
Crap, I was Rifted: War Of the Users (Homeworld Dragonball Z Mix)

Follows the User Wars that touches on all the titles of Crap I was Rifted. Story focus is on the User Marcel. Other Users will appear for small instances. Bimonthly Update

FrozenTidez · Otras
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21 Chs

You need a Home World Part 2 A little walk to clear one's mind

The next morning most were in a somewhat sorry state. Nappa and Aspara were in the regular vats healing. They went a little to hard bruising themselves to the point their skin peeled. Cheri and CaCao were better. But Cheri had some burns from a few powered .. devices.

Frutas, Fasha, and Marcel were in the same vat healing. The most up to date one from them fighting to hard. Really to hard. Marcel won. Barely. A dual exchange that shattered each other's jaw. He then put them in a pile driver ending it. That caused them to faint and knocked them out of fusion.

"They are holding hands. Such an odd thing, wouldn't you say Lima?" Lakishi turned to his assistant. One of his people revived from the water use.

"Yes, it is." Lima blinked at the three before shaking her head. "It is what happens when someone leads with their libido. Then again, it was our fault. It is not like we knew the minerals would do that."

'So it is all your fault eh?' Marcel thought to them. His telepathic ability hitting them each, Fasha and Frutas looked on intently. 'When we get out of here, you better have something worthwhile from it!'

Lakishi gulped as Lima outright fainted. The others busying themselves to hope it would help. keeping their heads down.

Fasha and Frutas held his hands tighter. Both looking at him intently to bridge a telepathic link with them.

'This does not change anything.' Frutas said first. 'You are still ours. We will keep fighting you to prove it. Unless you get weak of course.'

'Damn right!' Fasha said. 'Then toss you to the curb.'

'Then you two better keep up if you want to be my women.' Marcel gave them both a hard stare. They didn't flinch in the least. He had a lot to learn about Saiyan women. 'Good to see you understand.'

Zi: Sorry to interrupt. But I wish to inform you about the next World you are going to. A place to get the Great Ape form a work out. The others are going to Edge of Tommorrow. CaCao is in charge of that group. Fasha and Frutas are going with you to Pacific Rim. Or would you prefer War of the Worlds?

'War of the Worlds. The Earth is so jacked up already, it won't matter the destruction. Pacific Rim, we would be mistaken as the monsters that are out. Making it a lot harder to operate for other things.'

'A new World.. after going in the past. How bizzare.' Fasha commented. She was lost in thought as her eyes closed.

'Sounds a lot better actually. I want to try some things out.' Frutas was thinking over other things to accomplish. 'Oh, a version of us will exist here. Which means the kids won't be left alone. How convenient.'


Outside two days later-


As Marcel went for a walk, he wanted to try something. He grabbed at two High Pulls and a Armor Pull. Selecting on the screen 1,000,000 points were sent as well.

System: Matching desires. Target found... external power detected. Dark Potara earrings adding additional power and corruption. Ronin Warriors .. Armor of Wildfire... Armor of Inferno fused. Dark Wild Inferno created. Points used for repairing and binding to User.

*Woooosh!* A Rift of Darkness opened as the Potara earrings shined. Black swirls wrapped around Marcel ad the black under armor appeared first. Then The Armor of Wildfire all black. Another wave of energy and the Armor of Inferno appeared over him.

The two superimposed then settled in a merge. Marcel immediately felt something was wrong and sent it away. It was sent into another Rift and went to the War Front. Specifically towards Snugglysquid. Another armor came out the Rift.

The Armor of Darkness and Corruption. It attached to Marcel and felt right at home. Immediately he sent his senses over it. Replicators immediately mixing into the armor scanning, changing in out on an atomic level.

System: Return of 1,000,000 points to User. User Snugglysquid apologizes for the exchange.

"I bet he does." Zi contacted Marcel immediately after. "Hmm?"

Zi: You were right. The earrings are converting what it can into Darker versions. It seems the User Snugglysquid was sure you would find it out fast. But your to low level to unlock everything. It is heavily sealed.

