
Crap, I was Rifted: War Of the Users (Homeworld Dragonball Z Mix)

Follows the User Wars that touches on all the titles of Crap I was Rifted. Story focus is on the User Marcel. Other Users will appear for small instances. Bimonthly Update

FrozenTidez · Otras
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21 Chs

Magic Place Part 2 Meeting in the night.

-A few Days Later-


Marcel had the place pretty much under control. The information from Jose proved very helpful in things. He knew had what problems as well as the blackmail material. A lot of the guild members were dismissed with pay. Letting them return to their families. Some stayed. The ones loyal to the Guild before Jose went crazy with jealousy from the rivalry with the Fairy Tail guild Leader Makarov.

"We will take him into custody for his hand in this." The councilor rep said. He was pointing to Gajeel. The body of Jose was not enough to satisfy things.

"Nah. No take Jose's body and leave before I get angry." Marcel said lounging in the chair. "Gajeel was forced to do it. Not like he could resist one of the 10 mage blah blah.." His waving in the air. ".. you know what Jose was. You should have stepped in earlier." Marcel waved his hand dismissing the council inspector.

"How dare you make light of the Council!?"

"Easy man, easy." Marcel created a few Shades with the magic. It was quite easy with his experience with magic already mixing in. Adding on the memories he took from Jose sealed the use with ease.

Countless shade soldiers came out. Unlike Jose's, these had more finer facial detail and could pass for human at night time. His Manifestation ability helped with that. They surrounded the councilor and pointed swords at him.

"I said you are not taking Gajeel. This conversation is over. If the council tries anything... well I will just have to carve a path all across Fiore in the four directions marking houses and bodies with the councils' names until he is brought back." Marcel had a sinister smile on his face as he said this. "Of course only of those of the council. Not the regular populace. That is just mean on my part if I did so."

"Heheheee.." The council laughed thinking it was a joke. He started to cry when noticed know one else laughed. "I... I.. see. I will.. make note of your words and depart at once."

"Good man. Drop the Guild in ranking to make things easier. that way the Council gets to show they still "care" about what goes on. My shades will see you out." Marcel marched the shades out following the councilor. Looking at everyone else he smiled. "Ok, you all have been paid and have the week off. Time to enjoy yourself. Remember to be on your best behavior. Do not break any rules. If someone starts something, walk away."

"Ehh that is gonna be hard." A guild member said.

"I know it will be." Marcel said. "But that does not mean we won't get them back later. Everyone needs to build up their strength. Enough that the council will realize it is a bad idea to even think about messing with us."

"But you said the future is what's worst right? Gajeel asked.

"Correct. For now.. just train and get better. Control of yourself as well as your magic. I need powerful people at my side." Marcel smirked at their nodding heads. "Alright, now go. I myself am going to get something to eat in town."

Totomaru, Sol, Aria, took the offer to head to the Front Lines. Not really tied down by anything and the lure of new magic and another World was to much. The three left Their HomeWorld of Fairy Tail.

Boze a member that used magic to mess with sound decided to stay. taking a bigger role in helping the Guild get things done.

Sue, his partner doing the same. Both did not like getting called weak by Marcel. But seeing as he would help them get stronger, it was more than enough to get over the slight.

Gajeel and Juvia stood in the front attentive. Marcel told them they would be the back bone of the guild attack forces. So they needed to get stronger as well. Marcel floated over some things to them. Experiments as well as things that would help them.

Gajeel and Juvia were given Companion Pulls to take inside them. Boosting their soul to help them increase their magic beyond the scope of what they knew. Gajeel was give four different metals to eat. Mic from Avatar and Dragonball Z Bardock, Father of Goku. As well as half a Fruit from the Tree of Life (Avatar). Juvia was also given the excretions from when Marcel took the Water of Life. The Liquid had a few traces of the two different waters from the fruit. Avatar and Meat Planet.

Boze was given a necklace that helped him harmonize sound. As well as the other half from the fruit Gajeel had. Sue used Mirror Magic. So Marcel passed spells that dealt with reflection as well as three grounded seeds mixed with Crystal C43. Obtained from the Kanassan planet. Suppose to increase mental abilities.

Marcel was still blending some things with the crystal. Not wanting to take it till later with more results are he created more.

"Ahhh!" The four screamed out in various ways. Each had a human Saibamen looking after them for just the instance. Marcel was heading out the door to try the local food.

"You will survive and will be stronger for it. I guarantee it." Closing the door to the room, the screams echoed through the Guild. Several members heading to the furthest areas. 'I guess I should make peace with the Fairy Tail members. Well, try to anyway. Jose really screwed the pooch on this. At least I found out about all kinds of things about the place.'


In Town-


Marcel moved about the town taking in the sights. Not many new him so it was not a problem. He did come across a few with the Fairy Tail tattoo. Quite carefree people. It was weird that they were rumored to be the strongest Guild in Fiore. All of them had low power. Magic and otherwise.

Marcel had not come across any of the higher up ones.

Grabby a meal from a local restaurant, he ate happily as his mind worked on different matters. Such as digging through the information he acquired with Zi. Making heads and tails of some things. Like what the hell the Traitor Users were planning to do here.

