
Chapter 6

Fuck, she would have gone with him if he asked. He knewit. And even if she hadn’t left with him, she would have wanted to. And that want would have been an obvious, hot light that would shine in her eyes…

Ripple effect. Thousands of dollars. Bad news.

Maybe he could think about her a little bit.

As soon as he undressed, he settled on his bed with a stiff drink and a bottle of lotion. He coated his palm and slowly slicked the lotion down his shaft, idly thinking of their last exchange. He didn’t know if she would call him, but he knew if she did, he’d come running. The thought of hearing her husky voice on the phone, asking for him, made his cock jerk. Sighing, he leaned back on the bed, gripping the base of his shaft with the other hand…

* * * *

“We don’t have to stick around,” Ashley pointed out, checking his watch. “I’ve put in my time for the night. We should find somewhere a bit less…crowded.”