
Craving for Independence

Constance Williams is a former Kindle Scout participant who has gain numerous votes on Facebook and also support in the Kindle’s Scout Authors community which has encouraged her writing even greater. She is a prolific writer indeed – has written over 24 books, and is snooping around as we speak, gathering information for another amazing story, just to share with you; her loyal and wonderful audience. “Love Overdose” “Flesh” “Struggles of the Hear” Are, just a few of the books that she has written. Constance, has worked across the border of several industries such as operating a restaurant, working as a medical technician in a doctor’s office and hospital, to teaching Social Studies and English in a community college. She presently has a Youtube Channel where she teaches English at the CXC (Caribbean Examination Council) level. You may visit her website to read excerpts from her books and leave your comments as well. Here is the link for doing so: www.ladycbooks.simplesite.com Annie, a young girl, presumed to be born with a crippling disease affecting the mobility of her legs, got caught between a rock and a hard place. After reaching adulthood she wanted to break free from her parent strict regiment and perverted actions against her. She also wanted to find love and be in love with some, but her parent wouldn't allow it, discouraging such at thought from her mind because of her disability. Furthermore, she had neither money or friends to help her out of her destitute situation. All alone with no hands of mercy, she prayed and hope for help to come and when it did finally showed up at her doorsteps, she refuse from letting it go and leaving her there in that house she called her prison.

Constance C. Williams · Ciudad
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9 Chs

Chapter 4

Timothy's car being badly damaged by the vicious hands of Annie's father, however, thankfully, it was still able to haul some of her belongings to the other side of town - Maplewood community where Timothy had been residing for the past year.

The engine of the car sounded fairly well, but the recent vigorous pounding on the trunk of the car with John Mitchell's baseball bat had given the muffler a beaten. Damaging the muffler and the exhaust system situated below the trunk of the car. There was no way Timothy could have driven that car to work the following morning without getting a ticket for road hazard and threatening the life of other road users. So he decided on getting a rental vehicle until the insurance settlement came through for him and he had saved up enough money for one.

Laughingly, Timothy made mention of not being stopped by any police on their way home and being summon with a ticket for polluting the environment with all the black smoke escaping from the muffler of his car. Because there was absolutely nothing more that his plate could take on for the rest of the day. The vicious encounter with Annie's parents were enough for one day! However, gladly they arrived at his address without any more obstacles in their way or disappointing encounters with the police or the cursing words of anyone else, for that matter.

Unloading the car was a task Timothy took on all by himself, making numerous trips from his car to the house and back, and then from downstairs of the house to his bedroom upstairs with all Annie's belongings. Happy, Timothy was finally done carrying large bags and heavy suitcases in the house and returned to the car and sat beside Annie, hoping to spend some quite time with her. But after being seated in the car beside her and lovingly placing his arms around her, showing her his love for her, he notice she was in tears.

Lovingly he asked, "My darling, why are you crying?" as he tenderly rubbed both her shoulders with the tip of his fingers.

Bitterly sobbing and nervously shaking, she turned her face away from him and spoke. "I'm so ashamed of what my father has done to your vehicle and how he and my mom has behave in front of you today. You didn't deserve this at all, and I'm so very sorry about what he has done to your vehicle. I know this will cause you a huge setback financially, and I deeply apologize for making you see this side of them!"

Annie expressed sadly.

"My Darling, you don't have to apologize for their behavior. They wanted to hurt you; they were only using me to accomplish that; don't you see that?" They knew very well, if I walk away from you, then you would have no other choice but returned to them... return to that house without any connection to any friends or the outside world! So you can make them indirectly feel that they have a purpose to carry on... you are their life... you motivate them to get up each day and live!"

Timothy spoke, having a keen analytical eye on the whole situation transpiring in Annie's live.

Satisfied with his words of wisdom, Annie leaned over to Timothy and tenderly rubbed her cheeks against his, as though he were her pet, and lovingly she whispered in his ear.

"You are going to be an excellent doctor for sure, someday. Every nurse will want to work with you and every patient is going to request that you come and treat them!"

"Where is Dr. Blackburn? I only want to see Dr. Blackburn? Is Dr. Blackburn in office as yet?"

