
Chapter 31

“Well, I’m glad that I can contribute to your imminent corruption.” She held up her taco in a mock-toast. “To being a slacker, if only for a day.”

“Or the hour,” Ashley said, checking his watch. “Unless you want to contribute to my corruption for the rest of the afternoon.”

She took a bite of her taco. “I thought you said to take you home.”

“Actually,” he pointed out, pouring the thin salsa over his food, “you said you would take me home.”

Frowning, Jenny had to swallow before responding. “Would you rather I took you someplace else?”

Ashley looked at her a long moment, his eyes thoughtful. She shifted, unnerved by the intensity of his gaze. Before she said anything, he smiled and shook his head. “No. How’s your food?”

“Good. It’s always good here.” As if to prove her point, she took another bite, hoping that it would encourage him to try his. It didn’t. He seemed too busy watching her eat. “It’s better when it’s hot, you know,” she commented around a mouthful.