
Chapter 17

“You should stop,” Jenny breathed.

“Oh, absolutely,” Ashley agreed, the trail of his mouth shifting, bringing his lips closer to hers. He rotated his hips, grinding his hard cock against her, his grip on her tightening. “Make me.”

“Stop.” Her voice was barely a whisper, and when his mouth skimmed the corner of hers, her tongue darted out to taste him almost delicately. “I mean it.”

“Okay,” he sighed, before his mouth closed over hers. Her lips were inviting, welcoming, and they parted for him without hesitation. The kiss began slowly, as though he really did think she’d push him away, but soon the pure lust that had been settled low in his gut since he saw her erupted through his body, and the kiss became something harder, more demanding. She clung to his arms, her nails digging through his jacket as he spun her around, backing her up against the table.