Annie continued, childishly teasing and mimicking the days that will come when he begin practicing his profession as a doctor.

"Well I certainly hope so, my darling! I certainly hope so!"

Timothy spoke, as he grab her face with both hands and passionately kissed her lips for what seems like an eternity. Putting upon her lips what he was feeling in his heart for her, and then taking away from hers the pleasure he had seen whenever he looked upon her. Her lips against his had given him so much gratification and blissful happiness that he couldn't contain his silence anymore. Causing him to scream her name as he tried holding back the god given sensation from the stiff muscles between his legs.

"Annie, I want to be with you forever... until eternity, until eternity my love!"

Timothy whispered in her ear while he held her tightly and her firm fleshly breast pressed against his broad masculine chest.

"I want to have you until eternity too my love!"

She whispered back at him.

Releasing their grip from each other, Timothy had the car windows receded, letting down her car seat, so she could lay backwards and look up at the twinkling stars under the dark moving clouds. He then did the same to his seat, held her hands and joined her in staring up at the heavens as they share their opinions of what beyond the stars must be like.

"I'm sure there are many galaxies up there and trillions of beautiful stars that look just like you my love!"

Timothy stated, as he leaned over and kissed her, causing the side of her mouth to curl up displaying upon her face a beautiful smile. And for hours, the newly found lovers laid in the car watching the beauty of the stars until Timothy decided to turn the key in the ignition and heard on the car stereo that it was already midnight.

"Come my love, I have to get you inside and get you under the shower!"

Timothy shouted anxiously.

He was amazed to learn that it was that late!

Especially, since, they both had job obligations they needed to attend to early in the morning. Slamming the door to the driver's side, Timothy rushed to the passenger side of his car, gathered up Annie and brought her inside the house. Minutes later, he had her under the shower where he left her to wash herself while he went and attend to ironing one of her blouses to wear in the morning. Not wanting to rumble through her suitcases any longer, Timothy decided that she should sleep into one of his shirt like she had done the night before. And so, he brought one of his shirts to bathroom for her to clad herself into while he organized all the documentation needed for renting a vehicle to transport him to work and back home.

As soon as Annie was out of the shower, Timothy was in! But, it didn't take him too long to wash away the stress, sweat and stinging pain he had encountered in that day. Now dressed in his pajamas, he kissed her goodnight before attempting to go to his room.

However, seeing her lying on his bed beautiful like an exotic angel, Timothy sat on the bed beside her, and began massaging Annie's feet until she had fallen asleep, before heading to another bedroom in the house to have his night's rest. There he laid on his back waiting for sleep to come, but, it just wouldn't! All his thoughts were consumed with her and what their future could possibly be like in the next three years or so. He was lying there on his back envisioning about their careers, the children they would have together, how unstoppable they would be in spite of her disability.

By the time he knew it, it was already daybreak and time to start getting ready for work.

Wasting no more time with his imagination taking him into the future, Timothy rushed to kitchen and started preparing breakfast for himself and Annie. He already knew what she would like for breakfast, so there was no needed inquiring from her what she wanted. And decided instead, he would let her rest until he was done fixing their meal. So whenever she was done eating, she could just brush her teeth, start getting dress, and then wait for her driver to pick her up for work. And so he did.

"Good morning, my sweet muffin!"

Timothy exclaimed.

"Your breakfast is here, my darling! First I must ask; how was your rest last night?"

Timothy continued on.

Not waiting for her to answer, he spoke.

"Did you sleep like a baby? Did you needed me beside you?"

Timothy asked teasingly.

"I honestly wish I could say I did, but once my head had hit the pillows last night, I left earth and went far away into Jupiter or Mars somewhere!"

Annie responded while stretching her limbs to reach the ceiling and afterwards slapping on her deformed legs, as if, she had expected them to move on her command.

"Oh, my love, I wish you had taken me along with you for the ride to Mars; so you and I could cuddled there together!"

Timothy said playfully while placing the tray of food on her lap.

And before she could place a slice of toast to her mouth, Timothy held her head beside his chest and gave her a friendly kiss. It was a warm loving kissed that told her, she meant something special to him and she was welcome there.

