
Chapter 26

Still, it was a relief to hear after dinner that Ashley had accepted their invitation, and even more so that he was going to bring Yvonne. It set up clear boundaries. It was ridiculous for Jenny to be embarrassed about fantasies that meant absolutely nothing in the grand scheme of things.

The first time she saw Ashley alone, she excused herself from the conversation she really hadn’t been listening to anyway and crossed the sitting room in order to stand at his side. With her best smile, she said, “Bryan told me you’re going to try and find a date for us to thank you the right way for the other night.”

“You already gave me dinner. I feel as though I’m taking advantage of your kindness.”

“My cooking is not a kindness.”

Ashley smiled. “I looked past the cooking for the company.”

There it was. The warming in the pit of her stomach at a smile that shouldn’t have made her react that way. Jenny ignored it for the moment, reminding herself that it didn’t make a difference.