
Anxious Armies

In these 6 months they had searched through all the largest bases in the continent. For the larger and more heavily guarded bases, Lucius, Delilah and Johnny would use stealth techniques along with specialised equipment to break in and download all of the information from the bases archives but they were still unable to find anything that could lead to the HQ of either side. They knew for sure that there was a HQ since there were repeated mentions of a 'Gods Temple' in all of the highest bases' records but there was no indication of where this 'Gods Temple' was or how to get there. The Liberated Youths were able to gain manpower and resources at an exponential rate but they couldn't effectively end the war if they couldn't find the Leaders behind it.

So far they had assassinated most of the leading rank that wouldn't join the resistance but this was only up to the Brigadier rank. There were still the Major Generals, the Lieutenant Generals, the Generals and finally the Field Marshal of each side left. There were still 4 ranks of personnel that they couldn't find and these were the exact people that were puppeteering the war. Delilah was becoming increasingly annoyed and anxious while Julia spent most of her time trying to calm her down as she would go on rampages, destroying tons of resources that they would need. Jessica had told Julia to appease Delilah so she stopped destroying tanks, jets, air carriers and the like just because they couldn't find anything.

Delilah was pretty much on a microscopic fuse when the last Brigadier was captured and tortured. They tortured him for an entire month but weren't able to find out anything no matter what they did. Lucius had tried to make a tier 3 peak rank pill called the 'Soul Stream' pill that could make anyone below the 4th tier answer any questions. It was created for law enforcement to get confessions out of criminals and such. The pill went all the way up to the 9th tier but the earliest tier was only at the 3rd since the second tier and below were too weak to induce any effect on the soul, and even then it was only possible to make a 3rd tier soul stream pill with the Lazarus bloodline. Usually it could only be made at the 5th tier when it came to other alchemists. Lucius had failed for two main reasons with a plethora of minor reasons. The main point was that he had not yet reached tier 2 in cultivation or tier 3 in alchemy and the other main point was that he had yet to awaken his Lazarus bloodline abilities. This in turn made Lucius as frustrated as Delilah was and instead of furthering his research, he spent most of his time on cultivation. He had broken through to the 9th rank in quick succession because of this and he started joining Delilah on missions more often.

Johnny on the other hand went the opposite route but still ended up in the same situation. He had begun building the clan base in the Garden with the help of the Liberated Youths new manpower. At first it was going great as he began the building of the water and heating building. This was a building where he had had Lucius build a water condenser and a heater, the water and heat from this building would be spread through the base and increase the quality of life. In Bakre, he would have had maids and butlers to fetch water and heat the beds and such but in Hazmit this was all done automatically. He had designed the plan so that this would be underneath the clan castle, the residence for the high ranking members of the clan ( i.e. Lucius, Delilah and himself). He had intended for it to be guarded by those in the castle as it was a vital place that could be extremely detrimental if gotten into. Someone could poison the water or explode the heater and destroy a big chunk of the clan. However, as he developed the plan on further he realised that some other stuff should also be put under the clan castle and he began to shove more and more stuff under the castle leading to a mess of an area.

Johnny had begun building the clan 3 months after arriving at the base but 4 months in he decided to scrap his idea and begin anew. This time he had designed a fake mountain that would cover the important facilities inside it, and at the top of the mountain would be the clan castle. He then began to plan it out meticulously and decided it was too early to make the mountain so he instead moved on to the bigger and more simplistic structures. He then began a three way process of building as he built the exact same building 3 times but in different spots and he would furnish them in different way. The first would be the dormitories, the second the classrooms, the third the library. He made each of them to be a kilometre long and 750 metres wide, three stories high for now and rectangular in shape. The idea was to build on top of them as the need arose. The dormitories would have identical rooms all throughout for now but would be customised by their owners in the future. The classrooms varied in size and style depending on what they were for as an alchemy classroom couldn't be the same as a blacksmithing classroom. The school would be floor by floor so the first was normal classes, the second for formations, the third for blacksmithing and the 4th for alchemy and so on. The library would have computers with a database including all the books that would be in there as it was a waste of space to have it be filled with paper books, it also was smarter as one could simply search up what they needed instead of searching through rows and rows of bookshelves. The system for the computers was implemented by Maria and Michael and they had already inputted all of the cultivation techniques that Lucius and Delilah had plundered along with other books and information that belonged to the Liberators. In the future the higher ranked cultivation techniques would be password locked and such.

