
Chapter 76

It was that thought that made him want another drink. He moaned, covering his sensitive eyes with his arm, and tried to think things through logically.

Jenny wasn’t leaving and she wasn’t getting married. This made him very happy. Happier than he had any right to be. This happiness frightened him, because he didn’t quite know what it was or what it meant. As a defense mechanism to the fear, he drank. Until he passed out. And if the vague itching in the back of his mind was any indication, he was about to start the cycle again

He resisted the call of more scotch and stumbled into the bathroom. By early afternoon, he was showered, shaved, dressed, and sitting in front of his laptop, prepared to catch up on his correspondence. His jaw still hurt, and every time he tried to write an email, he found himself mentally composing a letter to Jenny instead.