
Now you know

For some unknown reason, I couldn't stop thinking about that crazy guy 'what is this huh come on Cleo he killed Varisa'. I tried so hard to forget about it and go to bed but I just kept rolling and rolling.

The next morning, Dara woke up before I did so she was preparing dinner. "Finally, the sleepyhead is up, how was your night". "Hey girl" for some reason, Dara looked really energetic but I wasn't really in the mood plus I really didn't enjoy my night.

Dara kept staring at me and I just couldn't take it anymore "what is it, huh you've been staring and the way you are smiling is giving me the chill awchh....." Dara looked so surprised, one would think I was lying against her right now. "Huh me I wasn't staring what are you talking about" then she went ahead to continue her cooking.

I opened my eye so wide in shock and immediately stood up from my seat moving closer to the counter where she was standing currently "waaaaa what is this, huh you are lying so fluently I'm almost scared who are you?" Just like that, I didn't even notice she was already lighting my mood. "If there is something I can't do, that's to lie and you know it so get lost I'm cooking here unless you want to eat burnt food". I couldn't believe this girl is actually chasing me out of the kitchen right now hah.

"Yaa you can't say something like that huh," I said this and immediately took a long roller from a basket in the kitchen then waved my hand like telling her to come closer. "Okay come close right now come here I'll teach you a lesson you might not be a man but it'll still hurt if I hit you there".

Dara and I began running around the kitchen "what is this, why would you hit me with such a notion, are you mother Badun?" I kept chasing her "come here the sooner you give up, the better for you," I said stopping for a while and she stopped as well. "Waaa you actually think I'll believe you get lost you evil spirit".

And just like that, we both started laughing and saying random things. I let her go back to her cooking because I was pretty hungry.

"Aha Cleo who's book is this, I haven't seen it before". I looked at the book and for some reason, I collected it from her so fast like I hide all of my deepest secrets in it. "It's some crazy guy that was here yesterday nothing serious".

"Huh a guy, what guy you didn't tell me about it" I looked at this overly curious friend of mine and said "I already told you it wasn't important" she gave me a look that she always gave me when she feels I'm lying, by raising her head, closing her already small eyes and then opening her mouth making a sound like 'uhhhuu' I decided to ignore her.

"So is he the one who put the flowers on your hair?" At first, my face was literally facing the floor but as soon as I heard what she said, I looked at her and my hand just moved directly to my hair and it turns out she wasn't lying I did have flowers on my hair.

"Huh where did all these come from," I said and looked at her while removing the flowers from my hair. "Huh what is this, have you gone crazy, how won't you know who put flowers on your head when they are that much".

I honestly didn't understand why she was yelling and pointing a spoon at me right now. I tried to protect myself with my hand wrapped around my body even though I knew she wasn't so close to me.

"What is this did I offend you?" "yes yes I'm upset you won't even tell me who the guy is and you won't tell me who put flowers on your hair, you are now keeping things from me," she said this and bent her head as though she was crying and I couldn't help but laugh, this is the first time ever that I'd witness Dara act like a baby and I have to admit that she still looked extremely cute.

"Fine fine that guy is the person who killed Varisa" she made a silly sign and covered her mouth with both her hands as though one wasn't enough. "I plan on getting my revenge on him, I'll make him pay for coming into our lives". I said this while squeezing the innocent flower in my hand.

"I'm sorry Cleo I didn't know, I didn't even think about it" I just looked at her and smiled "it's okay, at least now I know who my greatest enemy is...." "but why did he give you the book though" I knew she would get mad but this was the only reason I could think of "well its.....it's because I'm going to be his student, Varisa said I should do it" she opened her eye so wide and I just knew she would scream "WHAAAAAAAAAAT" okay I knew she would scream, but I didn't expect it to be that loud I was actually startled for a moment. I literally felt my heart stop and not in a good way.

"How can she say something like that huh did she go crazy all of a sudden" she was coming closer so I put my hand forward trying to prevent her from coming any closer. "He is the only one who can actually teach me, if not I'll kill everyone including myself" as soon as I said this, she stopped and looked at me. "What do you mean?" "I mean I have to train with him and then kill him later".

"Ahhh your fate is cruel, I didn't know I'm sorry" I smiled "it's fine at least, now you know" she nodded her head repeatedly. "Yes I understand but I'm coming with you". I couldn't argue with her, I knew I needed her around because asides from her being my best friend, she was also a very strong fighter.