
Crap, I was Rifted: War Of the Users (Homeworld Dragonball Z Mix)

Follows the User Wars that touches on all the titles of Crap I was Rifted. Story focus is on the User Marcel. Other Users will appear for small instances. Bimonthly Update

FrozenTidez · Otras
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21 Chs

Turles Part 6 Kanassa dealing with it

To say they made an impression is an understatement. Marcel and the rest dropped down right into the capital of the resistance camp. The locals looked on scared but stood their ground. Some pointed the laser cannons at them. Others were in fighting poses.

"Ok.. so chill." Marcel said smirking. The intense danger they were in was to much for him to remain calm. And from the looks of things, the others were riled up to. "You people can see the future, I am sure you can take notice of the fact we are not killing like you foresaw."

"I am Demetrious stranger." A Kanassan stepped forward. Noticeably tensed but willing to speak with the invaders. "Since you show know signs of leaving and are only stalling, what do you want."

"No stalling.." Bardock said. "The moon, we waited till it passed to help show our sincerity. It is not like we need it. Look, Frieza wants this planet and wants to make sure to take on you future seers. Which is a big problem for him."

"Can't stand a single thing that can possibly threaten him. Image that?" Fasha spoke with a little edge in her voice. She did not like the plan and rather just wipe them all out and get it over with. "We are running out of time. It won't be long till they send someone else to check on the place."

"And what do you propose?" Demetrious asked. A few of the Elders had come over.

Talking for awhile proved to be as they expected. The Kanassans did not want to leave their home. Also turned out they couldn't. For all the technology they had, space travel was not easy for them. They had a few ships, but not enough to send all of them away.

A compromise was reached. All the living would leave. The dead would be used to help convince the Frieza Forces that arrive to inspect things. It took only another day for them all to gather. The Kanassan's gathered in the base and entered a White Rift.




"We actually didn't have to kill them. How odd." Fasha said. Seeing the few kids of the groups with the elders, she actually felt bad a little. But only a little. "What do you think will happen now to them?"

"They are going to a think tank." Marcel said. He looked at a screen that Zi sent him. "The cognitive abilities they have will be used to help protect a few places. They will not be going to the front lines. As for the non-fighters, they are going to a protected planet to live their life. Which hopefully is a long time. Depends on how things go."

"Well, with the destruction to the place, we will not have to do much. Just send a message and then head back." Bardock announced. "Just have to say we ran into some communication trouble."

Someone caught Marcel's attention. A Kanassan had remained behind. With his energy hidden from their senses and scouters, he was easily missed. Only reason Marcel noticed him, was because of his mental abilities from the water from Dune.

"Hey what are you.. shit!" Marcel felt a pit in his stomach. A sense of dread that let him know something bad was going to happen. In an instant, he grabbed the device in the Kanassan's hand. "You little bastard!" His other hand poked him.

"Ughh.. you.. are part of Frieza's forces.." The Kanassan forced out. His mental abilities were strong. He was resisting the mind check. ".. you have not fooled me.."

Up in the sky, a green wave passed through the area up above. Encompassing them in an energy shield protected them. Namely the devices they had on. It was a type of Emp device. Disrupting the jammer Marcel had deployed. It was already an unstable thing. Built quickly but it was doing its job.

"The Emp is more dangerous than you think. Disrupting everything up above. A few satellites are going to crash down to the planet. You will not.." Marcel had pulled from his mind. But was still holding him. Anger flashing through his mind at the little pest. "..have out planet still."

*Schlick!* Marcel ripped him apart. Physically in two. the remains were picked up by 50 who stored them away for later.<

"Grrr!" Dropping the shield, Marcel focused on the sky. The scouter picking up 3 objects heading for where they were. Turning to the left revealed at least to more heading down as well. "That is five of the 6. Every needs to take one and get rid of them. If they land, the planet might not make it."

"Oh great." Bardock order for his team to take the three. "I will head to the other two with.. 50 was it?" The human saibaman nodded. "Best for you to look for the other one."

"Daiz... Lakishi! Spread out! I rather not have to deal with a wrecked planet after everything that just happened." Marcel shot off. The scouter getting interference from the residual energy. "That little shit! I wear if I make it to the war front, I might kill the Kanassans by just being petty!"

Zi: Hope not. The information the Replicators have gathered over the last few days should help narrow it down. Fly higher to see.