Not wanting to show an ounce of fat on her bones, Annie only satisfied herself with a slice of toast and black coffee. Butter, blueberry jam and the cup of peanut butter Timothy had brought her, she totally ignored. Pushing the food-try towards him and proclaiming to him that he should have whatever else was left on the try.

Soon Annie began making her way off the bed and to the bathroom; holding onto whatever was available that would help her get there without Timothy's assistance. Minutes later, she was out of the bathroom, got herself dress, and calling the transportation company to confirm the time when they should come and pick her up. At the other end of the line the driver spoke, confirming that he would be at her place of dwelling in the next half hour; so she should expect him the soon.

Hanging up the phone, Annie began hurrying Timothy to help her get her leg braces on, which he immediately did, not wanting the driver to complain that she wasn't punctual or hadn't taken his business or his time seriously. All done and ready to go, Timothy waited with Annie on the front porch of his house until the driver showed up. He then assisted her to the waiting vehicle, placed her belonging on the backseat of the car before saying hello to the driver and kissing her good0bye.

But, before the driver could pull out of his drive-way with his price possession seated on the back seat of his car, Timothy raced to the driver's side of the vehicle and introduce himself to the driver as Doctor Blackburn, hoping to convince him that Annie wasn't someone who he could take advantage of and get away with it; if he should ever have those intentions.

"I want you, to please take her to her photoshoot safely, and bring her back home to me just the same, in one piece!"

Timothy spoke sternly.

"I certainly will, Mr. Blackburn!"

Robert Wilkins responded.

Standing there while the car slowly rolled out of the drive-way, Timothy blew kisses at Annie and wave good-bye until the car bend the corner and was out of sight.

Rushing back to the inside of the house, Timothy began multitasking, one minute he was on the phone trying to get a rental car for a reasonable price to bring him to work. Next minute, he was putting on his clothing and calling... calling his job to inform them that he was going to be late for work that morning. Therefore, they should try asking one of the doctors who had done the night shift to stick around for a while until he had gotten there. He then went calling another car rental company to compare prices, so he could decide on which was more reasonable than the other and suitable for his pocket.

The first rental company Timothy called told him, he could have a brand new car for the cost of three hundred dollars for seven days. And the second company told him he could have a brand new car for the cost of three hundred and fifty dollars for fourteen days. Excited that he could rent a car for almost two weeks for almost the same price, Timothy called back the company which he had called first, telling them that he wouldn't be needing the car from them anymore. Feeling guilty that he had negotiated a price with another company, he lied to the receptionist on the phone when he asked him why he wasn't still interested in renting the vehicle. Telling him that one of his friends would be loaning him a car.

Soon thereafter, John Mitchell's insurance company called requesting for him to send them pictures of the damaged car which their client hand destroyed. But, Timothy flatly and angrily rejected their request; telling them, his car is in the drive-way, and if they wanted pictures, they should send someone to his house- their claim adjuster or appraiser to come by and take the pictures themselves; if they were ready to process his claim. Timothy and the insurance company was back and forth arguing about what was best and who should take the pictures of the car until he had gotten frustrated and slam down the phone in the claims officer's ears. And soon after began venting to himself about how pertinent they were to be asking him to take pictures of the damaged car their client had ruined like he was there damn photographer.

Recollecting his thoughts and his memory, Timothy remembered to call the car rental company he had called earlier on, telling them that he was quite interested in having the car for the fourteen days at the cost of three hundred and fifty dollars. But to his surprise, the receptionist told him that the car was already rented to another customer and they had no more of those cars for that price on the lot. And was sorry that he hadn't told them to reserve the car for him or had offered to give them a deposit for the vehicle.

Angrily, Timothy pressed his thumb against the phone key for a click!

Now Timothy was ringing the Car Rental Company he had initially called telling them that he had changed his mind about renting the car and how he would be there in the next twenty minutes or so to make payments and collect the keys to the car. However, another sad news had hit him - that too wasn't possible, because they too had rented the car, they had quoted to him for three hundred dollars for seven days.

"Are you serious... that quickly you rented the car?"

Timothy shouted in the receptionist ear.

