
Crap, I was Rifted: War Of the Users (Homeworld Dragonball Z Mix)

Follows the User Wars that touches on all the titles of Crap I was Rifted. Story focus is on the User Marcel. Other Users will appear for small instances. Bimonthly Update

FrozenTidez · Otras
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21 Chs

Need A Home World Part 3 Decisions made



Marcel took samples from his bloodstream and added it to the three subjects. It would be a few days before any changes would happen. Sending them back down, as another descended from up above. Another test subject designed for guardian work. Specifically designed to take care of the homestead. Cleaning, chores, cooking, nursing, and health care. Wake up would be a lot longer.

"A name later for you all. Need to review some stuff now." Marcel moved over and started working on the computers. 'If we are on Planet Plant in the past, then the Tuffles are here somewhere. Or is it just the Plantians here?'

Zi: Just the Plantains. A suggestion though. After they defeated Chilled, things will change even more. The Saiyans will eventually come in the future. Why not have this as a World for yourself? A place for..

'Tch, and what about what we did for the others? What about all that work?' Marcel was still trying to understand things a little. he was capped out at level 20. Which was due to not having a Home World. 'These Side Home World's are really.. off putting if they can go boom without any input from a User.'

Zi: If you take ownership of this World that is on the verge of collapse, a lot will become available. A place that exist as a pocket dimension within yourself. A retreat for when you visit other places and wish to relax or wait things out. Your Ship exists within and leave at times at several different Time waypoints.

'And if I die during, what happens then?' Marcel checked the map and sensor arrays. A few more weeks for the ship to repair. Looking at the screen from previous, he watched as the Previous HomeWorld had collapsed. That entire set up was done. Those involved were gone besides Frieza's forces. He would enter the System Shop. 'That Frieza does not even receives anything for working with them. I understand I didn't really stop him, but still.. it sucks.'

Zi: It was a long shot. They thought you would be able to do something more than what you did. Helping out the War Front is still good. Everything you have sent so far has helped. I assure you.

Marcel looked over everything and made a little understanding of it. The metals and the fruit he sent was already used. A few World's were taken back already. But it was a drop in the bucket compared to how many were out there. And those tampered with.

"In for a penny, in for a pound. Have some fighting to do anyway." Marcel agreed. A desire to fight kicking up in him. But the war effort still taking point in his mind. Unable to really cut loose without issue. "Hmm ah well. Must work harder either way it goes."

System: User has taken over a collapsed World for his own. World shards descending now. User must assign 7 Grand Pillars to keep World standing. Must have a marker for Unlimited Growth.

"Of all the shits." Marcel felt his mind flood with information. The Dark Potara earrings glowing help him take control. Seeing several who died within the history of different time frames and existences of the series was maddening. "Return.." A Companion Pull was thrown out and used.

*Tear!* A Golden Rift appeared. West Supreme Kai started to form. The Pull entered her, helping to speed up the process of healing.

A Medium Pull infused with a shard and was sent to Earth but went outside of time entering Muton Roshi's Ancestors. Ensuring events would lead to his birth and return of memories for events to help him shape. Something the Operator would be able to help with.

A Low Pull was sent to Dabura in the Demon World. A way to help him orchestrate things to help with Demon World's growth. As well as allowing the Operator to forge events to help prevent Babidi, the son of Bibidi from taking over.

Another Low Pull went towards someone in the area. The Demon Kai, Towa. She felt the rush of knowledge and understand what she had to do if she didn't want to die. She would keep an eye out for Babidi while finding those of power to send to this "War Front" for her User.

One World Shard went towards the Black Star Dragonballs. Specifically to Ultimate Shenron giving the dragon additional information. It was given the status of the highest divine existence. With the help of the Operator Zi, several quests were formed for it to weave history further.

One World Shard was given to his Follower/Companions. This was at the insisting of Zi the Operator. Cheri, Aspara, Frutas, Fasha, CaCao, Lakishi, Broly, Kale, Cabba, Caulifa, Tarble, and Vegeta/Zi.

One more was given to the 4 experiments to share. To bestow Wisdom and protection upon them.

The last World Shard, the biggest was taken in by Marcel. The power inside it causing a qualitative change. He received the markings of a Supreme Kai. Internally of course. Making his Manifestation Magic that more powerful and cost-effective.

"Uggh, so close to death is not fun." West Supreme Kai stood up grumbling. The memory of the battle pissing her off slightly. The death of her friends even more so. Turning to the one responsible for her return, she had mixed feelings. Marcel is quite evil and malevolent. But the information let her know he has reason for doing so. Strong enough to fight the full compulsion of the Companion status, she made her mind up. "So, are you against me reviving my friends?"

"If you wish to revive useless people, I will not stop you. However, with what power?" Marcel looked the mohawk over. It did look nice on her for some reason. "My goal is the war front. That way.."

"More Kais, mean more training!"

"Yeah for the people I deem. You work for or with me. Screweing things up will not end well for you."

"I can kill you in one punch!"

"True. But that would get you where exactly?" Marcel grinned. If she killed him, then so be it. Their would be several other ways to get back at her. As well as every other Kai he came across. He was a very spiteful petty person when he had to be. "What is it going to be?"

