
Chapter 51


This time, Jenny laughed, keeping it low in order not to wake Bryan. “I suppose if I go to the picnic, it’ll be the perfect chance for you to teach me what you think makes a good beer.”

“If those cretins have good beer,” Ashley scoffed. “They never have yet. But we’ll have plenty of time after the picnic.”

“After? What about Bryan? How does this brilliant plan of seduction of yours get rid of him?”

“I don’t really care.”

In that moment, she believed him. He really didn’t care. Another tremor raced through her at the thought, settling between her thighs.

“You know what I like about you, Ashley Edwards? You’ve got more nerve than anybody else I’ve ever met. I actually think you’re going to go through with this crazy plan.”

“I am going to go through with this crazy plan, if I see you on Saturday.”

“Keep up this kind of talk and how can I not go?”

“I don’t think you’re taking me seriously.”