"What else you have there, that I can get for around that price?" Timothy enquired upsettingly.

"Well, Mr. Blackburn, we don't have any more cars for rental, we only have trucks... SUVs! And they are being rented for eight hundred dollars for the week!"

The receptionist informed him.

"Are you bloody crazy... that's my entire salary; okay, never mind!"

Timothy blurted out before slamming the phone to the receiver.

Feeling frustrated, Timothy began rushing to the streets yelling out for a cab to stop and drive him to work while he toggle with his bag and lab coat over his shoulder, his thermos in his hand and his stethoscope around his neck.

"If that fool hadn't damaged my car, I would be at work by now!"

Timothy mumbled to himself.

Few minutes later, came a screeching haul on the brakes of a fancy car. Someone in the vehicle rolled down the windows and shouted, "Doc, come on! I can give you a ride to work!" as the driver slowly reverses his car towards Timothy in the height of the busy traffic.

Clueless who the offer was coming from, Timothy cautiously made one step before the other while peeking through the windows to see if the driver's resemblance meant anything to him. Unfortunately, it didn't, but Timothy trusted his voice to be that of an upstanding and honest guy.

Opening the door to the car, Timothy politely asked, "Where have we met before? I just can't seem to pick up where we have met before, but your face sure seems familiar to me!" before taking a seat in the stranger's car.

"I was a patient at the hospital around a year ago when you just started your residency there! You guys held me in there because I had serious palpitation and trouble breathing! Are you a big time doctor yet?"

The stranger asked frankly but teasingly.

"I know none of you doctors at the hospital could never recognize me now... I have lost so much weight; not even my wife and children can recognize me sometimes!"

The stranger spoke laughingly.

"Let me tell you a true story! One of my daughter's, the eldest one; she came by the house the other day and saw me sitting in the backyard! She thought I was a total stranger and shouted. 'Mister, what are you doing on my father's property?' It took me a good while before convincing her that it was me; her own father!"

The stranger said amusingly.

Tickled by his story and personality, Timothy found interest in knowing him better, and asked. "Sorry Sir, but I don't recall your name?"

Slamming his foot against the breaks to slow the car, the stranger looked over at Timothy and said.

"You might have forgotten my name, but I'll never forget yours! When all the other guys were pretending as if they weren't ready for this job... ready to be a doctor! I clearly remember you grabbing the wash pan, putting on those gloves and washing my back before applying those creams; one for itch and the other for the pain!"

"I'm now convince that a dying man recalls and knows much; because I was dying in that hospital and I can remember everything that had happened to me in there! And I clearly remember your face and your name; it's Dr. Blackburn, right!"

"Life is a strange piece of work! You helped me in there, now I'm helping you out here!"

The stranger continued.

Timothy was just about to repeat the question of asking him his name once more, and also get his number. But he didn't have to. Because the stranger, looking in the rearview mirror, stated out loudly; "Malone, the name is Winston Malone!" as he reached into his glove compartment fetching his business card from there and handing it over to Timothy.

With the ride almost coming to an end, Timothy began preparing himself to leave the pleasant comfort of the beautiful car, as Mr. Malone try finding a suitable spot to park and let him out of the vehicle. And when he had finally gotten a decent parking spot, and Timothy stepped out of his vehicle, Mr. Malone yelled out at him.

"Please don't hesitate or be afraid to call me... call me anytime you want!"

Those sounding words of confidence, told Timothy he had possibly just gain a friend; and so he saluted Mr. Malone and promised him that he would certainly give him a ring.

Although, Timothy had a stroke of good luck in the morning, he still needed a stroke of luck in the evening. He needed a car to take him home when his work shift was done, and also, a ride for the rest of the week or until he could afford to purchase a new car. Therefore, he still needed a car for temporarily usage and needed to keep searching for one until he found one.

But, that wasn't something he could possible do during his work period because of the numerous patients on the hospital ward, plus, those who were just being admitted for one reason or the other. Causing him to be on his feet all day, and even, ignoring his lunch break, because he desperately wanted to heal everyone's wound, fix everyone's complaint, and cure everyone's disease.

