
Chapter 10

Jenny glanced where he suggested before shifting to look at him. “I don’t welsh on deals.” She smiled, just in case there was any doubt about her intent. “Especially when I’m pretty damn sure I’m getting the best end of the bargain.”

“I think I’d dispute that point.” They reached the door, and people filtered in and out, but nobody deigned to look at them. The swell of guests fell behind them as they entered a long, cool corridor. “And win the argument.”

Their footsteps were muffled against the carpet, their pace unhurried. With no crowd to lose her in, Ashley dropped his hold on her elbow. Before Jenny missed its absence, his hand reappeared in the small of her back, fingertips feathering along her bare skin as he guided her to a stop in front of the elevator.

“Am I going to know what it is I’m getting myself in for?” she asked, her mouth twisted in amusement. The doors swished open, and the pair stepped inside. “Or do I get to be surprised?”