Next was the bathrooms and such, the dormitories all included toilets and showers but if one wanted to soak in a hot bath they would have to go to the bathhouse instead. Johnny thought about it and decided to put this next to the training grounds as after a sweaty workout it would be nice to have a long bath. The bathhouse would have a communal bath, a swimming pool, a hot tub, private rooms, and higher levelled rooms where there were medicinal herbs used and such. In the future when they were rich enough, all the baths would be medicinal baths and the private baths would be better than the regular ones. The baths were of course accordingly split into male and female though. He had designed and built this after seeing how stressed Delilah and the rest were getting so after they returned from their mission and everyone was done with work, Johnny invited them all to try it out with him.

They all entered the bath and stripped. For now since there was only Johnny and Lucius and Michael they all entered with the girls since it was fine. As they walked in, the girls were mesmerised with Lucius' perfect body and were amazed by how it belonged to a 12 year old. He looked to be a man with such a toned and muscular body but his baby face betrayed him as they were reminded that this was a kid that would still be considered a baby for elves like them. Elves lived to around 250 years if they never cultivated but those that did would live twice as long as a human with the same cultivation. This was due to the natural vitality they had from being of the wood element. This also meant that Johnny would also have such intense vitality too, but his was even stronger when it reached the later stages of the Towering Wood body. Currently though, Johnny's lifespan only had a twenty year increase as compared to a human of his cultivation. Speaking of his Towering Wood body, Johnny had grown by 6 inches in these 6 months and was already taller than Lucius. The Towering Wood body did exactly what it's name said so Johnny would be a mini giant once he had reached the 9th tier. The girls were further surprised by his stature as well as he was also well built because of Orion's training and his constitution. Apart from the boys the girls were already in the water and melting away. The 3 elf ladies looked like fairies but Delilah looked even more heavenly as she shined in a hazy glow that made her seem mysterious. Her ivory white hair drooped down and covered her shoulders meeting her white skin and melting into it.

"This is soooooo nice! This is the best I've felt in months! Thanks Johnny, I really needed this." exclaimed Delilah

"N-no it's fine. I... noticed how you guys were all frustrated because of the missions so I thought we should have a rest and refresh our minds." replied a blushing Johnny.

"This is stupid, we should be out there searching for the HQ still!" harrumphed Julia

"Jeez, will you chill out man. Johnny did something nice and you go on about that again. One bath won't make a difference in finding them you know, at most you could cover what? 30 km? 50 even? So instead of ruining this can you just shut up and let the water take you to heaven." murmured Maria in an enraptured tone as she slumped further into the bath.

After that Julia stayed quite and let herself melt away, a smile slowly creeping onto her face. The rest also began to relax and let themselves go further as they looked up at the sky. Johnny had used an illusion formation to make the ceiling see through so as they looked up they were able to see the inky sky with the little blots of white and yellow shining through. Lucius looked up at the two moons and remarked in his mind about the fact that there were two. In Bakre there was only one moon but here there were two.

Lucius stared at the two moons as he let his mind go and only gazed at the two perfect circles. It was a full moon currently and the light reflecting off the moon made the haze of the bath even more powerful. However, Lucius began to look closer as he realised that the moons weren't perfect circles. Unbeknownst to him, the mind pearl he had created at the beginning of his cultivation began to spin slowly. Slowly but surely, the speed picked up as the mind pearl started to glow in the same light as the two moons and after around half an hour, the mind pearl let out a haze of its own that drifted through Lucius' head and into his eyes. At this point Lucius was already half asleep but when the haze entered his eyes they magnified the moons in his eyes. It began to magnify further and further as he then woke up in his mind and felt the strangeness of what was happening. Instead of ending it abruptly he shifted his vision slightly to just one moon and before long he had zoomed in enough to see a city of buildings on the moon!


At the same time that Lucius and co. were soaking in the bath calmly, on a certain moon there was completely chaos.

"What the fuck is going on!? Can any of you pieces of dog shit tell me how the fuck we lost ALL OF OUR COMMANDING OFFICERS, IN 6 BLOODY MONTHS!" shouted Axolot Yamir, Field Marshal of the Yamir.

"W-w-w-we don't know sir! It's those measly Liberated Youths. I think they made a super powered android that keep destroying all of our tanks and jets like its nothing. It's completely insane sir!" explained a Lieutenant General.

"We should stand back sir, they can't reach us if we stay here anyway and there have been reports of two other super powered androids as well but they don't come out as often. We've already lost our men on the ground so we can't do anything significant anymore." requested one of the Generals to the side of Axolot.

"God damn it! Fine, fuck it, DEPLOY MAXIMUM SECURITY DEFENSES" Axolot shouted as he left the room in a rush. As soon as he left, the remaining men all scrambled to work as they employed the 'God Temples' God level security systems.

Across at the other moon, a similar situation took place with the Batak's as well.