Every single soul in the hospital who he had attended to reminded him of Annie, urging him to want to do much more for them. In some advertent way made him want to work a miracle in their lives so they could be strong and healthy again; just like he desperately wished for Annie to walk on her own.

However, the work shift of the day was done and Timothy needed a ride home and considered asking one of his colleagues to grant him such a favor. But, the result wasn't as clear-cut as he had anticipated for it to be, since the colleague he had asked for a ride home needed to be at another job and had very little time to spear.

Needless-to-say, his colleague offered to drop him off at the nearest bus station; so from there, he could catch a bus home or wherever he intended on going to.

But who says, lighting won't hit you twice!

Just as Timothy and his colleague Morgan Green was crossing the street to make their way in the employees parking lot, there came a black shinny car cruising up the main street from the hospital premises. Slowly, the driver stopped and tooted his horn. And soon, he began rolling down the windows to his car and calling out to Timothy.

"Hey, Buddy, you leaving work now?"

The unexpected stranger asked.

Recognizing that the stranger was none other than his new friend Mr. Malone, Timothy responded.

"Yes, Mr. Malone! I'm leaving work now and my colleague here, is going to give me a ride to the bus stop now!"

"I'm sure, your colleague have many things to attended; don't you, mister?"

Mr. Malone spoke loudly for Morgan Green to hear him who gave a faint smile and a slight nod of his head.

"Come on Blackburn, hop in the car, I'll take you home!"

Mr. Malone offered.

While Timothy shook Morgan hand, thanking him for offering to take him to the bus stop before making his way into Mr. Malone's stunning and luxurious ride.

As soon as Timothy stepped inside the vehicle, Mr. Malone began scolding him, as though, he was his own son.

"Didn't I give you my card this morning, telling you to call me anytime?"

Mr. Malone asked sternly.

"Yes, Sir! You certainly did!"

Timothy responded.

"So why haven't you used it to call me knowing that you needed a ride home?"

Mr. Malone ask with curiosity on his face.

Timothy then replied, "To be honest with you, Mr. Malone, I honestly can't give you a sensible answer!" while he adjusted the seatbelt across his shoulders to safely enjoy the ride. But in his heart, Timothy felt it just wasn't right for him to go overstepping his boundary and go asking a stranger for that kind of favor since they had just recently met up with each other, after him being a prior patient of his; regardless of his generous nature.

"So where do you want to go now, straight home, or, to go have a drink to sooth away the stress of the day?"

Mr. Malone curiously asked.

"Hmmm! I prefer to go straight home, because I have to go shopping for a car rental agency to get myself a car, so I don't have to be constantly asking favors to get a ride to and from work every single day!"

Timothy replied.

"Are you trying to tell me something, Blackburn? You don't want any favors from me? You don't want me to pick you up in the mornings and give you a ride home from work in the evenings?"

Were the questions, Mr. Malone posted to him, as he stared over at Timothy who was obviously fidgeting around with the seat belt across his belly, and avoid making any eye contact with, Mr. Malone!

"Let me tell you something Blackburn, no man is an island! We all needed a little help sometimes in this journey we call life! The only persons who don't need any helping hand from another; are those lying in their graves, and even before they reached the graveyard, in their dead state, they too needed someone's hands to wash them, dress them, and carry them to the graveyard to rest! So don't be afraid and ashamed to reach out or receive a helping hand whenever you fall on tough times! You might be getting pay to help people because you are a doctor, and that is a good thing; but it's even more admirable to help someone and not expect a red cent for doing so! That's what makes us true human!"

Mr. Malone lectured.

Timothy who was too tired from an ethic day at work could hardly come up with the right words to explain himself, therefore, looking over at Mr. Malone, he replied.

"You are certainly correct, Mr. Malone!"

Presently in the Maplewood community, Mr. Malone ask, "Which of these streets are exactly yours, I know it is somewhere around here that I picked you up this morning?" as he tried pinpointing the correct landmark that led to Timothy's street.

"I'm right at the end of Alexander Avenue and Augustine Drive. The stone-front house with the red door on the right hand side; that's mine!"

Timothy replied.

