
Crap, I was Rifted: War Of the Users (Homeworld Dragonball Z Mix)

Follows the User Wars that touches on all the titles of Crap I was Rifted. Story focus is on the User Marcel. Other Users will appear for small instances. Bimonthly Update

FrozenTidez · Otras
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21 Chs

Magic Place Part 1 Where are all the Fairies

Marcel was dressed in a Chinese martial attire. A hoody stitched into it as well. For some reason, it felt comfortable. Nice and silky, but almost as durable as Saiyan armor. Better than synthetic stuff back on Earth. Especially once all the sheep died. The clone sheep were so expensive. On the back, was a symbol of a black hole. A hand floating above it slightly.

"Ahhh!" Marcel yawned. Looking around as the memories came to the surface. He was in a place called Dark Guild Phantom Lord. A quiet guildmate that didn't do much besides missions and train. "Get to turn this place a little upside down while here. Where to start? Ehh! I will take it easy for a bit."

The magic control was pretty nice. The amount of spells popping up in his head was even nicer. One thing he didn't like however was the pathetic Guild Leader. The guild itself would be a good addition to the War Front though.

System: Take over the Dark Guild Grimoire no matter what it takes. Rewards: Vary Failure: Decrease in magical slots.

'Well damn! A way to make me work!' Marcel complained mentally but was happy for the quick push. Considering how much he had to learn about his magic still, he didn't want it to disappear. That would just suck. 'So much of my stuff is close to other things.'

Zi: The Band from Broly is activating. I mean Freshrizzler. It is.. Penal magic. This is Rift Warden Magic. You can send people to prison or to the front lines as Penal Soldiers. Very dangerous. But you have to be stronger than them. Or catch them in a bad position.

"Sounds nice. Defintely no what to do with that.' Marcel drifted a little. it would not last long.

*Kaboom!* An explosion happened on the side of the hall from him. Lifting the cowl up a little, Marcel watched as a teen with pink hair and a vest walked through. He spat fire as he looked heated. Very angry he might add.

"Do you not know how to knock?" marcel questioned unimpressed.

"You a member of this guild?" Natsu asked.

"Yup, sometimes. Why? I just woke up from a good little nap too." Marcel stood up and walked over to greet him. "Also, why did you bust a hole in the wall? If there is a problem, you could have just came and ask for an upper rank member. Or put in a request to the Magic Authorities. You here to rob us?"

"You.. you... bastards hurt my family!" Natsu took a swing at Marcel. Fist covered in flames. He was surprised when his fist was grabbed. On marcel's hands were a deep metallic substance. Even more so at what happened next. "Ahhhh!" Natsu screamed as Marcel snapped his wrist. "Ahhh!" He screamed again as his shoulder was then dislocated.

"So... I did not do anything to your.. family was it?" Natsu just gave Marcel a dirty look. "I have been sleeping for the longest kid. But you just made it easy for me. What is the name of your guild?"

"Its Fairy Tail!" Happy yelled. He felt saying it was wrong somehow. he flew not to far behind Natsu.

"Good. I am going to go destroy it after this. Attacking me for no reason. How foolish." Marcel's eyebrow wiggled. His other arm grabbed Natsu by the head. Activating the Replicators' ability with all five of the digits. As he dived in, he found a good bit of useless information. "Let's see what you are all about."

"Guhh!" Natsu groaned but did not scream. He tried his best to resist the intrusion. "Let.. me.. go!" Marcel had grabbed something inside the young man. It was weak but struggled against his grab. The Potarra earrings suppressing it through Marcel's magic.

"Hmm very well." Marcel removed his hand, pulling out what was hiding inside Natsu. Raising his foot up, he kicked Natsu back through the same hole he came through. "Bye now!"

*Wham!* Natsu hit the wall on the other side crumbling.

"Seal!" Marcel stopped Happy from going anywhere. With a stab in the chest, the little cat thing died instantly. Its soul sucking into Marcel's bracelet. The one given from Freshrizzler had taken the Soul. "Now all I need to do is kill a female of your kind and I can make you creatures in the future. Would make good gifts to some people."

System: Exceed Happy sent to the Front Lines. Biological data added to inventory.

"Ugh, where is Happy?" Natsu asked. He had stumbled back into the room worse for wear. His arm hangs dangerously on the side. His leg bruised from the impact. Seeing the blood on the ground he yelled. "Where is Happy!?"

"Dead. Now keep your voice down geez." Marcel was not to happy for the noise. It rang pretty loudly. "Ahhh a Dragonslayer.. what an interesting thing you are. This soul of the dragon as well. Interesting."