"Grrr!" West Supreme Kai balled up her fists. "I will work with you! The mark of a Supreme Kai is on you. But you are not trained. I can give you formal training with out wasting your points or Pulls. Just gonna take a lot of years."

*Chhssh!* The door opens revealing the others. They had neutral stares on their faces. The knowledge was pretty potent.

System: Lunatic Quest- Learn the training of West Supreme Kai. Gives acces to all Divine World Training. Links to Demon Kai Training. Finishing will give control over Dark Ki Mastery, Dark Magic Mastery, and the ability to appoint Guardians of Planets. Rewards: Vary Failure: Death

System: World Quest: Ultimate Shenron wishes to test you. Complete various tasks to gain his power. Rewards: Dragonball Creation. Failure: Destruction of World.

"This....is so stupid!" Marcel raged. His power would have destroyed the room if not for West Supreme Kai sending him out of the room. He appeared on a mountain. It did not last long as black Ki destroy the moon and neighboring debris in one go. 'I am going to kick your ass Zi!'

The others watched from a monitor. Very happy the satellites weren't hit. Fasha looked over West Supreme Kai. Her eyebrow arched as she felt the woman was more powerful than she was. By a lot. That pissed her off greatly.

"Who the hell are you?!" Fasha asked. Frutas had the same question but didn't blurt it out.

"Oh, I am.."


The next few days-


Things were a little hectic. The West Supreme Kai took the name Sky up. Frutas talked with her learning a lot of things. Fasha picked fights with her despite the power difference. She was unable to land a single hit on her. Marcel let them be as he worked on some other things.Cacao had charted out various planets. Several completely uninhabited and the ones that King Cold's Force would go to later. Then that of Cooler and Frieza. The Big Gete Star helped out with that a lot. Cacao took control of the central chip. Upgrading his intelligence by a large degree. As a mix of machine and organic, Marcel trusted him to be on top of it. it went a long way to them building a deeper bond.

"I have found a way to alter my structure." Cacao took on a normal face. Well, what Marcel counted as normal. He looked liked A Saiyan. It changed to look Like Zarbon next Then to that of Dodoria. Turning back to normal, Marcel relaxed. It was slightly unnerving. "In the future, stealth missions will be a lot better."

"Yeah, they will be." Marcel nodded. "So, should we send forces to take those planets?"

"Hmm, I think the ones that they will go to, would make good possible traps." Cacao speculated. "But they would make good resources for the war. With them not gaining them, I am sure we can spam tones of the sources to the War front."

Zi: I am agreeance with this. But, with the Quests you have, things will have to take a back seat.

"But we will retain our youth right?" Marcel did not like the sound of it. "If not, then may have to find something else."

"With the different things inside Marcel, I believe we can extend our current selves by a lot. And.. this." Lakesei had a strange water in his hands. "This mixed with a few of the minerals we already gathered will help a lot."

Zi: As well as this. Everyone had gathered in the main chamber. Except the other Beenz members. The concoction mixed with a purchase from the shop will help stop everyone's biological growth. Your power level will ot increase much either but time will be used wisely to hone various skills. And plan for the future.

"The Divine energy each of you have, is volatile for mortals. As well as you Marcel." Sky said. "With everything in your bodies, and this brew, you can be reborn with Divine Bodies. And retrain to be something more than before."

"If I can become stronger, then so be it." Fasha was ready to get started. But she stopped reaching for it thinking about the kids. "And the babies?"

"Smaller doses to get them ready for it." Lakesei said. "No danger to them in small doses. And the device Frutas Pulled, we can definitely exploit the time for you to train."

Frutas pulled out a Treadmill. Marcel just stared at it, then at them.

"It is a Cosmic Treadmill." Frutas said. "That is what it said. it lets one travel through time. But Zi configured for it to accelerate and decelerated time in an area. Everyone will go back and forth through it till they have mastered their current powers."

"Ehhhh.." Marcel just looked at ti, couldn't help but poke it. "Right.. sure." It was the weirdest thing he has seen yet. How long is this Supreme Kai Training going to take?"

"A few centuries. For you, a lot longer." Marcel nodded listening then froze looking at her. "This Dark Ki you have is dangerous. And whatever else you have inside you. Plus I will do your Bene Gesserit training. Zi transferred me the information. and you can master your magic as well.""If I go crazy.. not my fault." Marcel said grimly. "So I will receive Kai training. To become a Kai, replacing one of the dead ones here. Yet I will be still weaker than you."

"Yes. But not by much. I am sure you can understand the need to have control of your power?" Sky questioned. Marcel nodded but still frowned. "A few others becoming Supreme Kai's will go a long way. Such as Frutas/Fasha, Nappa, Cheri would be able to study a lot more tech. A lot becomes available to you. And considering you are a User, you won't be limited to staying." Marcel nodded understanding. "hopefully I can purify him some how. I rather not have someone that is the same as Majin Buu.

"Time to get started on training but not power." Marcel smirked. He did not know how brutal the training would be. As well as how much the Cosmic Treadmill would effect the entire World.