Timothy's house stood out in the neighborhood like a Mexican Christmas tree, bright red with a colorful door wreath around the peephole. It was the only house on the avenue that had large stones with multiple shades of gray covering the front of it, and a very large front door that looked like it was made for a church. But pulling up in Timothy's drive-way, Mr. Malone couldn't believe his eyes. The massive indentation on the trunk area of Timothy's car which was parked in the drive-way of his yard. Causing his to exclaim! "Kiss my neck-back! What happen to your car? Who did your car like this; Blackburn?"

Not waiting for Timothy's response, Mr. Malone went on throwing out questions as he stepped out of his car and carefully made his observations about the very damage vehicle as he walked around it carefully scrutinizing the vehicle from top to bottom.

"This wasn't an accident? This doesn't look like an accident to me! This looks like someone took a piece of large pipe iron and beat into your car until it sunk the trunk! It looks like you have a very serious enemy somewhere around you?"

Mr. Malone spoke seriously.

"Not really!"

Timothy replied.

"Not really!"

Mr. Malone shouted back.

"Then, it was a friend who really did this to your car knowing that you need your car to get to work every day?"

Mr. Malone continued asking while looking at Timothy puzzlingly.

"I certainly wouldn't like meeting such a friend!"

Mr. Malone continued teasingly.

"It's my in-law... it's my girlfriend... it's a long story!"

Timothy spoke, undecided about how much information he really wanted to disclose about the shameful contentious argument which had occurred between him and Annie's parent.

Looking at Timothy with much curiosity in his eyes, Mr. Malone seriously inquired.

"I hope your girlfriend hadn't done this to your vehicle, knowing that this is you means of transportation to and from work? Because if she is the one who has done this to your car, I'm telling you right now, you need to dump her sorry ass this very minute! Because you certainly don't need any woman who is taking you backwards and not forward!"

Mr. Malone firmly advised.

"No it's nothing like that... it's not about my girlfriend!"

Timothy interjected as a look of frustration showed upon his face.

Filled with disappointment, Mr. Malone ordered Timothy to go and put his work bag inside the house and come with him because he has a friend who he thinks has cars renting at reasonable prices. But Timothy told him he would have to wait a while before he could go with him; because he had a very important phone call he needed to make right away. He wanted to call Annie, find out how she was doing, because he hadn't spoken to her all day since the schedule at work had been very ethic and now, he wanted to know if she was on her way home or she was still working on one of her photoshoots.

However, Mr. Malone convince Timothy, if the call wasn't about a life or death situation, he could always make the call after they had returned from his friend's business place. Because he didn't want to drive over there only to find out that it was already closed for the day. Weighing his options, Timothy agreed that he could always call Annie upon his return, so he hopped into Mr. Malone's car, shut the door and seconds later, they were backing out of his driveway and heading out of town.

A thirty minutes ride from Timothy's house was all it took to the Costello Car Rental Company located in Bloomfield. And there, Mr. Malone greeted Mr. Costello with much enthusiasm. Timothy could tell that they were buddy's from away back when and must have shared some deep secrets between them as they hugged, kissed and embrace each other to what seemed like mysterious coding practiced by olden fraternities.

"How is the wife... how is the family doing?"

Mr. Malone asked.

"All is good so far, thank god!"

Mr. Costello replied as he lift his hands to the heavens.

Seeing his friend's eagerness to get on with business, Mr. Malone introduced Timothy and disclosed what had brought them there to his place of business.

"This is my very good friend, Mr. Blackburn! He is a very good doctor! Assisted me very well while I was in the hospital over a year ago! Someone smashed his car to pieces, but, he won't tell me who did it so I can fix them for him! And now he has to be catching the bus like bloody pauper; can you imagine that?"

Mr. Malone eagerly divulge.

"He needs a car to get him to and from work... he is a young doctor, still training... still doing his residency, so please don't kill him!"

Mr. Malone went on to disclose laughingly.

Keenly observing Timothy from head to toe, as he workout the figures in his head that he was contemplating on charging him and which cars he should rent him for such a price. Mr. Costello finally concluded that he had some cars that recently came on the parking lot, which he thought, he could probably give him for two-hundred dollars per week.