*Bwoom!* The dragon vanished in an instant. Leaving Marcel slightly at a loss. He wanted to dissect it. it was a dragon after all. But he did get some info from it.

"My magic.. my flames aren't working!" Natsu stated as his hands and tried to do another move. Nothing worked. His kicks were just a regular one toward Marcel. Grabbing him, Marcel smashed Natsu into the floor breaking his leg and back. "Kuk!" Natsu fainted instantly after coughing up blood. Marcel dragged him by the feet out of the room.

"Who all else is in here wrecking the guild. Actually my guild. I am tacking this thing over. I need a place for my people to learn magic." Marcel had sent a tendril made of Replicators into Natsu draining away his vitality and learning his abilities. Mostly taking knowledge from his body. "Ah what was that thing inside of you doing? Creating antibodies?" Marcel rubbed his chin as he dragged Natsu on the ground.

Apparently with the antibodies and some other things, one would turn into a Dragon. But with what he had access to, that shouldn't be an issue. Even the Replicator's themselves can prevent that from happening. And considering the Saiyans can turn back and forth from a giant Ape, that is saying something.

"I am gonna drain the hell out of it to make an army. It will be great!" Inside Natsu was a large fountain of power. With him out cold, Marcel had free reign. "Let's remove this for my use. Drain it away."

A few minutes later he came across a woman with scarlet hair in armor. She had a fierce expression on her face. And a blonde teen with her. A lot of kids could feed from them milk jugs. other than that, she looked.. pathetic. Her level was only 2 and in Dark Green. The other woman at 10 in Dark Orange. They both were about to fight Gajeel. Gajeel was part of the guild and therefore, one of Marcel's people. he couldn't let him fight alone.

"Hey, Gajeel! What's all this now?" Marcel asked. He was still going through the memories he obtained from Natsu. "Did you break their hearts or something?" He asked teasingly. "or knocked them up? You have to provide for your kids man. unless well they are little shits that just cause problems. Then, you re-educate them."

"What did you do to Natsu!?" The blonde yelled at Marcel. The redhead just looked pissed off but kept her self in check. She knew Natsu's strength, if he injured him this badly then the Mage before her was trouble. 'Why is he smiling!?'

"Oh.. well yah see... he blew a hole in my wall and attacked me. So I smashed him into the floor." Marcel said smiling. His canines were out and he looked quite menacing. "You are not here for good things I take it." The info finally caught up with him. "Leave and you can have this guy back. I need to clean up "my" guild."

"Your.. guild.." Gajeel said in a mumble. "Wait are you going to take over finally?!" He was anticipating this for awhile. Marcel may be lazy but he treated them right. He was just an ass at times when people woke him up. Seeing the man nod, Gajeel smiled and stepped back. "I suggest you take his offer." His senses changing slightly as he felt Marcel had changed a little. 'His magic looks funky.'

"Erza what do you think we should do?" The blonde asked. That's when Marcel finished the remaining knowledge. The blonde name was Lucy. She was some kind of summoner or some shit.

"You said you are taking this guild over?" Erza looked at Natsu and could see he was quite pale. Most likely heavy blood loss. Or something more. Marcel gave her a nod. "We can leave with Lucy no problems?" It was the main reason they were there really.

"Yup. I don't care about the deal with her dad. Here is the boy. Now get out before you die." Marcel tossed Natsu into the air at them. Both he and Gajeel walked away. "Can not play around with you, I have to take on a pain in the ass."

"Natsu!" Erza grabbed him after jumping in the air. Natsu was worse than she thought and was barely breathing. The worse thing was the little magic she felt coming from him. "What did you.." She looked up to ask and didn't see either of the two. Gripping Natsu tighter, she started to leave to find Gray. 'What the hell is going on here?'

"We are just going to leave?" Lucy asked. She saw the look on Erza's face and realized it had to be bad as the woman was holding back tears. "Nevermind." Lucy felt that this was all her fault. She remained quiet as they ran away.

"Oi, this is my Guild now!" Marcel said as he kicked the door opened. The Guild Master Ricardo was sitting in the chair lazily. "Everyone can submit or die!"

"Oh.. and you will do this how exactly?"

*Boom!* Marcel shot off like a bullet at him. These people knew nothing about the strength of ki. It did not help that Marcel went full throttle.

'Final Spirit Cannon!' He mentally yelled as his hand was encased with his ki. Using a bit of the Divine Ki as well. The intense energy exuding a pressure that caused people to buckle slightly. 'It would be stupid not to use the moves I acquired from Bardock.'

