
Cosmic Deity

Born in a world run by supernatural powers that was run by the law of the jungle, but abandoned by his unknown parents in a facility when he was born for money, he grew up only experimented on and always remained in a all white empty room and only wore all white clothing, he was a clueless kid and all he knew was pain of needles constantly stabbing him for experiments, whilst also being put in water filled pods for days straight being tested on, But one day, a reckless experiment the scientists performed on him made him to die slowly in extreme pain, just as he was about to take his last breathe thinking he was going to die, a weird ray of light was brought to his dead eyes and a mysterious person appeared before him...

MoonBreath · Fantasía
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15 Chs

Star Kingdom

As I started traveling again, I thought about the previous fight and said "If all the beasts at my level is like that, I won't be able to make much progress with my fighting experience, I need to fight stronger beasts."

I set that thought aside and then said "Is there even any civilization where I'm headed, I have been traveling for a long time and their isn't even any signs."

I stopped leaping from tree to tree and landed onto the ground and said "I wanted to fly as my last resort as I wasn't the best at it, but I won't get any better if I don't do it at all."

I started to flap my wings quickly ascending in the air, I was really high in the air as I didn't want to hit anything as I was flying.

I stopped my ascent and started to fly forwards at a quick pace, I was going fast enough that everything below me looked like a blur, strong wind was constantly flying in my face but I didn't mind it.

I was like a missile in the air, except I was way faster, I knew that I would find something eventually at this speed, and just when I said that, suddenly I saw an outline of something in the distance.

It had an unbelievable width and height, and I guessed that it was a kingdom, I was excited of not of being able to met new people, or being around any, but all the dead people that was soon to be used for my cultivation.

Though I knew I had to get a lot stronger than I am now to kill everyone in their, I sensed a countless number of people in their way stronger than me.

I smiled sadistically at the numerous amount of people inside.

I stopped flying and went back down to the ground making sure I was undetected, I saw an entrance to the building and saw a line of people waiting to get inside.

I saw two lines, one of them looked like they were showing guards a card to access inside, that one was much longer than the other and it was faster.

The other line almost looked like an office at the entrance, it looked like guards were handing people their custom made one and I guessed they had to keep it and not lose it.

I quickly put the thoughts together, and I figured that you needed some entrance pass to get inside the kingdom and the one on the right was for newcomer residents to get an access card.

The kingdom was surrounded by a tall brick wall, I saw multiple tall structures inside, and a countless number of smaller ones.

I quickly walked to the newcomer side and waited in line for my turn.

*30 Minutes Later*

I was finally in the front and I guard was standing looking at me, I put my wings away earlier as to not catch attention and put my hood on.

The guard looked down at me and said "What is a kid like you doing here alone?" I didn't answer immediately and just said "Things happened so now I'm here alone."

The guard huffed and went back to his duty and said "Give me you're index finger." I nodded and put my index finger up, he grabbed it and placed it on this weird metal small platform.

Suddenly a green light appeared under my finger and it looked like it was scanning it.


After about 2 minutes of that, suddenly a metal card was formed on the same platform and the guard said "Keep this, it is an entrance card as to show that you can gain access in the kingdom, if you lose it, it cannot be replaced."

I nodded and grabbed the card and before I walked inside I asked the guard "What is the name of this place?" The guard replied with "Star kingdom"

I looked back forwards and walked inside, and once I laid my eyes inside I was surprised, the place was roaming with people everywhere, in every corner, their was food places, bars, clothes shops, and even weapon shops, their also seemed to be antique shops.

I had never seen so many people before, and everyone seemed like aliens to me, I was getting nervous and felt like I was about to pass out, for some reason I was shaking a lot but I knew that having a weak front would only get you killed.

So I covered up this as much as possible and said in my head "That's right if they are all killed, I won't have to worry about that."

I gathered my composure and looked around and thought "First I need to find a way to make money here to live, even though I was miserable in the lab, they gave my books to read to make sure my brain was functional."

I then thought "Just like in the books, is there some sort of adventurers guild or something?"

I started to walk around the kingdom to see if there was something of anything like that.

*25 Minutes Later*

I finally found a huge building that said on top "Adventurer Hall" I quickly walked inside by pushing the double doors.

As I did, their were a countless number of people cladded in silver armor, or armor that looked more expensive than others, some were light armor, some was heavy armor.

Some had a huge broad sword, while some had knives, or slick swords, their were also weird people dressed in robs and a hat, and they were carrying an oversized stick that had a weird shinny orb on top.

They all also had a very strong presence, I noticed a front desk in the distance and a lady in a suit was behind it.

I gulped and said "Maybe that's where I register to be an adventurer" I started to walk towards the desk hoping everything would go smoothly...

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