"Come on my friend, you must can do better than that! You forgot I told you, he is a doctor? You never know when one of those valves inside your body might start clogging up and you will need his skillful hands to unclog them for you!"

Mr. Malone spoke teasingly, as he try strategically to negotiate the price of the car for Timothy.

"Well, he is your friend, and I just might need him for more than unclogging a valve in my body, if you know what I mean! I will give him it for for-say, one-seventy; one hundred and seventy dollars! I think that is more than reasonable!"

Mr. Costello spoke sternly.

Mt. Malone was now looking at Timothy and nodding his head indicating that the price was reasonable while shaking hands with Mr. Costello agreeing with him that his friend would gladly accept that price. Minutes later, Timothy was signing papers and pulling out his credit card from his wallet after looking at the car and giving it a test ride on the main streets of Bloomfield.

It was a brand new car! Very beautiful! A Camry with all the modern features anyone would ask for! And Timothy gladly drove it home after thanking Mr. Costello for giving him such a wonderful deal on the car, and also thanking his new best friend, Winston Malone for linking him up with such a great deal.

Timothy arrive home from the car rental company happy and just in time to fine Annie seated in the car with her personal driver seated around the wheels. They had just arrived at the house and having small talks. She was just thanking him for picking her up this morning, stopping by one of the stores in the city to buy her snacks and returning with her home safely. And also making mention of the next date schedule for him to come and drive her to and from her next photo shoot.

Slowly, exiting the car to make her way to the front porch while her driver, Robert Wilkin, assisted her with the carrying of her bags to the front porch of the house, Annie was surprise to see the brand new car parked behind her driver's car. Curiously, staring at the bran new machine, she soon came to realize that Timothy was the one seated inside of it, as he quickly rolled down the windows and shouted to her a pleasant hello.

Timothy needed to back his car out of the driveway so Annie's driver could reverse his car out of the driveway and onto the main streets, but only after he had excitingly jumped from the his beautiful new car and raced to Annie's side to give her a warm embrace and to inquired from her how was her day.

"I really had a wonderful day at work today! Everyone at work has been very nice to me and also helpful!"

Annie revealed.

She wanted to ask him why he hadn't call her all day, but she wouldn't; presuming to believe, if he wanted to call her, he would certainly make time to do so if she meant a big deal to him.

Holding her around the waist has he walked with her towards the front porch of the house, Timothy revealed to her that he desperately wanted to call her before the day was done. However, his day on the job was very ethic and how much he didn't even had any lunch today, because the hospital was flooded with new patients coming in and out of the hospital, as if, there was an unknown epidemic in the atmosphere attacking almost every human being.

Unlocking the front door to his house, and having Annie seated on his living room couch, Timothy hurryingly told her, he would be back with her shortly, has he ran through the front door and onto the driveway to remove his car, so Robert could be on his way. Minutes later, he returned by Annie's side and began telling her about his day at work and how he was very sorry for not calling her throughout the entire day.

He then went on to tell her about the disappointing affair he had with both car rental companies earlier in the morning, and also, the great stream of good luck he had meeting his new best friend. Winston Malone who drives a fancy car and how he had given him a ride to work and luckily back home this evening. And how fortunately for him, he had also helped him obtain the band new car at a very reasonable price from one of his buddies who operates a car dealership business.

Listening attentively and believing every word that was sliding off Tim's exciting tongue, Annie accepted his apology, celebrated his good fortune and now, they were both in each other's arms sharing moments of loving embrace and kisses.

With his arms locked tightly around her waist, Timothy pulled her up from the couch and held her body closely to his as possible. Meanwhile, he had his face buried in the crevices at the side of her neck, closing his eyes while rocking her side to side as they went around in circles repeatedly, as though, they were dancing to a slow tune on a dance floor. Having in his arms and her body tightly pressing against his was like he was exchanging something... replenishing the tiredness from his body and regaining refreshment from hers.

In her arms, he felt at home, he felt loved, he felt a burst of peacefulness and happiness that he wished would continue on forever.

But he also knew that she had a long day at work and was feeling tired and so he whispered in her ear.

"Come, let's go have a shower together and then I'll fix you dinner!"

