
Chapter 29

“We might be able to do that.” Ashley tried for interested yet noncommittal. “I’ll have to check with Yvonne, though I’ve never known her to pass up a chance to spend time at the beach.”

“I have to warn you…” her tone was light, faint laughter undercoating her words as she turned the corner, “…Bryan’s got a competitive streak a mile wide when it comes to sports. Beach volleyball is no exception.”

That didn’t come as a surprise to Ashley. The man would have to have a strong competitive streak to make it as far as he had as early as he had. “That’s okay. I’ll let him win.”

“Really?” Jenny glanced at him, genuine surprise in her eyes. “I would’ve guessed you were even more competitive than Bryan. I thought that would be a prerequisite for being a lawyer. Always needing to come out on top.”