
Cosmic Chronicles

Shawn, an ordinary teenager was blessed by the legacy of Immortal Cultivation System. The system gave him the ability to cultivate, allowing him to grow stronger and break through the shackles of morality. But who gave him this godsend opportunity, and why? This is the story of Shawn, going against the heavens and fighting angels and demons. Will he surpass all and ascend to Immortality or will he give in to the cruelty of the world and succumb like countless others? Embark on a journey with Shawn, as he navigates the intricacies of the boundless Cosmos, trying to find the identity of the mysterious benefactor.

Daoist_FG_007 · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
12 Chs

Chapter 4: Token of Zestria

Chapter 4: Token of Zestria

[Token of Zestria

Artifact Rank: Legendary

Description: Zestria is a high-ranked world.

Its size is 20 times that of Earth. The total

surface area of Zestria is 3,800,000,000 sq.

kilometres. The gravity is approximately

4 times stronger than Earth's. The Mana is

much denser and resources are abundant.

There are different factions, Sects

Clans, Kingdoms, Empires and Alliances that

rule over the lands, while the seas are home

aquatic beasts, spirits and even humanoid


The Token of Zestria will teleport the user to

a random place in Zestria depending on the

user's cultivation. They will be allowed to

stay there for 1 day in Earth's time before

they are returned.

Token of Zestria can be used once every 7


Shawn's eyes widened, reflecting a mixture of awe and disbelief. His breath caught in his throat, as he absorbed the details of the Legendary Artifact. Suddenly, the Token felt heavy in his hands, as he realized the implications.

"Zestria...20 times the size of Earth... 4 times the gravity...ruled by human factions and beasts. Hah... this is beyond anything I could've ever imagined." Shawn muttered. His eyes filled with expectation and excitement. He felt surreal as he eagerly looked forward to his adventures in the future. The prospect of stepping into a world straight out of fantasy truly left him astonished.

It was then that he figured out the true objective of his first quest, "Hey, System. I take it that Revolving Core is the bare minimum level required to survive in Zestria, isn't it? In fact, I believe I have no choice but to go to Zestria if I want to know the mysteries of the Immortal Cultivation System. Am I right?"

[Affirmative, Host. It is just as you have

guessed. If you step into Zestria before the

Revolving Core Realm, you will be crushed by

the gravity before anything else could kill


"If even Foundation Establishment Stage beings can't survive under the gravity, then how can newborns do so?"

[Most of the towns and cities in Zestria have a formation placed to reduce the suppression of gravity. Otherwise, a cultivator at the Soul Awakening Realm or above has to protect the child with their Aura. Many also buy charms and talismans to protect their infants]

"That would explain how life thrives in such a place. Anyhow, get ready, System. From here on starts the journey of Shawn Lawrence, the greatest cultivator to ever exist beneath the heavens. I will become the strongest cultivator in all of the cosmos! Be the witness to my rise." He exclaimed, unable to contain his excitement over the prospect of starting his Immortal journey. While Shawn was busy imaging his ascendance to heaven, the door to his room opened.

"What happened, dear? Who are you speaking to? Are you alright?" Jeanne walked into the room, worry etched on her face.

Caught off guard, Shawn fumbled for an explanation, before saying the first thing that came to his mind, "Um... No one, Mom. Just practising my speeches...um..for, you know the inter high school debate competition."

"Huh? Since when did you join the debate club? And why have I heard of it?" Jeanne wasn't convinced. Suspicious, she pried for more information.

This time, Shawn had nothing to say. He started sweating profusely as panic overtook his heart.

[Tell her you plan to join now since your exams are over]

The ever-monotonous voice of the System came to his rescue as he found salvation,

"I didn't. I am planning to join now since I have a lot of free time. After all, I don't think we can go anywhere this time, not with the state I am in."

"Fine, just take it easy. Even if you're fine now, we don't when you'll collapse again. Now go wash up and come down for breakfast." Saying that, Jeanne left the room. Shawn heaved a sigh of relief. Sometime later, he got fresh and went down the stairs into the dining hall.

Shawn's house was rather big. It looked like a miniature version of a medieval European castle. With 2 floors. The 1st floor had a kitchen, dining hall, living room and a few bedrooms. The 2nd floor had just 2 bedrooms, the library and 2 balconies, one in each room. Above that was the attic.

As the boy made his way to the dining room and sat down, Maxwell's voice reached his ears, " Are you alright son? Does it hurt anywhere?" Worry was evident in his voice.

"I'm fine, Dad. I just need to rest for a few days and I'll be good as new. You guys don't have to worry about me." Saying that, Shawn started to eat. After he was done, Shawn left for his room.

Gazing at the disappearing back of his son, Max looked at his wife and sighed, " I just hope whatever happened isn't something too serious."

"Don't worry, dear. I'm sure our son will be after a few days of rest" Jeanne tried to console her husband, even though she was worried sick too.

Back in his room....

"Okay, System. Let's start our second session already. I can't wait to set foot into Zestria" Shawn said, excitement evident in his tone.

[Before we continue, Host. You do know what you need to do before stepping into the Foundation Establishment Realm, right?]

"Of course, I do. According to the 'Celestial Breath: Cosmic Qi Refining Scripture" After I reach the 9th level of Body Tempering Realm I must open at least 9 meridians to breakthrough. However, it is highly recommended to open 36, the maximum number of meridians dormant in a human body before breaking through. This will increase the rate of absorption and refining of spiritual qi. Furthermore, when I break through to the Core Formation Stage, I must ensure that all 36 of my meridians are Celestial Meridians." Shawn explained the guidelines of his cultivation technique to the System to show that he understood what to do.

Usually, meridians can be of 5 grades: Inferior, Mediocre, Superior, Supreme and Perfect. However, the Cosmic Qi Refining Scripture is a cultivation technique that requires the cultivator to absorb and refine Cosmic Qi. Cosmic Qi is a level higher than ordinary Spiritual Qi. If normal meridians absorb such powerful energy, the cultivator will burst in bloodmist. So a special kind of meridians, namely the Celestial Meridians are needed to refine such Qi. This will also cause the Revolving Core of the cultivator to turn into a Celestial Core.

In order to cultivate Celestial Meridians, the cultivator needs to slowly temper his meridians with Cosmic Qi. Normally, even that would be impossible. But Shawn's cultivation technique allows him to refine 1 wisp of Cosmic Qi per day after he reaches the peak of Body Tempering Realm. He has to gradually open all 36 of his meridians using Cosmic Qi. Only then will he be able to cultivate Celestial Meridians. If he condenses even one Non-Celestial Meridian, he would be unable to cultivate the 'Celestial Breath: Cosmic Qi Refining Scripture'.

[Affirmative, Host. Now we can begin your second cultivation session.]

As soon as Shawn heard the words of affirmation, he sat down in the iconic lotus position and began chanting his technique.


A/N: Good day, readers. This is my first Webnovel, so there are bound to be mistakes and some areas might feel lacking. I hope you guys will inform me about any oversights as well as help me increase the quality of my work. I am open to any advice, ideas or suggestions.