'Dangerous!' Jose pushed his magic to get away. He was not fast enough however.

*Schlick!* The attack cut right across Jose's chest cutting it open. It went through the man's clothing cutting his chest open on a spiritual level as well. The ki looked like flames slightly but didn't burn anything as it was a Soul Attack in a way.

It rippled in the man's body causing him to lose control of himself. Marcel's hand looked a mess. But he wouldn't stop attacking to end it quickly.

"Aaahhhhhh!" Jose screamed in agony. But he was not a top Mage for nothing. Summoning his magic he attacked back. "Die!" Before his spell fully formed, Marcel delivered a strike to the man's hip. Shattering the bones slightly. "Tchk!" The slight buckle reduced the concentration of the attack.

His attack blew a hole in Marcel's chest. Much to him smiling as he splattered blood all over Jose.

System: Endure Check 25 Pass Willpower Check 30 Pass

Health - 120

"Why are you smiling?!" Jose asked panicked. He tried to get away, but black magic from Marcel kept him in place. 'I.. can't travel through it!'

"No reason." Marcel kicked in the air, and appeared behind the man. Wrapping his legs and arms around he got ready for his next move. "This is gonna hurt. Not me though. It is gonna hurt you a lot!"


*Split, split, split, split!* Several sword's went from Marcel's body as he cut into Jose. They went from his fingers, the balls of his feet, toes, and his wrist. Made from Replicators poured by his Divine Ki. The metal exploded from the power but it didn't matter to him.

*Schlick, schlick, schlick!* From his elbows, chin and kneecaps, hooked blades appeared and stabbed in before retreating back into his body. They repeated the process a few times all across his body as Jose struggled.

"Ahhhh!" Jose could only scream once more before the blood filled his lungs and throat. The guildmates watched in horror. All but Gajeel. Marcel told him to close his eyes and look away before he attacked. The man did however listen. He did not open his eyes.

*Thump!* The body of Jose dropped to the ground. Unmoving and dead to the World. Marcel landed next to him and looked at the others. Replicator Tendrils removing every trace of the mage. Breaking down the body to them, but placing it in his inventory.

"So new rules for the guild, you can leave if you want. We are done with this petty shit. Attack stupid guilds and gaining nothing from it. Go do missions and get money." Marcel rubbed his fingers together. "That's what it is about. Now if a guild gives us trouble, we just kill them and be down with it. As for the council... well, they will find out the hard way. Leave us be and we let them live. I am I clear?"

"Yes. yes.. guildmaster!" A few members said.

"Good now get the guild back to where it needs to be. Also, contact the council saying we are handing over the corpse of Jose for his actions." Marcel smiled. "He is taking the full blame for this."

"Yes sir." A guild member ran off as fast as possible. The guild immediately started moving back to its location.

Moving into another chamber, Marcel collapsed. Gajeel would take point of things for now. "That blasted hole in my chest almost killed me!" Using his magic, he cast a healing spell. His body regenerating from the skirmish quickly. 'Hmm, at least my ki rises in this body easier. It doe shave the Saiyan qualities as well, but more magic-based here. I can deal with that.'

System: Take over the Dark Guild Phantom Lord no matter what it takes. Complete Rewards: Deed of the Guild, Option to acquire Unique Magic, Magic Handling Increased, Ki increase by 5, Companion Pull x2, Low Pull x5, Medium Pull x3

After acquiring the rewards and speaking with Zi, he dropped the body out after robbing it of everything of value. The Penal Magic was then used on the Soul. it was sent straight to the front lines enslaved for the next 1,000,000 years. Apparently, the punishment was kicked higher since Jose had been in talks with the Traitor Users. The Will of the World didn't interfere hoping to get amnesty by doing so.

Marcel agree as did Zi. The Unique magic was Shade Magic. Jose's magic was absorbed into Marcel. Fusing with his Penal Magic. Considering the magic was good at restraining people, it was a win either way. As well as the Shade Soldiers and Astral Projection.

If Jose was ready for Marcel, he doubts he would have won like he did. Which was fine by him. The memories of the him here just gave him experience and some spell casting. he still had a way to go. In would be awhile before he could find a spot to plant the Tree of Might. But does not mean he was not already looking. With the abundant magic in the air, it would be nice to see how potent the fruit would be.

"This place has a serious lack of Fairies. I do not get the name at all?" Marcel leaned back and created a few human Saibamen using Level 3 spell slots. They formed pretty fast. Faster than with Ki. "Go and find out what is needed to be fixed in the guild and who is owed what."