
Chapter 40

“Nah, I’m just angling to see you without your shirt on,” she baited, comfortable with him again. “Besides, are you really telling me you don’t want to lie back while Yvonne slathers you up with sunscreen? Bryan tells me all the time that’s his favorite part about going to the beach.”

“You don’t have to drag me out to the beach to get my shirt off,” Ashley returned.

It was impossible not to smile. He was back to his flirtatious self. Everything had to be all right again. “Maybe not. But it gives me something to look forward to when I’m stuck in a hot garage filled with paint fumes tomorrow, taking care of your truck.” She tossed the pen onto the counter, slipping his card back into the customer file. “See you on Saturday, Ash.”

“I’m looking forward to it.”

She hung up, her smile still gracing her mouth. Saturday. Bryan would be pleased.

Jenny suspected, however, he would not be as pleased as she was.11