems like a huge teddy bear.

I do believe that all the girls would fall for him though. There’s no way this guy would run out of girls that would be all over him.

“Hi, Tommy! Yeah, I just arrived. It’s crazy here. What’s up with the antlers?” I giggle pointing to some.

“It’s medieval. Something about the contrast of the dark times and the emergence of technology. Honestly, this isn’t the weirdest one the marketing team has come up with. The last one was intergalactic.”

“Anyway, you look really really…” before he finishes his sentence. An imposing figure pulls up beside him. The stark contrast is glaring.

Mr. Cane’s pinstripe suit signifies power. He means business and he is not afraid to stand out from the rest, from the sea of black suits around us. He paired it with a bow tie, a red one at that. It’s really cute.

I’m shocked by my body’s visceral reaction to his presence. Just his intimidating figure made me hold my breath. But of course, his words cause me more alarm.

“Mr. Ford, I need Ms. Blake to work right now.” The anger in his voice makes me nervous.

I hear Tommy mutter “Mr. Ford – what the fuck?” beside me.

I guess he’s not used to Mr. Cane being that strict with him but I am. He’s never once called me by my first name. What I’m surprised at is the fact that he came over and unlike yesterday where he didn’t leave me much choice, tonight he just left us to do what he ordered.

Maybe he’s busy? I peek over Tommy’s shoulder. Mr. Cane picks up two drinks.

“Hey, don’t mind him. You’re already done with your work, right?” I nod. Charlie said the marketing team didn’t need any more help since I already confirmed the seating arrangements. All that needs to happen is for people to follow them. Easy enough. And with how rowdy everyone is at this point, I’m guessing that’s actually ignored.

Tommy leads me towards Charlie’s table. Rosie and Andrea are already there, by the amount of food that’s laid out, they already raided the buffet.

“Isn’t that dress just so divine?” Rosie asks Tommy, raising an eyebrow and teasing him.

“It’s exquisite.” Tommy takes a piece of fruit and munches on it while eyeing my dress. It makes me feel so conscious. I fidget in my seat and pull up the cloth covering my cleavage once more.

“Stop staring at her, she’s not a piece of meat, you caveman.” Charlie smacks Tommy upside the head.

“I’m not, I swear! I appreciate the embroidery!”

“Yeah, sure,” Charlie responds.

“I love the ribbon.” He tries to redeem himself.

“Just go get us more drinks, capiche?” Charlie hands over his glass.

“Jeesh. I’ve barely sat down with her. What gives, man?”

“Don’t call me man, and it’s time for some girl talk. Would you rather join us?”

“I’m going, I’m going. What would you like to drink, Olivia?”

“Oh, I don’t drink alcohol. Just some soda is fine, please.” Tommy side-eyes me but leaves.

“Baby girl, why the hell are you with Tommy and not Mr. Cane? Didn’t he say you should be seated beside him tonight?” Charlie asks me.

“I actually don’t know. He came up to us a while ago and just said I should be working. He was in his rage mode. Those nostrils flaring was not a good sign. His face was beet red. I froze up.”

“So you let Tommy whisk you away?” Andrea pops her head from devouring the shrimp cocktail in her hands.

“Hey, I didn’t ‘let’ him do anything. And besides, what was I supposed to do, follow behind Mr. Cane like a lost puppy?”

“What work was he even expecting you to do?” I shrug at this.

“You two really need to communicate better. I mean, he’s your boss, he should be giving you clearer instructions.” I agree but I don’t think now is the time to discuss key points for developments. I’m just glad I’m not the center of his foul mood. Looking on the brighter side of things, I get to enjoy my night with friends instead of being a nervous wreck beside my hot-tempered boss. I don’t think that’s even a choice, I’d rather have a pleasant evening than to be around his intensity.

I would like to have a closer look at him though. His suit really looks good on him tonight. Well, everything looks great on him but tonight he’s especially dashing. Maybe it’s that red mixed with the stripes and the ambiance of this place. It makes him look like he’s a crime lord of a mafia gang of some sort.

Tommy cuts off my daydreaming of my boss by gently setting a glass of soda in front of me. He smiles that boyish grin that immediately makes me smile back.

“Stop flirting with the girl, it’s just soda.” Charlie grabs his drink from Tommy’s hand.

“Your heart eyes are making us all sick.” He adds.

“You’re just jealous,” Rosie says.

Tommy ignores them. “What do you want to eat?” He directs his question at me while motioning to the buffet.

I can feel my stomach reacting to the question. I haven’t had lunch today. Too busy and worried about this dress. There is nothing better than free food for a starving poor girl like me. I will take advantage of this little nugget tonight.

“Let’s check it out.” I stand up, already excited.

“Bring me back some more shrimp.” Andrea’s voice trails after me as I line up with Tommy. He’s so tall I can barely see anything past him.

He turns his back on the line and faces me.

“What happened to your foot?” His question catches me off guard. I thought no one noticed my left foot anymore.

“It’s nothing, just an accident with Mr. Cane.” Just my boss’ name makes me look around for him.

“What accident?” I tap his shoulder to signal that it’s his turn. He grabs two plates and hands me the first one. He nudges me to go ahead and get food first.

I take one of each of the dishes served even if I don’t like it. Free food is free food. I double up on meat. I drizzle more sauce than necessary. Tommy laughs at this. He grabs another plate and loads up more. He said he’s extra hungry and we could share. I didn't mind at all that he saw I liked to eat and nudged him towards our table so we could finally eat.

My friends try to talk to me but I concentrate on my food. I wonder if I could bring some home for mom. I know she would probably like the beef and shrimp.

Before I put some into my purse or something along the lines of this, I spot some movements from the corner of my eye.

I wasn’t able to notice it while I was devouring the food but once I’m sated, I finally see it. The reason that Mr. Cane didn’t insist that I sit beside him despite his orders yesterday.

I angle my face and use Tommy’s bulky figure to peek, but I see it. Mr. Cane and what seems to be the head of this whole project are canoodling by the raised platform.

The long table, unlike the round ones for the peasants like us employees, allows them to be naturally elevated. Like kings and queens before their subjects. He has his arm resting on the back of her chair and she’s leaning her body, almost melding into him.

The woman looks like a life-sized version of Ariel from Little Mermaid if that’s even possible. Her hair and dress makes her look ethereal. The smooth way she’s interacting with Mr. Cane confirms that they know each other more than in a business capacity. How close are they though?

Tommy snaps his hands in front of me. Rude much?

“What?” I almost snapped at him. I focus my narrowed eyes on him.

“Oh, shit. Are you mad? Sorry. I was just asking if you want dessert?” He points towards the pastries and cakes.

“Yeah, let’s go.”

This night is going to be a long one. I look back at Mr. Cane and that beautiful woman. Tommy blocks my view and leads me away.

Might as well distract myself and enjoy the food.