
Chapter 24

“I should’ve known Ashley would bring the most beautiful woman in the room,” Bryan said. Once the greetings were over, he slipped an arm around Jenny’s waist and pulled her against his side. “Next to mine, that is.”

Yvonne smiled pleasantly, and there didn’t seem to be a hint of irony in her response. “Indeed, Bryan. Where have you been hiding her?”

“I only get dusted off when he can’t get out of bringing a date,” Jenny joked. “Lucky for him, I clean up easy.”

Ashley threw a wicked grin her direction, as though they were both in on some private joke, before turning his attention to Bryan. “I know Anne is insisting that tonight be about fun, but I need to corner you at some point and talk numbers.”

Bryan nodded. “Just name the time and place. As long as Anne doesn’t catch us, we’ll be safe.”

Desperate to break away from thoughts of what Ashley’s smile meant, Jenny looked to Yvonne. “How much do you want to bet we get abandoned in favor of work?”