
Chapter 55

A young woman turned and answered him with an excited smile. She spoke rapidly, her accent matching Ashley’s. “Ash, is that you? I haven’t seen you in a dog’s year! What have you been doing with yourself? And who is this lovely lady?”

“This is Jenny Rohm. Jenny, this is Louisa Parker. Louisa organizes the company’s softball and basketball teams. She’s also a hell of a goalie.”

She didn’t have time to get nervous before the woman was shaking her hand with as much energy as she spoke, making a joke about the intramural soccer team she played on. “I tried playing soccer for a while in high school,” Jenny commented with an answering laugh. “But I pretty much sucked at it. I’m more hands-on than coaches tend to like.”

“Oh Lord, that’s why I always played goalie. I couldn’t resist the impulse to catch that damned ball!” She eyed Jenny up and down. “You know, we have a few positions still open on the softball team. We need a first baseman that knows her ass from a hole in the ground.”