"Any problems it will cause?"

Zi: Just the change in things a bit. But no change to your disposition. He understands you quite well. The information from the Replicators are finished, the Armor is cut off from everything but you. Even from the World it is from. No surprises inside. The Replicators have broken the sword down to make mystical weaponry. It is now added to your Manifestation ability.

Analyze: Armor of Darkness and Corruption - Has the ability to see through the deepest darkness. Able to absorb the surrounding light in order to increase the darkness. Magical Spell: Black Lightning Slash- Sends black lighting around weapons to strike.

"Alright. Time to do the other thing. Users use all energy and everything as the same. So I want to collapse the Divine Ki into the regular Ki completely. That way I do not try to push into it and get myself killed somehow. Or keep mixing it in that weird as I have been." Marcel started the Power-Up to get started. "Haaaaah!"

*Crack!* A large crevice formed under his feet instantly. Fusing the energy was causing problems as soon as he started. But it would be worth it in the end.

*Bzzt!* Energy currents started to form around. It was more from the atmosphere reacting instead of his power.

Zi: Well let's see about getting you some more power I think you can handle it. A few purchases to help your intake. Nadia: The Secret of Blue Water, its water is for Atlanteans but you can handle it ...maybe. Pokemon: Mystic Water. Adamantium from X-Men added to mix of Uru metal and Vibranium. Combining with the use help of the Replicators. this should allow the rest of the experience and your body to reach its peak.

"Wait what?" Marcel thought it was odd considering the amount of sparring and the things he ingested. he just chalked it up to his level and that something was wrong with him mentally. The whole mind making his power low and crap. "How much stronger will I.."

The Replicators inside his body went dormant as the metals were added in. Less energy from the outside compared to when they did the ritual. The good news the two waters were peaceful and healing in a way. The cool sensation lasted all a few seconds though.

"Aaaaahhh!" Marcel screamed in pain as the moisture moved into his pores. Without the Replicators, it would have taken a lot longer.

*Shine!* The Dark Potara earrings shined.

System: Level Up x3, Ki turned to Dark Ki. User can survive in Demonic, Hell, Devil, Abyss, and Torment areas with no problems. +33 to Dark Ki, Improved Blood, Various metals increased the following Strength +2 Constitution + 3 Dexterity + 3

Analyze: Improved Blood- Constitution Modifier provides additional health. 2x

*Booom!* The ground gave way as the power created an additional crater. Marcel was not done by a long shot.

Off in other areas, Fasha and Frutas were training intensley. Both chewing on something that kept healing their bodies and replenishing their health. The Divine Leaf from the Tree made from Planet Meat.

Nappa, Cheri, Aspara, CaCao, and all of the Saibamen went to kill Lord Chilled. All of them outfitted in the updated armor as well as Laser cannons charged with a powerful one-shot to make sure they did damage.




Marcel was flexing his body making sure everything was fine. The various metals mixed well enough that he didnt feel much of a change due to the superconductor metal that created a weird effect with the vibranium. Making the material still light. The replicators mixed in his bones improved blood flow and creation in his body.

"Hmm, I feel good." Marcel cracked his neck. Double-checking to make sure it was the same as it needed to be. No errors or strain. A few more jabs and everything was ok. "Oh, they are coming over."

*Fwoosh!* The others flew over at the same time. Frutas and Fasha in the front. Odd thing was their hair. It was blond with a magenta tinge to it. They were stronger by a lot more. Instantly they returned to normal.

"Haa we can not hold it more than a minute. To painful on our bodies." Fasha groaned. She grabbed her shoulders as her nose bled slightly. "But I feel stronger everytime after. Forceful taxation does the body good."

"Same for me." Frutas gave a nod. Cheri and Aspara nodding with.

"I can hold for maybe 10 minutes." Nappa stated. He had the most growth out of all of them. Except for Marcel. "I think it is because of the amount of fighting I have done more than them. My body is more trained. And the limiters from my role has been removed. This Follower/Companion stuff is not bad at all."

