
The Beginning?

Alright, here we go again. "BEEP BEEP BEEP", my phone screamed, literally I mean I jerked awake so fast my neck cracked. And it hurt. I sighed and pushed up the alarm, some peace huh? Wait, SHIT I snoozed it, it's never fun when you snooze an alarm. I got up and made my bed because my mom would get mad at me if I did not and it's not even that hard. I jumped into the bathroom and that's where this paragraph will end. You don't need to know what I did in there, let me have my privacy.

After getting dressed I went downstairs to the dining area hugged my parents, wished them morning, and smiled, I always smile, smiling is nice. Breakfast was upma, I mean you probably don't even know what that means, it's Indian food that is easy to make and staple. Oh right, I forgot to tell you my name, oh wait you probably know, I mean you did read the book description, right?

Well if you did not, your a lazy ass, or your bored, which are both ok to be I suppose.