

As Alex regained consciousness, he found himself in a small, dimly lit room. His hands were bound with thick ropes, making escape seem impossible. Panic gripped him as he noticed a digital timer on the wall, counting down from thirty minutes. A note lay on the floor, explaining the cruel reality he now faced. The room was rigged to release a deadly gas once the timer reached zero. Determined to survive, Alex began searching the room for any means of escape.

His heart pounded in his chest as he examined every inch of the room. The walls were solid, the door reinforced. But as he explored further, he discovered hidden secret passages, and cryptic messages etched into the walls. Each clue brought him closer to unraveling the mystery of his captors and the building's dark history.

each passing second, the urgency grew. Alex knew he had to act quickly. He tried to break free from his restraints, using every ounce of strength, but the ropes held firm. Frustration and desperation fueled his determination to find a way out before the deadly gas was released.