"At least he is feeling better now." A voice said not to far from Marcel. Two women were walking with groceries towards his direction. Memory listed them as Mirajane Strauss and Cana Alberona. Eye candy for the most part. Mirajane Level was Five but she had question marks next to it. So weird. Cana was level 15 but in a light Green. She also had a weird status effect around her. "Strauss.. I know that name from somewhere."

The two heard Marcel while they passed. Mirajane turned and looked at the back of him. The intense sickness she felt from him did not help her. She felt sick, especially when looking up to his head. Some powerful dark magic was there.

"What is he.." Mirajane covered her mouth as if she was sick. Marcel turned to the young woman, and noticed his magic was circulating as he thought on why he knew the name Strauss. It was because of Jose's memory with the Traitor Users. "..you.."

"My bad. Say you what to see your sister." Marcel said. Both of them took it the wrong way. Cana already getting ready to attack him. "She is in stasis but, I do not see why I shouldn't hand her over to you." It would through a wrench in the Traitor Users plan here. Where they retrieved her from, he didn't know or care. but she was suppose to be under Jose's care as a trial before they invited him in.

*Fwip!* A magical card cut Marcel on the cheek. It drew blood but little damage.

Health -5

"You sick bastard!" Cana had more cards in her hand. A serious look on her face. Next to her, Mirajane looked even worse than before. 'Shit, never thought we would run into trouble like this."

"Ok, that was uncalled for." Marcel rubbed against his cheek. A little spell healing the damage. "I am gonna let that go. Payment for looking at you both like pieces of meat. But next time, I am gonna consider it as a form of assault. I will have to kill you both then."

*Flux!* Marcel magic moved around slightly. Mirajane started getting sick again. Cana took a step back feeling the weight come down on the two.

"Hey, what is going on here?!" A young man came around. His black hair looking weird. A weird magic circled him for a second. marcel could swear he saw magical hands grab at his clothes. With a thought, he stopped them. "You two need any help?" It was Gray, another member of Fairy Tail.

"Hey, Fairy Tail is getting in a fight again!" A local said. They gave the area a wide birth.

"Ugh, what a drag." Marcel rubbed the back of his neck annoyed. He rather not create any trouble right now. He just ate a good meal and he just told his Guild members to go and do some good work. "Whatever, I offered to give her back to you all, you lashed out. Never met people who hated their sibling so much they wanted them to stay in stasis."

Walking away, he left and went to go to the branch office of the Magic Council. Going to pay some fees and fines. Which were substantial. Marcel did not want any debt or anyting loomed over him. His manifestation ability came in handy. Glad that he created a bunch of gold and jewels back on the ship.


Walking Home-


Marcel had paid the enormous fines and acquire all the paperwork needed. Placing it in inventory to make sure he didn't lose it. Stepping outside, he was met with someone he had know idea who it was at first. Seeing a spark of electricity he was able to tell.

"Laxus, what are you doing here? I doubt you need to come and pay any fees yourself." Marcel walked forward as did Laxus. "Not here to fight."

"No." Laxus said dryly. "It is not safe to talk here. Come with me." humoring him, Marcel followed. He couldn't tell his level or anything at all really. it was all Grayed out. 'I hope I am right about this.' Laxus looked over his shoulder to make sure Marcel followed. He did.

The area was devoid of anything really. Marcel didn't detect anything with his sensing. A little magic in the air. A part of him wanted it to be a trap. And that was because Laxus was the grandson of Fairy Tail Guild Master. He had to be strong.

"i will be straight to the point." Laxus said dryly still. " I am a Freed Companion. I came here to the Anime version of my World and fused with myself a year ago." Seeing as Marcel said nothing, he continued. "My User let me go before he joined in with some.. not so great people. After fighting with him for over 300 years, I thought he trusted me enough to tell me everything. But no dice."

"Why tell me this?" Marcel leaned against a tree as Zi checked on the information. Records would still show if a Companion arrived back to a place another of them existed. If things were not distorted. 'Hurry up.'

Zi: I am!

"Because, I know something is going on in the other areas. I.. have people I want to get back to." Laxus said. "Some followed blindly, it will not end well from them. Or maybe I am just overthinking things."

Zi: He is telling the truth. I say send him to the war front. He will be able to receive more information from there.

"if you agree to my terms, then i will help you." Marcel stepped forward hand raised. "Drop your guards and let me check you." Slight hesitation, but he did so. To say this man had been through some things was an understatement. 'Search quickly Zi!'

Zi: Almost done... and.. alright. He is clean from anything that has been marked. Pass a Common Pull to him. it will help make him become a part of your Forces. That way I can communicate with him.

"Here." Marcel passed a Common Pull over. Laxus took it in no issue. Alright then.

"Thanks." Laxus answered with an honest smile. A clear Rift passed over him for a second then disappeared. Leaving behind a piece of him still. "Alright, User how about I teach you a little magic?"

"Sounds good to me!" Marcel eyes lit up in excitement. Even with the Prime Soul leaving, what remain was still stronger than Marcel. No loner in Gray but in Dark Red. Level in question marks. "Bring it!"