
Chapter 25

Like he was now.

Spending any time with Jenny was a sort of torture that Ashley hadn’t known existed. He had been sexually attracted to women before, and God knew, he never wanted for a date. But there had never been anybody just out of reach the way Jenny was.

Even as he smiled, Ashley knew he’d regret it. “It has been awhile since I’ve experienced anything resembling fun. I’ll have to talk to Glenda about my schedule, though.”

Bryan seemed pleased with his response, visibly relaxing. “Just let me know what works for you. You’re the busy man here. It’s enough I can tell Jenny you said yes. That’ll get her off my back about one thing, at least.”

Ashley was having a hard time reconciling the Jenny he knew to the woman Bryan kept referring to. He couldn’t imagine her haranguing the other man over his drinking choices, or nagging him about extending an invitation for a simple thank you. And then his mind went to getting Jenny on her back, and he sighed inwardly.