
Chapter 30

Jenny let him into a cool backroom area, with lockers lining one wall and a door leading out to the shop floor. Ashley hung back around the exit while she went straight to a locker on the end and flipped it open to reveal her purse hanging on the inside.

She glanced back, her fingers dancing as she unbuttoned the front of her overalls. “How long does it take to get to your place from here?” she asked, pushing them off her shoulders.

Ashley knew there wasn’t anything overtly sensual about changing out of greasy, filthy overalls, and yet, somehow, Jenny made it one of the most sensual acts he had ever witnessed. She didn’t reveal anything except jeans and a T-shirt, but it was easy enough to imagine her undressing completely. For him. He swallowed hard and tried to focus on the question she had asked him. “Just about thirty minutes, if traffic is light.”