Timothy then lifted Annie to her feet, brought her upstairs to the shower, and placed her on the makeshift shower seat he had built for her. Soon, he began carefully undressing her while asking her if she had missed him all day.

"Of course I missed you, Tim! You have been my sunshine for the past few days I have been out of that cage of my parent. Actually, I thought about you all day, but I refrain from calling your number not wanting to interfere with the lives that you might be saving at the hospital."

Annie truthfully confessed while Timothy finish undressing her and removed the leg braces strapped around her twisted legs.

"If only these legs could voluntarily move and wrap themselves around me, what a perfection I would have in my life!"

Timothy pondered to himself as he lathered Annie's feet with the soapy cloth and gently massage her feet stroking them again and again and again, as if, the constant stroking of his hands on her legs could magically bring about signs of healing to her feet.

Done washing and massaging Annie's feet, Timothy then turned his attention to scrubbing her back and massaging her shoulders. Trying to minimize any tension built up she might have occurred from work, and also from the years of mental stress she had encountered from dealing with her parent tyrannical behaviors. Soon, Timothy turned the lathering of the soap to his own body, and minutes later, they both were standing under the shower with the gushing water from the shower head dousing down warm water on their bodies from head to toe like they were under a water fall in the bushes.

While Timothy, every now and then, try finding her lips between the sprinkling of the water drop lets, and placing tenderly, soft and sweet kisses upon them.

Seating Annie once again on the shower chair, Timothy grabbed the towels; one for him and the other for her, threw his around his neck and then around his waist. And hers, he wrapped from her back to above her breast before lifting her like a baby, and bringing her to the bedroom where he lay her down on the bed and began dressing her just like he had undressed her earlier on before; quite slowly. He was now ready to make dinner, but this time around, however, he had no intention of bringing her any food try in bed. He wanted her downstairs in the kitchen next beside him, chatting and laughing and keeping each other's company the way he thought it should be.

As Timothy got himself ready to bring Annie downstairs to the kitchen, she folded her long slender arms around his neck, smilingly kissed him and thanked him for taking such good care of her. It was a gesture, he deeply appreciated, and so he kissed her back on the forehead telling her that she was very welcome, and how he would always try to do the best by her, as long as he had breath flowing through his lungs. His words of sentiments warmly touched Annie's heart. She now had streams of tears gliding down her cheekbones, which Timothy proceeded to kissed away and wipe away with his hands as he sadly uttered softly.

"Don't cry my love! I certainly hate seeing you cry like this!"

Annie being comforted by Timothy's hands and soothing words, her tears had now evaporated; gone. And he, then playfully slide his way over into the kitchen where he began pulling out pots and pans and food from the refrigerator to prepare for cooking. Vegetables that needed pealing he washed, placed in a large container, brought them over to the couch and placed them on Annie's lap, so she could also partake in the preparation of the meal. Instead, of just sitting there and watching him do all the work. A task she was quite happy to participate in since she was often rejected from sharing in the preparation of anything while staying at her parent's house.

Gladly, the delicious meal of pre-cooked meatballs, buried in tick tomato sauce with vegetables diced and tossed in between dangling strips of softly cooked spaghetti was finally ready to be devoured. And there on the couch after Timothy had had the honor of severing each portion, the two lovebirds snuggled up against each other and playfully enjoyed their scrumptious bowls of meals balls. While they also romantically fed each other strings of dangling spaghetti, stealing sweet kisses from each other's lips in between each bite as they momentarily flipped through the television channels.

Luckily, for Annie, she had no photo shoots to travel to the following morning, so she could spend the entire day in bed if she wanted to. But, Timothy on the other hand, needed to be at work bright and early in the morning. So he excused himself from Annie's company, went and cleaned up the kitchen, and when he had done doing so, he then brought his doll upstairs to bed, after closing up all the doors and windows to the house.

Still, urging and burning with the desire to make love to her, to tantalize her body with the stroking touches of his hands and kisses from his plump lips, Timothy closed the bedroom door behind him, and let her sleep after engulfing her lips between his, stroking them with his tongue and squeezing her lower cheeks with his hands before happily uttering; "Goodnight, my love!!!" as he slowly walked through the door.