"Won't be for long!" Fasha yelled. Already revved up to keep improving. very weird to say the least. But then again, made sense after everything that happened.

"Calm down. We are on the same side. Never forget that." Marcel cut his hand through the air. His energy fluctuating slightly. He would need to get that energy under control all over again as well. "How was the fight?"

"Good. Lord Chilled did get away, however. But not without this." Nappa held up an arm. It was his trophy for what happened. "He will remember this for all time."

"We sent a buoy to where we believe our Home planet was. If Beerus exist here, they will be warned. I am tempted to stay here." Cheri said. "I can live that long with all the stuff we have."

"Do what you want. I am going to bed. Really tired." With a wave he fixed their clothes and then his own. "Decision is yours."

"Hmmm." Marcel created a few Dark Saibamen. He used up all hi Dark Ki and his magic in one go. "Whew!" They were powerful and would make a good attack force. Each at 50,000 each. "Take the pods and find all the neighboring Planets in the area that have no one on them." They were given scouters and tree of might seeds.

*Fwoosh!* Marcel shot off. The others watching him go. A small discussion broke out before they call it quits.




Marcel flew around enjoying the cool air. The ability to fly was very enjoyable. A simple thought and the replicators formed a space suit around him. He flew up and felt gravity tug at him. Pushing a little more, and he broke through the atmosphere.

"Home.. need a home. Need to keep improving. If I even want to do anything, I will need power!" Marcel could feel hi Dark Ki already returning some more. Feeding on his desire. "If this blasted fool Turles had trained properly, the fruits would have been so much better."

Floating in space he allowed him just to drift. The ship and everyone were still in range of him somehow. Feeling there location with ease. Training a little, he felt his body was still more than anything he could have on Earth. Even being Part of the Mortician Forces, the application of Ki and Magic did more for the body than anything people on earth could ever achieve.

"Even with the tech and the System I feel like I can speed things up more. But.. the feeling of failing sucks a little. I succeeded in Avatar and gained additional stuff. Fairy Tail is just started so no harm there. I gained a very interesting magic and gained intel that helped, so success there. But here.. or a World like it. I failed. Lost to that damn smug.. little .. Xenos!"

*Flux!* Marcel energy fluctuated a little bit. Anger at not doing more, not being better. It did not pass on Earth it would pass in the places he goes now. But then, he had a squad to help him. To have his back.

"I have that now. Just need to get to know them more. So much to know and learn." Marcel felt his anxiety dissipate. The earrings shining a little. He felt more in a way. But unable to put his finger on it, he looked far out into the vast sea of stars. His vision was way more than anything possible for a human. "That damn Snugglysquid, can't even be mad at him really. Well, still mad about being abducted. Heh!" Marcel shot back to the planet. Heading to his lab.




What couldn't detect far away, was someone looking at him. A member of the Frieza Race having seen him flying in Space. Not Chilled, but another. Someone who didn't belong in the World.

"Filthy monkey lived!" Marcel would be upset if he saw the person. it was the Frieza who blasted him. He was not suppose to be here. Beg the question, who was the other that was reported. "I will recover, an make you pay!"

*Woom!* A distorted Rift opened as someone stepped out.

"Little brother what are you doing?" Cooler said. But it was not really Cooler. It was Snugglysquid. "You are not allowed to mess with him right now. You failed at killing him." To say Frieza was upset would be an understatement. 'I have provided everything for you to get stronger Marcel gonna need you to become a lot more. Maybe I should have sent him somewhere else?'

"You are not the boss of me Cooler! Father left me in charge!" Frieza stared back with venom. Seeing his brother's next move, he flinched. "Do not touch me!" But it was to late. "No.. not again!" A syringe went in Frieza's neck. causing his body to go limp.

"To think you talked back to me, stupid. But you will learn. Little sister." Snugglysquid flung the now female looking Frieza into the Rift. A dark energy entering his body. "Ahhh, so good. Gonna need to train Frieza more before you meet again Marcel. Back to the Warfront to take out some Traitor Users. A spy's work is never done!"