
Chapter 80

A special ramp had been put in to allow John to drive in the MG, and as they climbed it, Jenny felt a surge of satisfaction as more of the car became visible. When he had brought it to her, it wouldn’t even start, the engine sand-logged from extensive runs on the beach. The electrics had been shot and the clutch gone, forcing her both to strip out all the British gear and start from scratch and then to replace the transmission. In spite of the fact that it still looked pretty good, only really needing a fresh coat of candy-apple red paint, John had got it for a song.

If all went well tonight, they’d earn back at least six times what he originally paid.

Two burly men dressed in black jeans and T-shirts guarded the car. “Mike and Gary are going to pull back the curtain when it’s our turn. You’ll be able to hear everything onstage then.”