
Spiritual Sense

"The flower? That was a great treasure that Greed had found a long time ago. The flower is called a Dao Seeking flower and what it does is help whoever takes it to comprehend the Dao they are seeking better. How it does this is different each time it is eaten, sometimes one is given the aura of the Dao they are seeking, and sometimes one's mental strength and mind capabilities are enhanced so they can find the Dao better. There are many variations and different things that can happen and one never knows what will happen. What one can be sure of, however, is that the flower will help you learn what you are seeking, no matter how hard the task you are seeking is." Lucifer explained to Lucius.

"Ohh, so isn't this flower an extremely precious treasure then? Why would he give it to me?" Lucius asked feeling slightly guilty about just eating the flower without thinking about it.