
Chapter 67

Ashley nodded in understanding and rolled over in order to rise. “I’ll walk you down.”

“You don’t have to do that.” Zipping up her jeans, Jenny stepped into her sandals. “I’m all ready, and you’d have to get up.” She smiled. “Don’t try telling me that won’t be hard. You’ve got to be as sore as I am. I’m surprised my legs work enough for me to get out of bed.”

He fell back onto his pillow, his heavy-lidded gaze following her as she walked to the door. “Not too sore to give me a kiss, are you?”

Her feet moved of their own accord back to the side of the bed. It was enough to make Jenny wonder how she was going to manage any self-control if she ran into Ashley again, but those thoughts were chased away as soon as he slid his hand around her neck to draw her down to his mouth. The kiss was slow and deliberate, a reminder of how fantastic the night had been, and she had to break it off far too quickly, lest the last vestiges of her resolve vanished.