
Cosmic Shadow: Ascension of Astronax

In the abyss after death, the soul of a long-extinct cosmic entity wanders, lost and forgotten. However, in a mysterious twist of fate, it awakens in the depths of a young human's body, who has just seen his engagement shattered by the woman he loves. Indifferent to the young man's suffering, this newly incarnated soul yearns for a very different conquest: the relentless domination of the world. But the price is high, as to unleash all its power, it must first strengthen its mortal host. While it weaves its insidious plans, a malevolent shadow advances, threatening to reduce the world to nothing. In this clash between a power-hungry cosmic entity and an imminent evil, destinies intertwine in a dangerous dance that could seal salvation or destruction.

NilfenNoctunal · Fantasía
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4 Chs

Chapter 1: Part One

In the void of the afterlife, the soul of an ancient cosmic entity wandered. No one knew how long that soul had been there, but it was known that once in the past, the being to which that soul belonged had ruled as a tyrant for many years, enslaving, killing, and torturing with its immense, immeasurable power. It was a deity, a demon, a being for which the only definition was something out of a nightmare. The utterance of its name was but a whispered breath carried away by the wind, "Astronax," and it could even make the shadows themselves cower.

Its form was a cosmic nightmare, a terrifying fusion of divinity and abomination. Astronax's skin, if it could be called that, was a dark mass of shadows that devoured light. Its eyes were empty sockets, shining like dead stars.

Its limbs were twisted, as if made from colliding galaxies. Deformed tentacles and appendages extended from its body, vibrating with unnatural energy. Parts of its form were adorned with shards of black, gleaming armor, creating an aura of malevolence.

Astronax had no face, only a dark aperture where its mouth should be, a gateway to its corrupted soul. Its name was whispered in fear, making the shadows quiver.

Those who faced Astronax and managed to keep their sanity intact described it as a vision of cosmic terror, an inexplicable aberration. Its tyrannical reign left scars on the universe, and its condemned soul wandered eternally, an endless nightmare.

No one knows how this aberration was killed, as its demise remains shrouded in a dark and chilling mystery, as if the very universe had chosen to forget the act that put an end to its terrifying existence. Repeating once more: no one knows how that abomination had been killed.

But now, no one remembers its name except for the gods, and even for them, it's just a fading memory or just another bedtime horror story from a distant past they no longer recall. After all, they didn't even exist yet when that terrible being was slain.

However, all of this was about to change because three of them were debating whether they should reincarnate its soul into a human body.

A rather illogical notion for beings known for their great power and immense wisdom, if you ask me.

In a vast and imposing hall that transcended dimensional bounds, two entities of immense presence engaged in an intense dialogue. The grandeur of this space mirrored the complexity of the issues they debated.

One of them was the goddess Raelia, personifying justice in a majestic and imposing manner.

Her dark hair flowed gracefully over her shoulders, crowned with symbols of the scales of justice. Her face was flawless and serene, with deep, penetrating eyes of intense blue. A pair of white and blue wings extended from behind her back.

Clad in an elegant black tunic reminiscent of a priestess, she also wielded a balanced scale and a golden sword, symbolizing her impartiality and power. Her posture was firm and confident, inspiring awe and reverence as the guardian of morality and ethics, the living embodiment of justice.

The other was the god Umayr, lord of the underworld and representative of cunning and opportunity, with a sinister and enigmatic appearance.

His body was shrouded in a cloak of deep shadows that created an aura of darkness and mystery around him. His face remained largely concealed beneath a dark hood, revealing only his piercing, crimson irises. His slender form seemed devoid of life, like a shadow in the world of the living.

His voice was seductive, promising power and wealth to those who dared to enter the underworld.

Umayr personified the dark side of existence, always lurking in the shadows, ready to offer tempting opportunities and cunning challenges to those who crossed his path. But even he was concerned about what fate had conspired.

In fact, he was more interested in getting to know the being who could deceive others using the truth before he even crafted the lie.

"We can't do this!" Raelia exclaimed, her voice filled with despair.

"Please, Raelia, try to understand. The fate of the world depends on this; it's the only option," the god Umayr urged her with urgency.

"I understand, but have you considered what will happen if he turns against us? Have you heard the stories about him from the past, and what if they're true? Bringing him back to the mortal world could be suicide," Raelia expressed her deep concerns about the situation.