System: Power Up Check 30 Pass

"Raaah!" Marcel climbed straight up with a burst of strength. Head darting around in every direction as he moved. Explosions going off behind him. The others already taking care of the satellite. "Where is it?! Where!?" Darting around like a maniac actually paid off.

But it was not just a satellite. It was a substation. Already in the atmosphere. Marcel would not make it there in time to get under it. So he made a gamble. <

*Vrrm!* He tossed the Power Ball out. With more energy than was acquired.

"Grroo.. gr.." A dark impulse ravaged Marcel's mind. The Darl Potarra earrings shining brightly trying to keep him in control. "Ggrrrrroooo!" The transformation happened so quickly, his bones ached in pain.

Health -50

ZI: Well shit... hope he can still focus a little.

"Bah!" Marcel fired an energy blast at the station. Seeing a small explosions , he jumped down angry smacking the ground in frustration. "Bah! Bah! Bah!" He fired three more at it. Smacking his chest before it even hit. His primitive brain celebrated to quickly.

System: Animal Handling 25 Neutral

'Must ... get.. rid of it..' Marcel head started ringing. He gained a little control of himself. Gathering all of his energy to fire in frustration. 'Stupid.. station. Getting in my way.. '

A barrage of fire went out from his hands. He was using Sudden Storm. From his mouth, he fired a Full Power Kill Driver! The bottom of the station was destroyed. But a good section of it was still capable of causing damage.

A thought made its way through Marcel's addle mind. He reached out mentally. Expending all of his spell slots in one go. Locking around the station. One desire in his soul..

Crush it!

Dark energy wrapped around Marcel and the station. Fuelled by Primal Fury, the station stopped descending. Held in place as it was slowly crushing. Piece by piece in collapsed. The others finally arriving watching for a moment before firing at it non stop. The Saiyans transformed by the reach of the enlarged Power Ball made it quicker than Daiz and Lakishi.

The duo stood far back not wanting to get in the range of anything going on. In case any of them turned on them. They may not attack each other, but that would not mean the same for them. Marcel said it himself, he had not gotten the chance to train the form. As well as his psychic abilities either. Bene Gesserit training took years to do.

* Kaboom!* The substation blew apart from the onslaught. Marcel had crushed any small remains.

"Grraaa!" Marcel pounded his chest. Happy they were not going to get wiped out. Feeling the presence of the others, he looked at them oddly. Instinct said they were not the enemy. But.. the power they had, it was threatening. "Groo.."

Daiz flew in front of Marcel. Hoping that he would not attack him. Considering he was a Follower, he was banking on it. If they all started fighting each other, they would not escape the planet.

"Marcel.. you in control?" Daiz asked. Seeing Marcel shake his head, did not bold well. "Well at least he was able to respond. He is back away.." Turning to the others, they were not attacking which was something unheard of. "Wait, how much control do you all have?"

"Full control." Bardock said. "The thing he gave us, it boosted out our control a lot more. But we also spent more time fighting like this. From what I remember, Turles never liked changing much."

"Hehe, he looks a lot different than us to. His fur is completely black even like this." Tora said. He rubbed his throat which looked really weird on a giant animal. Then again, them in armor, as well as talking, was weird as well to Daiz. "Even these forms of ours were slightly altered."

"Just a little magenta tint when the light hits." Borgos raised his hand looking at the slight change. Just a few hairs were different. "But the power is still nice."

"We should go and get him before anything else happens." Bardock took off on all fours. "Best we get started on the rest of things." The others following behind after.

"Hmm, that power increase is gross." Lakishi said. He clicked off his scouter having taken note of it. "If all the Saiyans were to transform and fire at Friexa's fleet, it would vaporize them in one go."

"Yeah, good thing they are not smart enough to do so. I doubt Marcel, Bardock and company could deal with the others." Daiz said looking at the little alien. "No way King Vegeta lets things go this way either. Bardock and company are to strong

Upon the others catching up with Marcel, it almost turned into a fight. But the Power Ball had dissipated. Thanks to Lakishi getting rid of it all togethor. Slightly dazed still, Marcel sat on his ass looking at the screen.

System: Deal with the Kanassans. Planet Kanassa must not be destroyed Completed. However, Frieze forces have detected the large energy readings from a neighboring Planet. Rewards: Kanassan Technology, Auxiliary Pull, High Pull, Increase in Psychic abilities.

System: Level Up x2, ki +5

Zi: I have a plan. Just explain it to the others to make sure they comply.