"He won't," declared the third individual, who had been silent until then. His voice exuded unwavering confidence.

"Lord Arasil, do you truly believe this is a sensible idea?" Raelia questioned, her voice laden with skepticism.

The god Arasil, the personification of order and chaos, had an imposing and majestic appearance that intensely conveyed this duality.

His slender body radiated balance and authority, clad in a mantle that symbolized the opposing forces he represented. Half of the mantle was white, signifying order, and the other half was dark, representing chaos, merging at the center.

His face was also divided, with one half harmonious and calm and the other chaotic and turbulent. His eyes were of different colors, one serene blue and the other fiery red, reflecting the duality of order and chaos. His long hair alternated between white and dark, and his voice conveyed the complexity of his divine nature.

As the father of all, Arasil represented the interplay between order and chaos that shapes the universe. His imposing figure inspired respect, reminiscent of the eternal dance of these opposing forces that shape the cosmos.

"If we had other alternatives, Raelia, I would have used them, but unfortunately, we do not," Arasil replied with a serious expression.

Before the goddess could speak again, Arasil continued with confidence.

"I understand what you're thinking, Raelia, but I can assure you he will be on our side."

"If you say so. I'll trust you," Raelia agreed.

Feeling defeated, the goddess Raelia could only sigh before following behind Arasil to an adjacent altar, accompanied by the other god.

They arrived at the altar, which had an impressive structure made of white marble, adorned with intricate details. It stood on a raised pedestal, prominently standing out in the surroundings.

A soft golden light radiated from the altar, creating a solemn atmosphere. Lit candles around cast dancing shadows over the divine representations, with fresh flowers and fragrant incense as offerings.

It was a sacred place where deities gathered to discuss the fate of the mortal world and maintain the balance between divine forces, among other matters.

Each of the three gods carefully positioned themselves at one of the altar's ends, and the altar began to emit a vivid glow, revealing their distinctive marks.

Arasil, with his mark depicting an intertwined sun and moon, created a dazzling image symbolizing balance and harmony.

Raelia, with her scale-shaped mark, stood out with imposing elegance, symbolizing justice.

And Umayr, with his mark resembling flickering flames, evoked the intensity of ever-moving fire.

"Since all are in agreement, we shall commence the reincarnation ritual of Astronax," declared Arasil with a solemnity that permeated the air, echoing like a divine decree.

The gods remained still in their positions, their marks shining intensely on the altar as if they possessed a life of their own. An ancient aura enveloped the scene as the power of the three converged for a singular purpose, causing ripples in the very fabric of reality.

The light emitted from the marks of Arasil, Raelia, and Umayr intertwined in a hypnotic dance, expanding throughout the chamber. A chain of cosmic energy began to materialize at the center of the altar, forming an ethereal presence that briefly hung in the air before dispersing, indicating that the ritual had been successful.

The soul of Astronax had been incarnated into a mortal body. The Great Aberration was alive again, ready to unleash the unknown upon the world.

The gods awaited with anticipation for this unknown to reveal itself as their world's salvation because he was their only hope against the imminent evil approaching like a threatening shadow.

"Now there's no turning back; I sincerely hope we've made the right choice," remarked Raelia, her words laden with uncertainty and concern.

"Don't worry, Raelia. I have the conviction that he will be by our side," said Arasil, his voice resonating with unwavering confidence, despite the shadows looming over the uncertain future.

The deities watched in silence as the cosmic energy dissipated, indicating the success of the ritual. A sense of tension hung in the air as the outcome of their decision began to manifest.

Arasil remained confident, but his mind was filled with questions. He looked at Raelia, whose eyes conveyed her apprehension, and at Umayr, whose expression was unreadable beneath the dark hood.

A murmur of concern spread among them, as what was about to happen was unknown, and the hope that the rebirth of Astronax could be the world's salvation was intertwined with the fear that the Great Aberration might bring destruction.

In this moment of uncertainty, the gods stood united in their decision, gazing at the horizon and awaiting the emergence of Astronax in the mortal world. An unknown destiny awaited all, and only time would reveal if their choice had been the right one.

The chapters will have an average release rate of one every two weeks or more. The rest of the chapter can be read in full in advance on my Patreon, along with character artwork: patreon.com/NilfenNocturnal.

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